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Curses and Hexes

The Hammer

Premium Member
Inspired by a thread in the Hinduism DIR.

In your tradition are there any rules or ideas around working with what is sometimes classified as Dark/Black magic?

Such as the Wiccan rule of three. Or Karmic consequences?

Have you ever performed a curse or a hex against a person or thing? How did it work out for you?

I've done a few. With one notable example being a curse towards the person who sexually assaulted me as a young man. Did it work or have any consequences towards me? Idk if it worked (I don't track that stuff), but I did not have any ill affects from it or what I would consider some sort of karmic turnaround.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Inspired by a thread in the Hinduism DIR.

In your tradition are there any rules or ideas around working with what is sometimes classified as Dark/Black magic?
In general, it seems to be frowned on. There are occasionally negative mentions of those who 'use mantras' to gain what they want, though in the context you can see its meaning in a detrimental way.
Such as the Wiccan rule of three. Or Karmic consequences?
Karma effects all. It isn't singled out in the same manner the Threefold Rule seems to, though. If you punch someone in the nose, cast a curse, or treat them with kindness and respect, all incurs karma(unless the action is taken from a place of true detachment).
Have you ever performed a curse or a hex against a person or thing? How did it work out for you?
Yeah, but it wasn't something I planned out. I was extremely upset with someone, uttered some words, sent some 'stuff', and dwelled in my hurt and anger for awhile.

While I didn't know what happened of my 'curse' until years later, it seemed to actually have a happy ending. I didn't talk to the person again for 8 years. In some of the conversations we had, it did seem about the time I uttered those words, his life fell apart. He hit rock bottom... and then he had to get help for the drug addiction he'd been hiding. And then he went on to rebuild his life.

So I guess it wasn't so bad in the end.

It could have been coincidental, but I remember the timing creeping me out a bit...


Premium Member
Inspired by a thread in the Hinduism DIR.

In your tradition are there any rules or ideas around working with what is sometimes classified as Dark/Black magic?

Such as the Wiccan rule of three. Or Karmic consequences?

Have you ever performed a curse or a hex against a person or thing? How did it work out for you?

I've done a few. With one notable example being a curse towards the person who sexually assaulted me as a young man. Did it work or have any consequences towards me? Idk if it worked (I don't track that stuff), but I did not have any ill affects from it or what I would consider some sort of karmic turnaround.
Let's just say I'm very careful about how I think about anyone, due to past experiences such as what JustGeorge related.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Alternatively, has anyone ever felt as if they were the victim of a curse? Either a formal one, or just suffering from another's ill wishes?


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
I didnt curse them. But i had a lot of baneful protection magick up. I prayed after an incident crying my eyes out. Not asking for the gods to harm anyone. Just venting and crying. Next thing i know that person who i was crying about their cats died mysteriously. I don't know how they didn't know either. Cats just died. Then I had a dream about Bastet where there were cat figurines. I kept picking them up and eventually i froze and asked if Bastet was calling me.

I dont know if Bastet retaliated being the goddess of cats. But if my diviniation has been right she's been in my life since i was a child only i didnt know it till i was an adult. I dont need to hex folk. Or curse them. With my gods/goddesses, and my baneful protection spells up...i don't need to
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The Hammer

Premium Member
Alternatively, has anyone ever felt as if they were the victim of a curse? Either a formal one, or just suffering from another's ill wishes?

I have felt like with how chaotic my life seems at times, that I could be suffering from the ill effects of a curse. But I tend to blame myself over others in that regard.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't believe in "cosmic justice" or "cosmic balance." The very idea of humans "getting what they deserve" just is not a thing. Humans get what happens to them - the Weave doesn't adhere to human notions of fairness. So if I want something to get what I believe it deserves, I need to set that in motion.

If I want more trees in my neighborhood, I need to help plant them. If I think Sun and Moon are worthy of worship, I need to do the songs and rituals in praise. If I suspect a student of academic dishonesty, I need to report them myself. I don't really think about it in moralizing terms, or "dark" versus "light" or whatever. What's important is to know myself, know the ecosystem, and know the limits of my own power and authority then behave accordingly.

Could tell a few stories about spellcrafts that could fall under the header "curse" or "hex." It's just not something I feel the need to do often. Maybe a dozen times, at most, through my couple decades as a practitioner at this point? Usually, spellcraft comes into play when running up against limits of power and authority. When there's not much left one can do. That's how witchcraft has been for a long time - a tool for the powerless against the powerful or their abusers. It's why it's been feared and maligned by those who want to keep everyone else in line. Don't like the idea of their lessers setting something in motion.


Well-Known Member
Alternatively, has anyone ever felt as if they were the victim of a curse?
Not me, but my mother was certainly worried.
My father's mother was half Irish and believed in certain stories from her childhood such as family members hearing a woman screaming in the night would soon die.

She also believed that she had inherited the ability to curse. She told my mother that a policeman had done something bad to my father when he was a boy. She cursed the officer and shortly after he developed facial cancer and had a horrible death.

My parents split up, very much against my Father and grandmother's wishes. My mother's next husband did not live very long and their daughter became extremely ill with kidney disease as a tiny child, shortly after his death. It was at this point that my mother told me of the curse that she thought might be on her.
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Isabella Lecour

amor aeternus est
In your tradition are there any rules or ideas around working with what is sometimes classified as Dark/Black magic?

The thing that I do, really it's my own practice rather than a tradition, basically, no one can get away with anything. If the Gods are watching you, they are judging you too. But there is something that I feel requires much thought for any working of magic, never mind separating it into categories, is that whatever change is created-it could be good-it could be bad-only time can tell. This means my intentions may miss their aim entirely and serve the will of the Gods instead.

Such as the Wiccan rule of three. Or Karmic consequences?

Oh, there are consequences! Sometimes, rather instant. Can you pay the price for what you're asking? Are you willing to live with the consequences? I call it karma but it's a Westernized idea of karma. I have to watch my thoughts and stay vigilant to the purpose I've dedicated myself too. I also have to be able to look at myself in the mirror the next morning. If I am unable to do that, then I severely messed up.

Have you ever performed a curse or a hex against a person or thing? How did it work out for you?

I practice magic and I find little difference between a curse and a blessing beyond the caster's intention. I've met people who'd I'd happily take a curse from and other's I'd run from their blessings. Magic is real, it is effective and it is a spiritual tool that deserves respect and caution.

One of my first intentional castings was a binding. I have spent decades since watching the effect that had on their life. I still believe it is beneficial yet I watch and I wonder. Only at the end, when all is measured, will it be known if it was for good or for ill in spite of my intentions all those long years ago.

I've watched others cast what even they considered a curse. I also watched it mutate and become beneficial to the person on the receiving end. Yes, I did stick my own nose into that and the Gods agreed that it wasn't fair but a price still had to be paid. All's well that ends well.

Also, I've had my fair run-ins with Lady Bast. She is a jealous Goddess over her children and those chosen guardians of her kin. I don't know if I offended her or not but in the end she has my honor and respect. Healthy respect. Which brings me to what I originally wanted to say; having been under scrutiny of the Divine, I do not know if such is a curse or a blessing but it is a trial of purification at the very least!