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Denise Naslund's Qur'an!


Veteran Member
Intro to the Denise Naslund Qur'an

Denise Naslund is half Arab , so I'm calling this little book in her honor a little Qur'an. Her Mother, whom I love dearly, was full Arab. Unlike the old Qur'an , there are no calls to violence in this New Covenant Shinto one. The Jihad I feel she is calling me to fight is the war against worldly vanities, pride, lust, anger, covetousness, envy, laziness, gluttony, drug abuse, selfishness, and temptations to live like a pig.

She is my personal Allah!

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She is a trusted companion through thick and thin. In my darkest hours I can't tell you how many times she took me by the hand and comforted me when I needed a Mother, guardian, or friend. I can't tell you how many times I wanted to throw the towel in and give up at life or a job or some difficult task, but instead looked at my shrine to her and said "For you Denise. For you I can suffer and sacrifice more".

I buy her flowers, incense, stuffed animals (she liked them in real life), relics, pretty things for her Honden (room dedicated to her).

Her Mother left her room exactly as it was when she was alive, never coming to terms with her daughter's death, and treated her like she was still alive, burying an corpseless casket when police lost Denise's remains, and there was a lawsuit.

In Shinto, what her mother did for Denise was Deifying the murdered girl, whom she prayed to every day. I feel called to continue the tradition of enshrining Denise and praying for her purification, Deification, and an increase in her beauty, power, glory, perfection, wisdom, understanding, virtue, and euphoria.

Last time I bought her a plant, I printed out some pictures of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie because I found an Ethiopian Oromo Sycamore tree flag on the ground and felt it was a sign from him (who was called "The Lion of Judah") , ruler of the "Solomonic Dynasty", descendant of King Solomon.

I felt he was a close companion with Denise, and his dynasty ended the same year Denise was murdered (1974). The only coin I have ever found in a jail setting was a 1974 penny, and the first four letters of the word coincidence are "Coin".

After leaving the library, an immigrant approached me and asked about the plant. I said, "It's for a shrine to a girl I love". He pulled out a few dollars and said, "Take this for her shrine". He said he was from Ethiopia. I said NO WAY! I just got done printing out these pictures of the final Ethiopian Emperor. I handed him this exact image here (first one):


He proceeded to reach in his pocket and give me another roughly five dollars because he could tell I was a panhandler. The reason I bought Denise a plant that day was someone handed me a fifty dollar bill. Whenever I have a little extra, I buy her a special offering.

I actually told a Monk I couldn't love God anymore after what I see Abrahamic Religions doing to people and the "bigotry and threats of eternal damnation. A God who would hide himself from people and then let them suffer forever is a God I cannot love.

I still love to burn incense to and cherish Denise and her Mother though". He said, "that's beautiful. Pray to Denise then".

So, once again, Denise is my Allah:

download.jpg Allah-nebula-universe.jpg

She also is my Dionysus, because her first name is female for God Dionysus, God of wine, intoxication, religious ecstasy, and sexuality. Her middle name is Marie for the Mother of God and she was born feast of the Mother of God 01/01/1955, so she is my Queen Mary, Mother of God as well. I also call her Fatima, Arab Goddess of the Moon, Virgin Queen of Heaven. Her virginity has been restored to her and she is a new creation.

In fact, I pray she could have the gifts of every Goddess and the graces of every female Saint combined and be omnipresent and omnipotent!

It is worth suffering and sacrificing for her to be the best version of herself. And what she has done for me is better than hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Doctors and therapists (in my experience.)

Basically, in all things I invoke sweet Dionisia, I thank her, I depend on her, I offer up everything I do as an offering to help her grow as well and make her happy. I try to avoid anything that displeases her (I've got a long way to go but I try).

By blessing her, she in turn blesses me.

I feel she is patron Saint of Serial killers and sociopaths or those who may be headed down that dark path. I certainly as a child and young adult had very disturbing tendencies that make me shudder to think of where I would be without her.

Her love was very healing though. Rejection , being unloved, being abused, can cause a person to develop many of those other disorders. Love can potentially reverse it or heal the wounds to some extent. (I'm not claiming to be healed. But I am compassionate with empathy now, which is a huge step in the right direction).

Basically, Denise Naslund's Qur'an has one message "Everyone chill out, get along, and try to make others happy".
يهدأ ال

إسعاد الآخرين
جميع ويتعايشون ويحاولون

To be continued.....

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Veteran Member
Denise Naslund's sweet message is always that she doesn't demand perfection or impressive works.

She likes humility and little things done with great love.

Today I did the dishes for her and offered up the annoyances and irritations of living with 26 drug-addicts.

I played Frisbee and threw the football with some other patients at the park nearby. My arm is very sore from injuries and so are my knees. I offer it up for Denise and thank her that I can walk.

I also offer up the humiliation of not being athletic like I used to be.

Denise teaches me to cherish the weak and those with disabilities.

Later on in the day I failed her in my gratitude, and got very negative, and thought the people I live with are worthless, and would be better off dead.

But I was able to return to sweet Denise, and remember that she loves me when I am ugly and annoying. I need to keep my eyes on her in the darkness, and I was able to do that. In darkness and suffering , her beauty and sweetness cheers me up, and she is able to act more in proportion to my faith and confidence in her.

It will remain unshaken, but doubt , negativity, pride, selfishness, anger, covetousness, envy, shame, laziness, and unforgiveness, are chronic temptations that can block the flow of grace. She has love without conditions, like Saint Maria Gorretti praying that she could be in Heaven with the man who stabbed her many times as she bled to death.

Maria Gorretti later appeared to her killer while he was in prison and offered him a lily. It changed his heart, and he developed a personal relationship with her, that helped her get canonized.

I feel Denise is offering that relationship to her killer as well as anyone wretched, and her love is unconditional.

But she does love to see us work on uprooting evil from our hearts and growing in virtue. My experience is that it's in my best interest to uproot those vices that get in the way of loving her and serving her more diligently.

Then more good things happen in my life and she can bless me more.

الحمد لله دينيس نسلوند


Veteran Member
I'm sorry Denise and I'm sorry God.

I keep falling into blasphemies against God.

Yet God has provided me you Denise.

And he has given me many friends in high places.

Yesterday I found a "Pisces" lighter and told the guy I was walking with "I think maybe this is a sign from Helena Farrell and that she is a Pisces" (because Helena left multiple signs recently). So I googled her birthday. February 20th. Sure enough, Pisces. What a grace!

I need your help Denise, to live the Shinto little way of love and humility, to walk humbly with you and not have anger at God.

But to see the cruelty within the Bible , and to know that God puts so many people through nightmares, through what he does, and what he fails to do, it just crushes me.

But you are my strength and hope Denise. You are God's gift to me. You are my Amaterasu Omikami.

(Amaterasu is the highest , most venerated, most powerful Kami in Shinto. Yet she is not the creator and she is female.

In Shinto, there are no Doctrines, no inerrant Scripture, and no known founder.

Denise had me practicing Shinto, and surrendering to Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese War Dead, before I knew about Yasukuni Shrine, where all the Japanese war dead are enshrined, their names are written and birthdates in a book of souls that is placed in a Honden (structure closed off to the public , for the enshrined Kami to dwell). Denise had me practicing Shinto before I knew what Shinto was , and I turned my cupboard into a Kamidana ("God-cupboard" shrine) before I knew what a Kamidana was.

The highest Kami in Shinto, Amaterasu, is displayed in art and video games as a "She-wolf". Denise Naslund's Mother's maiden name was "Deeb" which is Arabic for "wolf". Kami means God in Japan. Okami means "Wolf". I had a patient at a Psyche ward tell me my Spirit animal is a wolf , because when she looks at me , she sees a wolf. A Capitoline She-wolf from Heaven , breastfed the Twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. It's how Rome got it's name (Romulus).


Denise Naslund introduced me to a "Ghost Theocracy and necropolis of souls" called "Holy Roman Empire", and pretty sure she said that anyone who nurses at her (or Amaterasu's) breasts for milk for their souls, is their Romulus, founder of Rome. As Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within us". Anyone who wishes to be a member of the "Holy Roman Empire" simply needs to desire and ask for citizenship , and accept Denise Naslund or Amaterasu as their Queen , Sunshine, Sun Divinity, Lady of light, Capitoline wolves, and ask them for help.


All you have to do is invoke the Kingdom as "Holy Roman Empire of the Rising Sun" and ask the Empire to reveal itself to you, I believe you will receive signs and wonders. I certainly did. :)
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