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(Belated) Happy Yom Ha'atzamaut!


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
Yesterday was, as we know, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. Israel is now 76 (and a couple of days). I wanted to make this thread yesterday, but did not find the time.
Anyway, I'm sure that I wasn't alone in celebrating with a heavy heart, what with the hostages and the war and everything else that's going on in Israel and around the world, but I think that celebration is still very much in order, and we should certainly give thanks for the existence of the State of Israel and its many accomplishments, despite - or because - of its rich and turbulent (albeit fairly short) history.

So, to many happy returns, to a safe return of the hostages and to true victory in the war and around the region (as needed) B"H!


(this is the official 76th Yom Ha'atzmaut logo. The yellow bands represent the hostages. גבורה ישראלית means "Israeli courage")
