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Dad, where do babies come from?


Christian Evolutionist
Oh, geez ... Umm, yeah ... ok, well babies come from a series of chemical reactions that extracted energy from their environment, forming through many process' into what we are, umm I mean into babies.

"Someone told me God created us."

Umm, yeah .... Yeah, umm I think maybe.

"Yeah dad, but how?"

Well, "God" didn't really need to think about it. Babies just form that way.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Oh, geez ... Umm, yeah ... ok, well babies come from a series of chemical reactions that extracted energy from their environment, forming through many process' into what we are, umm I mean into babies.

"Someone told me God created us."

Umm, yeah .... Yeah, umm I think maybe.
My ten year old asked where he came from the other day. I told him "your mom."

He said "no, what planet?" I told him he's a Scorpio, so Pluto. He accepted that.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Oh, geez ... Umm, yeah ... ok, well babies come from a series of chemical reactions that extracted energy from their environment, forming through many process' into what we are, umm I mean into babies.

"Someone told me God created us."

Umm, yeah .... Yeah, umm I think maybe.

"Yeah dad, but how?"

Well, "God" didn't really need to think about it. Babies just form that way.
There's always that stork!