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Can you recommend some grimoire?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
  • Sermons to the Serpent's Servants, Vol. 1: Mesocosm
  • Book of the Black Dragon, Vol. 2: The Headless One
  • Graveyard Wanderers
  • Elucidation of Necromancy
  • Gateways of Necromancy
  • The Spider and the Green Butterfly (Voudon)
  • The True Grimoire
  • The Magus
  • Ars Goetia


I've not read any but a quick google gave me this page.
Top 10 Grimoires | OUPblog
Thank you, I've found similar site with good list but yours extends this one:
Witchcraft, demonology & inquisition

  • Sermons to the Serpent's Servants, Vol. 1: Mesocosm
  • Book of the Black Dragon, Vol. 2: The Headless One
  • Graveyard Wanderers
  • Elucidation of Necromancy
  • Gateways of Necromancy
  • The Spider and the Green Butterfly (Voudon)
  • The True Grimoire
  • The Magus
  • Ars Goetia
nice, I already downloaded some of these, will also download others.

:D Well, you can try 'Atharaveda', perhaps the oldest such collection in the world. In addition, it has many wise sayings (if one pursues it in detail). Here: Atharva Veda Index
Thanks, another unique, will download.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
nice, I already downloaded some of these, will also download others
I can share more later. I've got an overflowing library. I'm also compiling my own. When I get my personal grimoires edited and scanned I plan on posting them here first before publishing later.


Be your own guru
BTW, I have a doubt that Atharva Veda is the oldest of Vedas, the spells which the Indo-European Shamans used. It may be older than RigVeda. Also it is connected to the oldest "sage / rishi" in the Aryan lore ('Atharvan' or 'Athravan' in Zoroastrianism). Zoroaster was of the Athravan lineage. Sage Atharvan is supposed to have brought Fire to Aryans. Vedas refer to him as the father of Aryans.
IMHO, Shamans existed before religion and priests came up.
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I can share more later. I've got an overflowing library. I'm also compiling my own. When I get my personal grimoires edited and scanned I plan on posting them here first before publishing later.
You keep pdf collections or real books?
I would really like to have the one written by you, sound interesting :)
looking forward for broader list if you have!

btw do you know of any that deals with psyche? or with herbs that have an effect on psyche?


The Druidry Handbook
The Druid Magick Handbook

Edit: These are by John Michael Greer
thank you, will take a look.

according to wikipedia:
Druid - Wikipedia
Druids left no written accounts.

I've so far learned that there are many so called "cheap" grimoires, many of which not old works but dating only few centuries back when grimoires were popular.
This led me to believe that true gems are hidden from praying eyes, ie. kept private, and we are left with either commercial stuff or things which are belief oriented.
Is my observation correct?

The Hammer

Premium Member
I've so far learned that there are many so called "cheap" grimoires, many of which not old works but dating only few centuries back when grimoires were popular.
This led me to believe that true gems are hidden from praying eyes, ie. kept private, and we are left with either commercial stuff or things which are belief oriented.
Is my observation correct?

I know at least for Druidry, everything was orally transmitted. I am not sure about the grimoire aspect. But I do know that the modern stuff, does have good and useful esoteric information. It doesn't have to be "old" to be "useful". :)


I know at least for Druidry, everything was orally transmitted. I am not sure about the grimoire aspect. But I do know that the modern stuff, does have good and useful esoteric information. It doesn't have to be "old" to be "useful". :)
I've recently also read this text:
Understanding Grimoires - The Black Dragon Grimoire Reviewed - PDFCOFFEE.COM

Very useful critical text, it explains how bad grimoires found on the internet can be.
It's not only about old vs new stuff but also translation and who translated it and how.

Another example "The Sworn Book of Honorius" grimoire you can find at least 4 different translation, the best of which is the one translated by Joseph H. Peterson,
he explains how bad is translation from Daniel Driscoll who took too much freedom in translating and excluded some text from original.
This is just one example how bad translation could be, the fact that translators may miss some text is horrible for a reader or collector who want's to get as close to original as possible.

I also learnt that many gimories are made by random people who are not wizards or some exceptinal wise people, which only makes it difficult to find true gems.

Also it seems many quality stuff is held by governments and by the church.
although some can be found in online libraries but not easy.

I started to download as soon as I find, but now I'm starting over taking care to get the right thing and not some mistranslation or work of charlatans.

if anyone has good sources where and how to find such as online libraries or dark sites let me know, we could share.
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