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Resident megalomaniac
From Idea Pod email -

Dancing in the chaos of uncertainty!

If you’re already whirling round the dancefloor, unbreakable in the face of all this uncertainty, that’s amazing. There’s no better way to live your life.

But if you’re standing on the sidelines, paralyzed by fear, I want you to know…

It’s not your fault.

From a young age, we're molded by external forces.

We're taught to obey our parents.

At school, we're rewarded for being obedient students and punished when we do something wrong.

We enter society as adults who are expected to do things the same way as everyone else.

We're expected to fit in.

No wonder that we feel so stressed in the face of uncertainty.

Remind me to find a link? or just search the title at Idea Pod which is a great little site!

Enjoy your browsing


Resident megalomaniac


Resident megalomaniac
Kindness is the golden thread that weaves humanity together. It’s the gentle touch, the warm smile, and the selfless act that can transform lives. In a world often bustling with chaos and noise, kindness stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us of our shared humanity.

Kindness need not be grandiose; it thrives in the simplest gestures. Holding the door for a stranger, offering a listening ear, or leaving an uplifting note—all these acts create ripples. They touch hearts, inspire others, and set off a chain reaction of goodwill.

Saidi Ibrahim