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Active Member
In the complex world we live events appear to happen randomly, however some apply numerology in such a way as to find patterns that relate to actuall events. The use of word finding in the Bible that then correlate to actual events and people is no different than numerology. To give an example: below describes an expansion of The Book of Danel's 1260 dooms day number, the events and places are real and the numbers are not invented.

The funny thing though, there may be some irrational number that will actually contain every important date for human kind's past and future...



Daniel's prophecy of 1260 years is actually a coded number!

Note the symmetry of the series when added and subtracted then taking the results' absolute values:

1+2+6+0 = |9| = 9. Square root of 9 is 3.
1-2-6-0 = |-3| = 3. 3 squared is 9.

So the number appears to be of a deliberate design or meaning.

Here is one way of looking at it:

Sympathizers for the Jewish control of Israel were the British and the United States. Newton figured out from Revelations and the Book of Daniel that Israel would come back with help from sympathizers. So looking at the number 1260 and breaking the number into double digit code segments we get 12 and 60. Using the English system we have 12 inches which equals a foot and 60 inches, where 60/12 = 5 feet. The only significant meaning of 5 feet would have to be a electromagnetic wavelength. Could this signify an ET radio transmission that will be received in the future?

In calculating the frequency of the wave length of 5 feet a conversion is used where the rough approximate figure of 3 feet to a meter, which results in 1.6666666667 meters, 5/3 = 1.6666666667, and the speed of light is in meters per second. Since revelations has only three digits for the number of the beast the number is truncated to three decimal places to 1.666, note the number of the beast.

The conversion is done this way because the radio transmission is going to be a world event and the world's standard is the metric system, however the United States has had a reluctance to adopt socially the metric system, because of this, me being a native born U.S. Citizen, I naturally used the approximate figure of 3 feet as a quick reference to make the conversion after looking up the speed of light that was sited in meters per second. While this at first appears to be an error on my part it actually is not!

U.S. Cultural attitudes have a large impact on global events. As mentioned earlier sympathizers of Zionists is what turned the Israel into a Jewish controlled state. The U.S. is actually a Christian biased state whose general religious population want an Armageddon to bring forth Christ's new world order. The reinstatement of Jewish control over Israel is pivotal in issuing Christ's new world order according to interpretations of the Book of Daniel and Revelations. Because of this religious belief and the holocaust of World War Two Israel is now a Jewish controlled state. So Newton was right about how Israel would come into being and because of the error of using 3 feet in the conversion I discovered an embedded message in the frequency. Let me explain:

When Calculating the Radio Frequency from the wavelength, (speed of light)/(wave length), we get (299,792,458 meters/second )/1.666 = 179947453.78151260504201680672269. Again the number of the beast is three digits so the frequency is truncated to three decimal places. What is left over is this: 51260504201680672269.

The number is broken into code segments as follows:

5 1260 50 420 1680 672269

Note: 5 and 1260 of the decimal series is the result and number of Daniel from the assumption that 1260 indicates sympathizer of Israel by the use of English units to calculate the wavelength of the radio
transmission. The next number is the age at which I make this discovery. My birth date can actually be derived from 1260 in the format of day month and year:

Using the pattern of subtracting 1 from each double digit of numbers in 1260 and add the two center digits for the month, below illustrates the procedure.

12 - 1 = day 11
2+6 = Month 8
60-1 = year 59

Note the simplicity and symmetry of the procedure, one does not have to reach for some irrational codex to derive the numbers. Also the century can be derived by adding the day and month, 8+11 = 19, 1959.

You'll notice in the series the number 1680, which ironically was the year of the comet that Newton witnessed and drew in his first edition of “Philosphiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.” Newton was obsessed with trying to discover the end of days through codes in the bible. Also Newton's quest is what piqued my curiosity about the number 1260. Now the number to the left of 1680 in the series is 420. Using the year 1680 as a land mark and realizing that the number 1260 is actually depicting a radio transmission then such a transmission was sent in 1680 and will be received on earth 420 years later, the year 2100. Meaning the star system the Elohim are located is 420 light years away! Also note that 1680 – 1260 = 420!

Notable individuals in the year 420 is Saint Jerome's death, perhaps indicating his interpretation of the end of days as accurate.

The last numbers of the series are the coordinates of where to find the star:

6 Hours, 7', 2"
2 Hours, 6', 9"

There are just two stars that are within one arc minute of the coordinates:

gsc_id = 0013400331-1
ra (2000) = 06 07 02.80
dec = +02 05 22.5
mag = 13.14
mu = T;
d' = 0.80
pa = 165

gsc_id = 0013400331-2
ra (2000) = 06 07 02.73
dec = +02 05 22.7
mag = 14.56
mu = T;
d' = 0.79
pa = 167

The system is a binary system about 400 light years away! Is this just a coincidence? What this implies is that some power is controlling events in human history. This being or beings is manipulating mankind right down to controlling languages, cultural attitudes and grooming individuals to make events happen...

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
This is absolute nonsense, right along with the other "Bible code" type stuff. You can take practically any number and if you're free to make any operations on it you wish and then interpret the result any way you wish, you can come up with any result you wish. It's completely asinine.


Sir, to you.
Any way all that can be summed up in one sentence using words of no more than 4 syllables?
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Active Member
This is absolute nonsense, right along with the other "Bible code" type stuff. You can take practically any number and if you're free to make any operations on it you wish and then interpret the result any way you wish, you can come up with any result you wish. It's completely asinine.

Well if that's true try it...But remember the path that I took worked on the symmetry of the numbers and the code found was embbeded in an irrational number where there were no operations performed on it...


You started with this:
1+2+6+0 = |9| = 9. Square root of 9 is 3.
1-2-6-0 = |-3| = 3. 3 squared is 9.

But 1-2-6-0= -7
Not -3


Oops, My dyslaxia strikes again! But 0-6-2-1 = -9. So the symmetry is still there.






Not really special don't you agree? :rolleyes:
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Active Member





Not really special don't you agree? :rolleyes:

Agreed, but I never said the symmetry was unique to 1260.


Lunatic from birth
First of all, there is most definitely an irrational number which contains every important date in humankind's history. As a matter of fact, there are in INFINITE NUMBER of them. And, given proper allowance for cryptographic methods, EVERY irrational number codified every important date in human history. The symmetry that exists between numbers and reality is beautiful, noted, and could be interesting. But also utterly un-causal. Without establishing some sort of causal link, you're just masturbating. At the very least, you're going to have to give reasons for the operations performed. Yes, you occasionally give some crude reasons justifying a choice, but no reasons explaining why all the other feasible operations were ignored.

Also, you're utterly abusing the entire notion of chaos. While I'll grant that the idea that patterns reflecting human life being found elsewhere is, indeed, an example of chaos, it is also an example of an utterly unmathematic process. Mathematics rests on the notion of the logically NECESSARY. Mathematics shows that a certain result is GUARANTEED given certain EXTREMELY basic assumptions. Chaos theory is a mathematical field. What you are doing is NOT mathematics.


Rogue Theologian
Paradoxically....chaos is best described without numbers.

Plotting the flight path and landing point of a dandelion seed is beyond numbers.
But the action is repeated...a lot...and the little flowers are everywhere.
Hail stones form, in various sizes, drop from the sky, and dent your vehicle at random.
Most natural events come and go....and though we try hard to be sure....
is going to rain?...or not?

The study of Chaos has been raised to a science.
Equations of probability are popping up everywhere.

But it is the repeated action...not the numbers...that make Chaos fascinating.


Lunatic from birth
Well, those repeated actions exist numerically. It's just conceptually difficult to think of it as a numeric process. But, computationally, it doesn't matter whether it is presented as action or number, because any kind of process or action or whatever can be expressed numerically.


Rogue Theologian
Well, those repeated actions exist numerically. It's just conceptually difficult to think of it as a numeric process. But, computationally, it doesn't matter whether it is presented as action or number, because any kind of process or action or whatever can be expressed numerically.

Actually .....no.

Even events that appear to be altogether repeatable have anomalies.
And when examined under one method...and then another...strong disagreement arises.

Even within the mind of the practitioner, conflict arises.
Einstein developed his theory early in the previous century.
He set it aside...he wasn't sure.
He continued his work and then went back to the previous idea.

He was seeking a mathematical expression describing the universe.
A simple and direct predictability.
He knew...to his dying day...the work was incomplete.

I will spare you the long winded version of this.
For the singularity to be truly singular....there can be no secondary point.
No secondary point...no number system...no equation.
No geometry...no height... no width...no length....no movement....no time.
No heat...no cold...no light...no shadow....no sound...no echo...


There are two sides to an equal sign. At the point of singularity, there are no two of anything.

Science can't go there.
There is no experiment to perform.
No equations allowed.


Active Member
Actually .....no.

Even events that appear to be altogether repeatable have anomalies.
And when examined under one method...and then another...strong disagreement arises.

Even within the mind of the practitioner, conflict arises.
Einstein developed his theory early in the previous century.
He set it aside...he wasn't sure.
He continued his work and then went back to the previous idea.

He was seeking a mathematical expression describing the universe.
A simple and direct predictability.
He knew...to his dying day...the work was incomplete.

I will spare you the long winded version of this.
For the singularity to be truly singular....there can be no secondary point.
No secondary point...no number system...no equation.
No geometry...no height... no width...no length....no movement....no time.
No heat...no cold...no light...no shadow....no sound...no echo...


There are two sides to an equal sign. At the point of singularity, there are no two of anything.

Science can't go there.
There is no experiment to perform.
No equations allowed.

Not really; E = mc^2 still exists in a singularity...