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Christians Only: Social Club Churches


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Too often churches are accused of being only "Social clubs". They are accused of not being serious because they are too social! I have heard this from several podiums speaking vaguely against other churches, and its inexcusable! I suspect that preachers who say this would be better off having never been born.

Also, if a person loves their fellow humans then you can bet Jesus is in their heart, prayer of faith or no prayer of faith. Commitment is a pursuit, but if a person has love then commitment follows like the cart after the horse. You don't have to load yourself up with promises for that to happen.

We need more pot lucks, more outings, more roller skating, more picnics, more fun. Open it up and let people do presentations and teach skills.

Also I hear people accuse churches of being too formal. That is shooting bullets at an ally. What's wrong with formality, what's wrong with dressing up nice? People dress nicely to show respect for others and through them to God. Its an act of worship.


Active Member
This is the type of church I attend. It's ran by a man and they don't even give sermons, it's essentially a place for Christians to congregate and celebrate their faith with each other.

We don't sing hyms we have christian rock and pop bands, they serve refreshments and there are lot's of Bible studies, all faiths are welcome.


Too often churches are accused of being only "Social clubs". They are accused of not being serious because they are too social! I have heard this from several podiums speaking vaguely against other churches, and its inexcusable! I suspect that preachers who say this would be better off having never been born.

Also, if a person loves their fellow humans then you can bet Jesus is in their heart, prayer of faith or no prayer of faith. Commitment is a pursuit, but if a person has love then commitment follows like the cart after the horse. You don't have to load yourself up with promises for that to happen.

We need more pot lucks, more outings, more roller skating, more picnics, more fun. Open it up and let people do presentations and teach skills.

Also I hear people accuse churches of being too formal. That is shooting bullets at an ally. What's wrong with formality, what's wrong with dressing up nice? People dress nicely to show respect for others and through them to God. It’s an act of worship.
In general I think variety in different church groups and denominations can be a positive thing. For one thing, the Body of Christ is composed of a variety of people from different backgrounds and experiences. So some styles or different atmospheres of various groups suit different people and everyone is at a different place in their walk with the Lord, with different gifts to use serving at church or community. As long as a church loves and glorifies Jesus Christ, stands on scriptures, holds to the essential doctrines of biblical faith then I think there is room for variety. Much better than every Christian looking or acting cookie cutter identical, the way cults attempt to have everyone conform.


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In general I think variety in different church groups and denominations can be a positive thing. For one thing, the Body of Christ is composed of a variety of people from different backgrounds and experiences. So some styles or different atmospheres of various groups suit different people and everyone is at a different place in their walk with the Lord, with different gifts to use serving at church or community. As long as a church loves and glorifies Jesus Christ, stands on scriptures, holds to the essential doctrines of biblical faith then I think there is room for variety. Much better than every Christian looking or acting cookie cutter identical, the way cults attempt to have everyone conform.

In the meantime some things the churches could improve on are: helping young people to meet mates, helping divorced people not to feel so bad, educating the poor and perhaps helping to revive the down-and-out. The church should be very interested in encouraging employment, marriage and all things related to marriage and saving the lives of those who are failures. Maybe help them get back to a normal life. These are areas that need improvement. I'm not saying that no effort is made. I'm saying it needs improvement. I think some socializing would help and hosting social events. I think 'Social club' churches should be encouraged rather than discouraged.
As long as a church loves and glorifies Jesus Christ, stands on scriptures, holds to the essential doctrines of biblical faith then I think there is room for variety. Much better than every Christian looking or acting cookie cutter identical, the way cults attempt to have everyone conform.

I think there should only be a few requirements to assemble: 1 peace with everyone 2 forgive everyone 3 eat and drink the body of christ regardless of whether we think its literal or metaphor. I don't think we are required to do any gatekeeping beyond that. I'm not saying all doctrines are equal or that your brain should turn off, and I'm not saying you shouldn't teach and entrust things you know to people who will keep them. I'm saying that it shouldn't exclude anyone from communion.


In the meantime some things the churches could improve on are: helping young people to meet mates, helping divorced people not to feel so bad, educating the poor and perhaps helping to revive the down-and-out. The church should be very interested in encouraging employment, marriage and all things related to marriage and saving the lives of those who are failures. Maybe help them get back to a normal life. These are areas that need improvement. I'm not saying that no effort is made. I'm saying it needs improvement. I think some socializing would help and hosting social events. I think 'Social club' churches should be encouraged rather than discouraged.

I think there should only be a few requirements to assemble: 1 peace with everyone 2 forgive everyone 3 eat and drink the body of christ regardless of whether we think its literal or metaphor. I don't think we are required to do any gatekeeping beyond that. I'm not saying all doctrines are equal or that your brain should turn off, and I'm not saying you shouldn't teach and entrust things you know to people who will keep them. I'm saying that it shouldn't exclude anyone from communion.
Yes, I agree there’s room for improvement, especially in some of the areas you mentioned. I do think God leads each group or church in different ways and some churches are stronger in certain ministries, while others are better at serving in another way. Always room for improvement, though.