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Decreed Spiritual Revolution in Americas -- How?


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
Allah fulfilled His promise and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)’s ardent devotee Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) was sent as Imam of this age for the destined renaissance of Islam. This process of revival – Ahmadiyyat [the word reflects the manifestation of the name ‘Ahmad’ of Holy Prophet Muhammad, s.a.w. (Ahmad signifies the one who praises Allah, in abundance; Muhammad signifies the one who is praised by Allah, a lot)] – is Islam, the real one. This reality is blooming every day every where, regardless of any opposition.

Hadhrat Khalifah tul Messiah answered that In’sha Allah (Allah-willingly) the message of peaceable Islam will win hearts and minds of people in the USA and the world and their generation.

It is reality that God’s destiny supports His Prophets and same has been true for Promised Messiah (upon whom be peace) with God’s practical testimony. God said: ‘Allah has decreed: Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers……..’ (Holy Quran, ch 58, v 22) … … In this age, God has made promise in same words (and proved) with His appointed Promised Messiah to spread teachings of Islam.

The Promised Messiah (upon whom be peace) said:
‘God has ordained from the very beginning and has declared it His law and His Sunnah that He and His Prophets will always triumph. Since I am His Prophet and am sent by Him, though without any new Shariah, new claim or new name. Rather, I have come in the name of the Holy Prophet, Seal of all the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and as his manifestation. This is why I say that just as from ancient times, that is, the time of Adam to the time of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the purport of this verse has been fulfilled, similarly it will be fulfilled for me.’ (Translated from Tafseer ul Qur’an, Vol. IV, pp. 329 – 330)

‘Can these people stop God’s true plan, which has been testified by all the Prophets from the beginning, by their disregard? Certainly not; in fact God’s prophecy is about to come to pass that: ‘Allah has decreed: ‘Most surely I will prevail, I and My Messengers.’ (Translated from Tafseer ul Qur’an, Vol. IV, p. 330)

His Khalifah (may Allah help him) and his followers trust Allah and do not have any doubt that the Community will ever be deprived of Allah’s support.

Usually triumph means control on governmental powers or getting majority in each country. However, in God’s Sunnah (established way) triumphs are of two kinds:
A - One part of it is fulfilled in the lifetime of Prophet and through his hands.
B - Other part is fulfilled after him, by propagating his teaching.

-- A –
The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote:
‘And by predominance is meant that as Messengers (a.s.) and Prophets (a.s.) desire that God’s Hujjat [argument] is established in the world and no one is able to oppose it, so, in turn, does God demonstrate with powerful signs their truthfulness and, the truth they wish to spread in the world, He lets them sow the seed of it ’ (The Will, p. 5)

= The sowing of seed means that world comes to learn about existence of God and the God-given proofs of a Prophet.
= No one can counter Prophet’s knowledge and insight. Signs of his truthfulness are shown.
= Prophet’s opponents’ opposition may increase but they cannot win him in arguments. Because of stubborn-ness, opponents just stick with their forefather’s understandings. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his Promised Messiah (a.s.) experienced it.
= God shows Signs for Prophet. Solar Eclipses, Earthquakes and many other Sign were shown for Promised Messiah (a.s.). So-called clergies used to demand the Signs, but latter they came up with interpretations. Pious natured people kept coming in. Some hundred thousand people already came into Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s Bai’at in his life time.
= The seed sown by Promised Messiah (a.s.) is now a shadow-giving huge fruitful tree.

-- B --
= The second part of dominance of the Prophet comes after the lifetime of Prophet. His Signs and arguments continue. The opponents think that after the passing away of the Prophet, they would defeat his Community by spreading wicked thoughts and merge it back into them. Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s opponents believed the same. However, the Promised Messiah (a.s.) had foretold that he will be given triumph like the early Prophets and the triumph will continue until such time that God’s promises are fulfilled.

He said that after he was gone, people should not be distressed because his sown seed would grow into tree laden with fruits which would come to pass through (what he called) the ‘Second-Manifestation’ of God’s power i.e. Khilafat. Ahmadiyya Community is witnessing the fulfillment of this second part. God will give triumph to his Community, in numbers as well. [amen]

For the promised triumph generations after generations, the Promised Messiah (a.s.) has taught his Community the Quran-based responsibilities:
= Practice Taqwa.
= Correction of ‘selves’.
= Checks on spiritual and moral conditions.
= Convey the Message granted to Promised Messiah to the world,, which is the Message of Unity of God which he delivered in service of his master The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), for the sake of establishing kingdom of God on this earth and to get rid of Shirk (making partners with God). The Promised Messiah (a.s.) said:
‘God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You, too, therefore should pursue this end, but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers.’ (The Will, pp. 8 – 9)

To serve this purpose of Promised Messiah (a.s.) his Khalifah (a.t.) expects from the Community to understand and act the following:
= Convey the Message.
= Attain moral excellence.
= Seek God’s help through payers.
= Understand the respective responsibilities.
= Efforts are fraction of the grace that comes from God, yet it is essential to perform to get blessings.
= Fruits comes only through grace of God.
= When God appoint someone, He defeats opponents and grant progress to him.
= ‘And who is better in speech than he who invites (people) to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’ (Holy Quran ch41:v34) ………………i.e inviting people to God with good works, paying rights of God and his creature, perfect obedience of God’s commandments keeping His pleasure in view.
= Practice the pledge that we shall give precedence to faith over worldly matters.
= Keep up to the expectations of previous Khulafa (r.a.) and present Khalifah (a.t) that ‘convey the Message to world tirelessly to win the heart of people and bring them together’ ……..maintain and increase the level of spiritual progress…….take the mission of Promised Messiah (a.s.) forward.
= Allah has enjoined that a body of believers should attain religious knowledge and then educate their people but He has also asked every momin (believer) to invite people to Him. Groups should be raised who convey Divine Message to people. Already, there are believers in every country who keenly call people to Allah. They are in USA too. Some uses novel ways to convey divine message.

Some believers are stall-vendors, they keep Spanish literature to convey the Message. They seek Spanish speaking regular missionary. This high spirit is seen in elders and youngers.
They are advised to send their youngsters to Jamia (religious institution of the Community) so that they can raise clergies (Mubblegheen) with respect to local language and environment.

A Hispanic ethnic resident of California is a new comer to the Promised Messiah (a.s.)’s Community. He is a model for long-term ones; he is enthusiastic to convey message of Islam. He says he knows arguments from Bible and now learning from Quran. He observes that people are turning away from Christianity but not from God. Ahmadiyya Community should come forward and fill this spiritual vacuum………….His fervour is welcomed and official planning is underway to accommodate his suggestions.

God has opened so many avenues, not only in USA but also in South American country Guatemala. An Ahmadi from there, came to meet Holy Khalifah (a.t.). He conveys Message with great zeal. He requested that literature be provided with Spanish dialect that is spoken in South America. He said there is more need to reach 400 millions in this region as compared to 40 millions in Spain.

God’s decree is leveling the field for Promised Messiah (a.s.) in USA and South America. It is said that Hispanic people are in majority in California. They have hunger for true religion. Thus:
= A special program should be formulated for this region.
= Believers who live there should assume their responsibilities.
= For now, existing literature in Spanish should be used.
= New literature in local Spanish (South American Spanish) should be developed.

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Peace be upon you.
Once previous Holy Khalifah VI of Promised Messiah (may Allah have mercy on him) saw a huge sea of Ahmadis in the dream and he felt it was in the area of Los Angeles.

Current Holy Khalifah of Promised Messiah V (may Allah help him) says that it is Divine decree that Promises with Promised Messiah (upon whom be peace) shall be fulfilled. Each follower has to align their thoughts according to it. Everyone has to struggle for it.

Some people think that being materialistic, these people (West Coast) have no inclination for religion, film industry is located here. True, yet a large section of people is waiting for us, says Holy Khalifah (a.t.). He foresees spiritual revolution of Promised Messiah (a.s.) in Americas will be from this region.

Pledge of allegiance (Bai’at) places responsibilities on Ahmadis here that they should call toward Allah according to His teachings i.e. with pure deeds and perfect obedience. They should step forward from ‘aslamna (we accept Islam / apparent obedience)’ to ‘aamanna (we believe / perfect obedience)’. There are long-times families who lived lives with perfect obedience and offered astonishing sacrifices. It is duty of their progenies to respect their aims (in faith), get blessings; self-check.

There are other immigrant believers; they were deprived of their civic rights in their homelands and they were persecuted. They were able to come here because of being from Ahmadiyya Community therefore they should show their faith by practice.

Some people who came here, at asylum are worried because they have no job. Instead of being depressed in home, they should take literature and go out for conveying the divine message. Because of blessing of conveying message, Allah will improve their conditions.

= Movement (The Jamm’at) was made to increase faith in God.
= Holy Quran teaches that faith increases with reflection and deliberation.
= Read Holy Quran regularly and ponder at.
= Do not get deprived of the vast literature of Promised Messiah (a.s.).
= Faith grows through signs. Promised Messiah was told in revelation that people will come to him from far-off places and in abundance. It was fulfilled in his lifetime, and also in Jalsa time of every country. It was also evident at this Friday sermon [on May, 10, 2013 at Baitul Hameed Mosque, Chino, California] when believers came from long distances to offer Friday Salaat behind Khalifah of the time; It is due to love for Promised Messiah (a.s.). Insight and reflection at this lead to stronger belief in existence of God.
= Another true sign of a true Ahmadi as given by the Promised Messiah was that his love of God should enhance after taking Bai’at. He said: ‘God Almighty has sent a truthful person at this time and has willed to prepare a community that loves Allah the Exalted.’
There is need to self-examine how much these matters are being abided by followers for increase in faith.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:
‘I know very well what we and our Jama’at is. Help and succour of Allah the Exalted will be with us if we tread on the right path and perfectly follow the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), make the teaching of the Holy Qur’an our modus operandi and prove this with our practice and condition and not merely with words. If we adopt this way, then be assured that even if the entire world joins forces to destroy us, we will not be destroyed, because God will be with us. However, if we are disobedient to God and have severed ties with Him, no opponent is needed and no one need make plans for our destruction; God will Himself destroy us.’ The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) also said: ‘Be very mindful that if you do not adopt Taqwa and do not copiously partake of the piety that God wants, you will be the first to be destroyed by Him because you have accepted truth and then reject it in practical terms. Do not ever rely on and be proud of the fact that you have taken Bai’at. Unless you fully adopt Taqwa, you will not be saved. God Almighty is not anyone’s relation nor does He accept concessions for anyone. Our opponents are also created by Him and you are also His creation. Mere creed will never avail unless your word and deed is the same.’
The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: ‘There is no excellence in merely avoiding sins. Our Jama’at should not suffice on this. Rather, they should endeavour to attain both excellences with effort and prayer, that is, avoid sins and adopt piety.’ He said: ‘Espouse gentleness and prove the truthfulness of this mission with your inner purity and chaste ways. This is my advice; remember it.’

To prove the truthfulness of the community, their Inner and outer selves should be same as well as words and deeds, also consider the new-comers as their own with no racial discrimination. It is misfortune to leave after finding the truth.

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:
‘Know for certain that those people are not beloved of Allah the Exalted who wear fine garments, are wealthy and epicures. On the contrary, people who give precedence to faith over worldly matters and devote themselves to God are beloved to Him. Thus you should reflect on this aspect and not the first aspect. Allah the Exalted has stated: ‘…and will place those who follow thee above those who disbelieve, until the Day of Resurrection…’ (3:56) It is true that He will triumph my followers over my detractors and opponents, but it is worth reflecting that each person who takes Bai’at on my hand does not become my follower. The word follower is not applicable to him unless and until he develops complete compliance, unless he follows with total obedience and walks in my footsteps. This signifies that God Almighty has destined a community for me which will be passionately obedient to me and will completely follow me. This assures me and my sorrow changes into hope.’

Reference: Based on Friday sermon of 10 th May 2013, by Hadhrat Khalifah tul Messiah V (may Allah help him), Baitul Hameed Mosque Chino California USA, mta.tv and alislam.org
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