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Best book bits


Resident megalomaniac
Greetings fellow earthlings!

Hope you are all well & enjoying your day so far!

If you enjoy reading but are pressed for time ... here is a site which summarises various books for your enjoyment. Dozens of books in many categories such as biographies, habits, health, philosophy & psychology.

Here is one from the spiritual category to give you some idea -

Kyle Cease: I Hope I Screw This Up Book Summary

Plus checkout the menus at top of screen!

Enjoy your browsing!



"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I have read many books and the best, most memorable passage i recall is from opening of Excession by Iain M Banks.

Two and a half millennia ago an artifact appeared in a remote corner of space next to a trillion year old dying sun from a different universe. It was a perfect black body sphere and did nothing. Then it disappeared. Now it's back.

Needless to say Iain M Banks was the author of SF. I guess you need to be au fait with his work for it to make much sense