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Bind Rune

The Hammer

Premium Member
So me and my GF have been having a run of some pretty bad luck, and I was thinking of creating a bind rune for myself for luck and protection. The two runes I was thinking is Fehu/Algiz (Elhaz). Does this seem appropriate or is there a better combination? I have read that Perthro deals with fate, so maybe that instead?

I have also seen on the wide world of the Internets, that someone used Gebo/Ansuz for luck, but that seems off to me.


Fehu, Wunjo, Naudiz, Jera, Eihwaz, Pertho, Algiz, and Sowilo would all be good for luck depending on what kind of luck you need most and if you think you have some coming which you earned. Yeah, Gebo and Ansuz don't really fit at all.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
This is not a bad idea, I'm glad someone brought it up. We don't often talk about runes.

Considering the spate of bad luck I've had this past week, this is something I might consider too. I don't know if there are rules for creating bind runes, other than they share a common stem and pretty much overlap so it's hard to decipher what the individual runes are. I'm thinking fehu/algiz for protection from financial problems, which we have, or even fehu/nauthiz. That would be for the house. I might make others for personal use, maybe even burn one on the small wood disc and wear it around my heck with the hammer. Though I wonder if that would show faithlessness in Thor.

Sorry to hijack the thread. :(

The Hammer

Premium Member
Fehu, Wunjo, Naudiz, Jera, Eihwaz, Pertho, Algiz, and Sowilo would all be good for luck depending on what kind of luck you need most and if you think you have some coming which you earned. Yeah, Gebo and Ansuz don't really fit at all.

Well I know that I want a general protection which is why I know I am using Algiz no matter what, as it is a shield.
As for what kind of luck, I guess I was looking for something general, good fortune per se. I just moved to Chicago and got a new apartment, and have since (in 3 weeks) been in 1 accident, got a speeding ticket, my GF had her car totaled, and I have this impending sense that it's going to get worse. This seems to happen every time I move physically (states/homes), I am not meant to uproot apparently. So something general for overall protection (algiz), and something for overall blessing/luck. I am not looking for financial protection which I think the Fehu/Algiz combination would imply.

I am rambling, hope this makes sense. I am still rusty on rune meanings, but I am learning them. Also what is the proper form/process for making a bind rune?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Well I know that I want a general protection which is why I know I am using Algiz no matter what, as it is a shield.
As for what kind of luck, I guess I was looking for something general, good fortune per se. I just moved to Chicago and got a new apartment, and have since (in 3 weeks) been in 1 accident, got a speeding ticket, my GF had her car totaled, and I have this impending sense that it's going to get worse. This seems to happen every time I move physically (states/homes), I am not meant to uproot apparently. So something general for overall protection (algiz), and something for overall blessing/luck. I am not looking for financial protection which I think the Fehu/Algiz combination would imply.

I am rambling, hope this makes sense. I am still rusty on rune meanings, but I am learning them. Also what is the proper form/process for making a bind rune?

Sorry to hear about all that trouble. :(

On the chart here Practical Bindrunes look at RM5011. It does look like fehu/gebo for good luck.

I would use something like RM5026. It looks like fehu/algiz, but I can't determine what the lower line on the left side is part of.


Well I know that I want a general protection which is why I know I am using Algiz no matter what, as it is a shield.
As for what kind of luck, I guess I was looking for something general, good fortune per se. I just moved to Chicago and got a new apartment, and have since (in 3 weeks) been in 1 accident, got a speeding ticket, my GF had her car totaled, and I have this impending sense that it's going to get worse. This seems to happen every time I move physically (states/homes), I am not meant to uproot apparently. So something general for overall protection (algiz), and something for overall blessing/luck. I am not looking for financial protection which I think the Fehu/Algiz combination would imply.

I am rambling, hope this makes sense. I am still rusty on rune meanings, but I am learning them. Also what is the proper form/process for making a bind rune?

I would use Algiz with Sowilo or Eihwaz...both of the latter misunderstood and kinda neglected strangely like Algiz misused and misunderstood. It's kind of an in-house thing but Algiz is the most prolific symbol for protection and blessings along with mjölnirs. It's been like that for a loooong time. Highest peace through protection and blessings of holy powers, honored dead, etc. Symbolizes something is guarded and in connection with such. It was often left on trees bordering lands and properties or on house thresholds, used for things like the helm of awe, used in casted spells in galdr, etc.

As long as you don't invert a rune, unless it is mirroring (considered a magnification) you are pretty much good to go. I don't know if you have ever seen a rune-worker go on about how bad the "peace" symbol is :)

It would be good if we can put in a vote for a private rune section


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
IAs long as you don't invert a rune, unless it is mirroring (considered a magnification) you are pretty much good to go.

So then this is fehu mirrored. Fehu and algiz for financial success and security. The mirrored fehu increases its power.


I don't know if you have ever seen a rune-worker go on about how bad the "peace" symbol is :)

:eek: Inverted algiz! :eek:


Drawing ALGIZ REVERSED shows a time when you are vulnerable. You may have to sacrifice something with no gain. Someone may be deceiving or misleading you. Be on guard for trouble from any direction. ALGIZ REVERSED tells that there is someone you should avoid, or perhaps an offer that you should refuse. Someone may be using you. Consult the surrounding runes for a clearer indication of this. Beware of new "friends", someone will try and use you. It is possible that you are deceiving yourself, don't expect something for nothing. If you are behaving with greed or are being naive, someone is sure to try and con you. In questions regarding love, delay a new relationship until more is known about their character and motives. - Rune Information Sheet


So then this is fehu mirrored. Fehu and algiz for financial success and security. The mirrored fehu increases its power.


Yep it is basically a bind rune for magnified "peace and plenty" and you could make it like a four-spoked wheel in sunwheel fashion or even eight-spoked as with the helm of awe. It carried all the way down to the Pennsylvania Dutch :)


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Yep it is basically a bind rune for magnified "peace and plenty" and you could make it like a four-spoked wheel in sunwheel fashion or even eight-spoked as with the helm of awe. It carried all the way down to the Pennsylvania Dutch :)

I am thinking that if you extend the lower lines to the SE and SW positions, you have added gebo... gifts, generosity. But... "a gift demands a gift". I think to expect anything you have to pay it forward, or after receiving something you have to make some kind of gift. If that's the case, that's a really potent bindrune for financial security. "Ask and ye shall receive; asked of ye and ye must give" (I made that up just now :D).


this one on that website for protection for a vehicle is a very slick one :)

This next one is a good example of inverting which is usually bad juju but it mirrors so it's good to go...these type of bindrune styles with "spokes" are probably the oldest.



ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I am thinking that if you extend the lower lines to the SE and SW positions, you have added gebo... gifts, generosity....

This is what I was thinking of.

Financial bindrune.jpg

I think this is my initials, FJD, fehu, jera, dagaz.

FJD bindrune.jpg


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I was reading about Andvari. It said that his runes are fehu and laguz. I was thinking that to write a bind rune of fehu and laguz (money and flowing), you also wind up with the shape of wunjo, joy. Maybe that means not the joy and thrill of having money in a greedy and avaricious sense, which is offensive to Andvari, but rather the joy of peace of mind in personal finances. Not sure about this interpretation, though I kind of like it.

fehu lagus wunjo.jpg
Someone elsewhere pointed out that when writing bind runes you should be very careful to know exactly why you are writing them and for what purpose. That is, to create them just by combining runes you think look pretty, or seem to fit together, with no clear use is potentially insulting to the Gods.

it worked out really well that I stumbled on the bind rune of fehu and algiz we talked about. I was thinking about it... a lot. It really stuck in my head. I plan to use my little wood burner to create it on a small wooden round like those I burned my own set of runes into.

Last night something happened that will help improve my financial position greatly. I also said a small prayer to Freyr asking for his help, which I believe he provided. I have to make a small offering to him in thanks. Yesterday I was reading a bit about Andvari and how it's extremely important to him to pay off debts. Setting one's finances in order is offering enough to Andvari... he's not one for rituals.

In the end I think it's a good thing to learn and work with the runes.


New Member
Hello everybody, I'm new and I don't understand these forums a lot but, you're the only ones I found talking about bind runes. Can you please help me? I wanted to create a love rune but they have so many definitions, I am confused. I was thinking about fehu, kenaz and tyr maybe? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Well I know that I want a general protection which is why I know I am using Algiz no matter what, as it is a shield.
As for what kind of luck, I guess I was looking for something general, good fortune per se. I just moved to Chicago and got a new apartment, and have since (in 3 weeks) been in 1 accident, got a speeding ticket, my GF had her car totaled, and I have this impending sense that it's going to get worse. This seems to happen every time I move physically (states/homes), I am not meant to uproot apparently. So something general for overall protection (algiz), and something for overall blessing/luck. I am not looking for financial protection which I think the Fehu/Algiz combination would imply.

I am rambling, hope this makes sense. I am still rusty on rune meanings, but I am learning them. Also what is the proper form/process for making a bind rune?

Are you pissing off your house wight every time you move, maybe?


Hello everybody, I'm new and I don't understand these forums a lot but, you're the only ones I found talking about bind runes. Can you please help me? I wanted to create a love rune but they have so many definitions, I am confused. I was thinking about fehu, kenaz and tyr maybe? What do you think?

I would substitute fehu and tiwaz for wunjo and berkana or dagaz.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Are you pissing off your house wight every time you move, maybe?

It's possible, but I don't know what I am doing wrong, lol. I'm not familiar with house wights although I am trying to read and learn more now. But I thought that only would apply to past property, not the current property moved into or even extensions of said property, like my wife's car or mine.


Well-Known Member
It's possible, but I don't know what I am doing wrong, lol. I'm not familiar with house wights although I am trying to read and learn more now. But I thought that only would apply to past property, not the current property moved into or even extensions of said property, like my wife's car or mine.

I don't know much about it either. Some say the house wight actually stays with the family and moves when they move, as opposed to the land wights, who stay in situ.

You just mentioned that this kind of thing happens when you move, so I thought perhaps the common element was perhaps your house wight.

Have you asked your ancestors for a bit of a helping hand?

The Hammer

Premium Member
I don't know much about it either. Some say the house wight actually stays with the family and moves when they move, as opposed to the land wights, who stay in situ.

You just mentioned that this kind of thing happens when you move, so I thought perhaps the common element was perhaps your house wight.

Have you asked your ancestors for a bit of a helping hand?

I haven't, yet, but I haven't moved since this post. Seeing as I will be moving in the next couple of months I may give that a try, though. As well as researching ways to keep house wights content, as opposed to screwing with my luck.