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Chiefs or Eagles?

Who do you want to win the Superbowl?

  • Chiefs

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Eagles

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
Who do you want to win the Superbowl? Some might know that I live in Kansas City so naturally I want the Chiefs to win. Odds have Eagles as winning by a few points. The Chiefs have many injured players so we will see how they are come Sunday.

Mahomes just moved into a new house he had designed and built, but for about 5 years he lived about a mile and half from me. There were times I would ride my bike past his house to see if he was mowing the lawn or something. I never saw him. I went by his house last year and a garage door was open and there were five really nice cars in the driveway. I think he had some of the boys over.

One fun fact is that brothers are facing off for the first time in a Superbowl, the Kelce brothers Jason and Travis.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
As a gladiatorial clash to distract from other things happening, it looks to have the potential to be entertaining. I'm doubtful about the adverts that are supposed to be so appealing, and I'm certain I won't be watching the half-time concert...

I'm just hoping for a good, close game...:D


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm a Niners fan, and it's going to be hard to hop on the Eagles bandwagon, but...Arryn Siposs.
Gotta barrack for the Aussie.

And yes, I know it's only Australians who actually follow punters. If you all knew how to kick a ball, things would be different. But you don't.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Glad I don't live in Indiana anymore and this stuff not so massively present everywhere that I no longer just know these things (in this case who's playing) because they aren't saturating the air.
That means I win.:p


Well-Known Member
The Patriots are not playing so I have little interest in the super bowl this year. There has always been a lot of betting on the game, but now in Massachusetts sports betting is legal in person at the casinos.
Might be a lot of unhappy people post game.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Who do you want to win the Superbowl? Some might know that I live in Kansas City so naturally I want the Chiefs to win. Odds have Eagles as winning by a few points. The Chiefs have many injured players so we will see how they are come Sunday.

Mahomes just moved into a new house he had designed and built, but for about 5 years he lived about a mile and half from me. There were times I would ride my bike past his house to see if he was mowing the lawn or something. I never saw him. I went by his house last year and a garage door was open and there were five really nice cars in the driveway. I think he had some of the boys over.

One fun fact is that brothers are facing off for the first time in a Superbowl, the Kelce brothers Jason and Travis.

I don't really care about either team. I'm not really much of an NFL fan anymore, but when I was more interested, I rooted for the Broncos, which has had a longstanding arch rivalry with the Chiefs. I used to really hate the Chiefs (and the Raiders and Cowboys, for that matter), but I'm more mellow about it these days.