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Comparing the Bible to the Qur'an.


Well-Known Member
The Qur'an never says that. You are too far out there to reply to again.
Saying of the supposed prophet Muhammad, in the form of a hadith, versus the supposed saying of the prophet in the form of the Koran:

“The martyr has six unique traits: he is forgiven immediately; he sees his seat in Paradise and he is saved from the punishment of the grave; he is granted safety from the great terror [of the Day of Judgment]; a crown of honor is placed upon his head, a ruby of which is better than this life and all it contains; he is married to 72 maidens of Paradise; and he is allowed to intercede for 70 relatives.”


Well-Known Member
Saying of the supposed prophet Muhammad, in the form of a hadith, versus the supposed saying of the prophet in the form of the Koran:

“The martyr has six unique traits: he is forgiven immediately; he sees his seat in Paradise and he is saved from the punishment of the grave; he is granted safety from the great terror [of the Day of Judgment]; a crown of honor is placed upon his head, a ruby of which is better than this life and all it contains; he is married to 72 maidens of Paradise; and he is allowed to intercede for 70 relatives.”

The fact that 'Allah' used 6,236 verses to communicate his wishes to mankind, but then had to rely on Mohamed's heresay ramblings to complete the task should be a Muslim's first clue that something very illogical is being foist upon them.


Well-Known Member
“The martyr has six unique traits: he is forgiven immediately; he sees his seat in Paradise and he is saved from the punishment of the grave; he is granted safety from the great terror [of the Day of Judgment]; a crown of honor is placed upon his head, a ruby of which is better than this life and all it contains; he is married to 72 maidens of Paradise; and he is allowed to intercede for 70 relatives.”
What is a martyr, in your opinion?


Well-Known Member
The fact that 'Allah' used 6,236 verses to communicate his wishes to mankind, but then had to rely on Mohamed's heresay ramblings to complete the task should be a Muslim's first clue that something very illogical is being foist upon them.
Well, the same could be said for the followers of the false prophet Paul (Christians), his his gospel of lawlessness, or those who elected Biden and his crew of Progressives and their gospel of lawlessness (defund the police). I mean, reason or reality has little to do with how people react. With VAIDS now creeping up on the woke, there soon may be fewer crazies walking the earth. Did Canadian Government 'Admit' 74% of Triple-Vaccinated People Now Have 'VAIDS'?


Well-Known Member
Dying for a fatwa (fulfilling the Islamic law) might be reasonable for a jihadist..
I said in your opinion..
Are you a 'jihadist' .. and what is that, exactly?

My opinion of a martyr, is one the vast majority of us would agree with..
eg. someone who suffers persecution and death for advocating, renouncing (or refusing to renounce or advocate), a religious belief.


Well-Known Member
I said in your opinion..
Are you a 'jihadist' .. and what is that, exactly?

My opinion of a martyr, is one the vast majority of us would agree with..
eg. someone who suffers persecution and death for advocating, renouncing (or refusing to renounce or advocate), a religious belief.
According to the Muslim narrative, if a Muslim "renounces" Islam, he is subject to death from his religious peers. The same Muslim is not subject to death from his peers if he suffers death upon his Jewish neighbor. On the other hand, according to the teachings of the supposed Muhammad, if anyone causes strive among the children of Israel, the children of Israel have the right to execute that person. Of course, this was supposedly spoken during the early part of his mumblings.


Well-Known Member
This is a common misapprehension..
Treason is punishable by death, for obvious reasons.

What happens when a Muslim becomes an apostate and renounces Islam? This is what the Islamic scriptures say​

According to Pakistani Islamic theologian Dr Israr Ahmed (1932-2010), the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death. "Any Muslim who leaves his faith and exits from the Jammat i.e. becomes a Murtad, he must be punished with death."


Well-Known Member
According to Pakistani Islamic theologian Dr Israr Ahmed (1932-2010), the punishment for apostasy in Islam is death. "Any Muslim who leaves his faith and exits from the Jammat i.e. becomes a Murtad, he must be punished with death."
"Appeal to authority" fallacy.

Mufti says this, Mufti says that..
Quote the Qur'an where it categorically states that .. you can't.


Well-Known Member
"Appeal to authority" fallacy.

Mufti says this, Mufti says that..
Quote the Qur'an where it categorically states that .. you can't.
Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …".


Well-Known Member
Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …".
One: that verse is not specifically about the subject of a person who changes his religion.
Two: I read whole chapters/surahs, in order to qualify the meaning of verses.

i.e. the context matters.


Well-Known Member
One: that verse is not specifically about the subject of a person who changes his religion.
Two: I read whole chapters/surahs, in order to qualify the meaning of verses.

i.e. the context matters.
Someone who disavows the Muslim faith is no longer a believer in that faith, and therefore a "disbeliever". There is no equivocation concerning the verse. I mean, you are going to believe whatever you want, but you asked for the verse, and I gave it to you. Apparently, there are Muslim scholars and jihadist who read the verse as written. According to Yeshua, the "many" will follow the "false prophets" down the wide path to "destruction" (Mt 7:13-15). I imagine that around at least 10,000 jihadist have found God's justice in the 2 months. Last week, a Turkish politician called upon God's wrath against Israel, and dropped where he stood, and was carted off to the hospital after some doctor got his heart started again. You should read the Torah, the book of the people. If someone curses Israel, they will be cursed instead.

Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush


Well-Known Member

..just repeating the translation of a verse from Qur'an does nothing.
I can do that, too..

Surah 9:13: Will ye not fight a folk who broke their solemn pledges, and purposed to drive out the messenger and did attack you first? What! Fear ye them? Now Allah hath more right that ye should fear Him, if ye are believers.


Well-Known Member

..just repeating the translation of a verse from Qur'an does nothing.
I can do that, too..

Surah 9:13: Will ye not fight a folk who broke their solemn pledges, and purposed to drive out the messenger and did attack you first? What! Fear ye them? Now Allah hath more right that ye should fear Him, if ye are believers.
You and your fellow followers can repeat mumbo jumbo all you want, but apparently the God of the people does not heed your calls. Hamas, under a solemn pledge of a cease fire, broke that cease fire, and attached Israel on 7 Oct 23. Turkish law maker called the wrath of Allah upon Israel and his heart immediately stopped working. The God of Israel crushes Israel, who is the child of Jacob, whom he loved when they sinned. What do you think he is going to do to the people who are brothers of Edom, in who God hates. (Ezekiel 35) The Hamas Muslims are being crushed as we speak, and the Muslim country of Iran quakes under the gaze of the mentally enfeebled, geriatric Biden. You might want to seek a prophet to read the writing on the wall.

Ezekiel 35 The Lord spoke to me. 2 “Mortal man,” he said, “denounce the country of Edom. 3 Tell the people what I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying: “I am your enemy, mountains of Edom! I will make you a desolate wasteland. 4 I will leave your cities in ruins And your land desolate; Then you will know that I am the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Change the subject, why don't you.. :rolleyes:

Treason is the crime punishable by death.
eg. during war-time, a person changes their allegiances
You are now trying to redefine the word "treason" to fulfill your narrative. If memory serves me, the Muslims hunted down the leader of your sect of Islam because they deemed him an apostate. Apparently, he changed his allegiance. What does that make you?


  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government: