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Celestial Lands Online Journal


Active Member
Hello all!

I have launched a new project for myself... one that I intend mainly to benefit myself, but I am making it available to everyone.

The idea for this project began earlier this summer, as I read a Biography of Ralph Waldo Emerson entitled "The Mind on Fire". One of the important aspects of that mans life is that he was an avid journalist... in other words, whenever he had a thought, he wrote it down. Hundreds upon hundreds of journals ensued, and it is from these journals the the inspiration for his later published writings came. In fact, he spent years of his life simply indexing his journals, so they could be usefull to him as a writer.

I remember thinking, "Gosh, it would be great to have that, but so much work! And indexing them, well that would take forever!"

The other day it hit me though, the technology exists to do all the indexing for me... and that if I intend to write books later in my life, and write Sermons for each and every week, I do need that kind of a Journal.

And so, I have created and begun to populate the Celestial Lands Online Journal. I decided to put it on the web, this way no matter where I am, if I can connect to the internet I can connect to my journal.

Now, originally the idea was to be completely private, and only for me. But as I pondered it, I saw no reason not to let others view it, if not post to it. If people steal my ideas, so be it... I simply hope they will credit me for it. I hope I inspire some thought in them.

Now, no one but me can post there, except in the "Guest Book" section. This is my journal, not a forum. But if you register, you can set it to send you an email when a particular topic or section you are interested in is updated (like announcements in my life and theological development) and you can send me Private Messages by it. I also may use it to send out a newsletter to those who register sometime in the far, far future.

The entrance page for the Journal can be found at....


And here is a direct link to the journal....


This is a tool of my studies, and of my future writing. It is very early in its development, but it does have a cool new theme! I hope you will check it out from time to time, and maybe draw some inspiration from it.

Yours in Faith and Reason,

David Pyle