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Black Metal & Viking/Folk Metal.... or any extreme metal


Active Member
Rather then keeping half of the Black Music thread revolving with people talking about metal I thought it would be better to start another thread on it..... so yea....




Active Member
Ody said:
Celtic Frost count? :)

They're a huge influence on Black Metal and Death Metal.... so why not. I love their new album. It's one of my favorites from this year.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

Black is the night, metal we fight
Power amps set to explode
Energy screams, magic and dreams
Satan records the first note.
We chime the bell, chaos and hell
Metal for maniacs pure.
Fast melting steel, fortune on wheels
Brain haemorrhage is the cure
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll

Freaking so wild, nobody's mild
Giving it all that you've got.
Wild is so right, metal tonight
Faster than over the top.
Open the door, enter hells core
Black is the code for tonight
Atomic force, feel no remorse
Trunk up the amps now it's night
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
metal ten fold through the deadly black hole
riding hells stallions bareback and free
faking our chances with raw energy

Come ride the night with us
Rock hard and fight
United my legions we stand
Freak hard and wild for us
Give up your souls
Live for the guest satans band

Against the adds, black metal gods
Fight to achieve our goal
Tasting a spell, leather and hell
Black metal gods rock `n' roll
Building up steam, nuclear screams
War-heads are ready to fight
Black leather hounds, faster than sound
Metal our purpose in life.
lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll
black metal


Active Member
ah, took me a second to remember that was a Venom song.



Well-Known Member
Ulver said:
Rather then keeping half of the Black Music thread revolving with people talking about metal I thought it would be better to start another thread on it..... so yea....


Who's he? Looks like Rob Halford...if Rob Halford had hair of course.

While we're on the topic, are there many girls at black metal shows and what are they like? What is general fan etiquette (do's and don'ts) at a black metal concert? And what's the deal with all the medieval weapons?


Active Member
Faint said:
Who's he? Looks like Rob Halford...if Rob Halford had hair of course.

While we're on the topic, are there many girls at black metal shows and what are they like? What is general fan etiquette (do's and don'ts) at a black metal concert? And what's the deal with all the medieval weapons?

The picture is of Ace Börje "Quorthon" Forsberg and the pic is also a link to a wiki review page of his Swedish band Bathory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathory_(band)

Bathory can be considered the first real Black Metal band. Though Venom is often cited as the first it is a matter argued in the scene as Venom musically has not too much incommon with what would come later in the 90's. Plus in terms of cited influence far more of the 90's Black Metal scene claims to take more inspiration from Bathory (or Celtic Frost) then Venom. In 1990 Quorthon also gave birth to another genre, "Viking Metal". He got tired of the satanic pulse of Black Metal and wanted something he felt he could be more connected to. This lead to with the album Hammerheart the birth of Viking Metal which is a style of Metal that takes influences from Death, Black, Power, Prog. and Traditional Metal styles (to various degrees depending on the band) and often deals with mythological/heroic themes and tales of ancestory.

In terms of your other questions. Yes, you can find girls in the Black Metal scene, but like much of the rest of Metal, girls are usually out-numbered by guys. In terms of what extent, it depends upon the country. In places where Black Metal is more popular (Germany, Norway, Sweden....etc.) you'll find more girls into it. Concert etiquette? Hmm, well, I'm from the USA and unfourtunately there simply are not a ton of Black Metal concerts there (depends on where you are in the country though), so I don't have the most experience. Though I am in europe presently and have seen a couple Black Metal shows here. It doesn't differe much from Death Metal, so lots of people wearing black and band teeshirts, lots of people with long hair or no hair, headbanging, throwing the horns in the air, & sometimes clapping/cheering. Medieval weapons? Goes back to Bathory really and was carried on in the Norwegian scene. It has a lot to with the themes of bravery and battle that can often be seen in Black Metal, but even in a lot of metal. Manowar perhaps was the first metal band ever to do this association.


Moved on
I don't listen to a whole lot of black metal, but I love folk metal. I also listen to a lot of Death metal. Not just that scream random crap stuff, but other more melodic stuff like Amon Amarth, Death, or Opeth. In the end though, I still mostly listen to folk metal and power metal.


Active Member
d. said:

Do not question the power of the God that is called Lombardo! :cool:

evidence A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0Hqb64A7mA

d. said:
but if you want extreme music, there's nothing like this :
(before clicking the link, TURN DOWN your speakers. SERIOUSLY.)

wow.... a collaboration with Sunn0))) seems to be my conclusion.


A fool
I always try to get into Black metal but I never manage to find anything that really appeals to me. I generally like really complex music but the poor production just seems to meld everything together into a wall of sound. Often after listening to a black metal album, I find that I cannot remember any particular song. Although I own quite a few (Absu, Bathory, Satyricon) the consistently poor sound quality puts me off.

I do like just about every symphonic black metal band I listen to however. And I'm not talking about Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir (although I do like them a lot as well) but bands like Bal-Sagoth and The Axis of Perdition where every note is crystal clear.

But anyway each to their own :). As far as extreme metal goes, I listen to a lot of it. Strapping Young Lad is probably one of my favourites. Meshuggah is great as well but I didn't like their most recent effort.

Opeth haven't been extreme since "My Arms, Your Hearse" in my opinion although they are my number 1 band. They are extreme compared with a lot of bands but when black metal is on the scale then it is a completely different matter. There are many other bands which I like due to the way they mix extreme themes with more melodic tones (Opeth being one of them). Most Opeth listeners will probably find something to like in Betray My Secrets (if you can find them).

Anyone here into grindcore? If so can you suggest any bands for the new listener :)?

Edit: That Masonna guy reminds me of The Locust. If you like that kind of thing then you should check them out. They are slightly more accessible and have slightly longer songs as well. My fave song is probably Moth-eaten Deer Head. Here is a clip of a different song since I couldn't find that one online :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EropQRA1WP0


Active Member
Fluffy said:
I always try to get into Black metal but I never manage to find anything that really appeals to me. I generally like really complex music but the poor production just seems to meld everything together into a wall of sound. Often after listening to a black metal album, I find that I cannot remember any particular song. Although I own quite a few (Absu, Bathory, Satyricon) the consistently poor sound quality puts me off.

I do like just about every symphonic black metal band I listen to however. And I'm not talking about Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir (although I do like them a lot as well) but bands like Bal-Sagoth and The Axis of Perdition where every note is crystal clear.

Anyone here into grindcore? If so can you suggest any bands for the new listener :)?

Well here's some videos to perhaps suite your needs:

Prog Black/Viking Metal:

(Borknagar- Future Reminiscence)

(Enslaved- Path to Vanir)

(Enslaved- Ascension [live in Bergen])

(Agalloch- Not Unlike The Waves)

ps: Agalloch and Enslaved are two of my favorite bands in the world.

as for Grindcore, I can netion a few names when it comes to classics

(Napalm Death- Interview and live tracks)

(Napalm Death- Suffer the Children)

(Napalm death-silence is deafening)

(Carcass- Incarnated Solvent Abuse)

(Nasum- Wrath)

(Nasum- Scoop)


A fool
Wow! All three of those black metal bands are excellent. I guess they are making my Xmas list :).

Napalm Death are growing on me I think although I have tried the band before. Maybe I'll check out their latest. Carcass I got into via Arch Enemy (the guitarist was so good I just had to check out where he came from) but I've only listened to Heartwork which is a bit more removed from this sort of sound.


Active Member
Fluffy said:
Wow! All three of those black metal bands are excellent. I guess they are making my Xmas list :).

Napalm Death are growing on me I think although I have tried the band before. Maybe I'll check out their latest. Carcass I got into via Arch Enemy (the guitarist was so good I just had to check out where he came from) but I've only listened to Heartwork which is a bit more removed from this sort of sound.

for the albums:

Enslaved: Below the Lights, ISA or Ruun(Newest)
Borknagar: Epic(Newest), Quintessence or The Olden Domain
Agalloch: Ashes Against the Grain(Newest) or The Mantle

Enslaved and Borknagar are from Norway. Agalloch is from Portland, Oregon.

As for Carcass, I think their album "Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious" is their best (first album that had Michael Amott), though Heartwork is really good Melodic Death Metal (that's still heavy) and Symphonies Of Sickness is the best of the more Grind era of them.