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Asatru/Odinism/Theodism vs Suomenusko?


I get that Asatru is more Norse, Theodism is more Anglo-Saxon, and that Suomenusko is Finnish, but does anyone know enough about Suomenusko in order to explain the differences and such?


Well-Known Member
Suomenusko is not Indo-European, but has deep influences from the Scandinavians and Baltics. I think my Finnish ancestors were more animistic and shamanic compared to Asatru. There is a documentary about it being made of the religion by adherents

I'm looking forward to it, being a fan of nature and "Suomenusko" being the religion of my ancestors.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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Premium Member
I get that Asatru is more Norse

Actually Ásatrú is the Icelandic revival and reconstruction of Germanic Heathenry. We don't know what the ancient Norse and other Germanics called what they believed. I think I saw something like "our custom" or "our way". But Ásatrú has become a popular name, just as 'Viking' has morphed from an occupational name to an ethnonym. Just a bit of pedantic geekiness there for ya. :p


Actually Ásatrú is the Icelandic revival and reconstruction of Germanic Heathenry. We don't know what the ancient Norse and other Germanics called what they believed. I think I saw something like "our custom" or "our way". But Ásatrú has become a popular name, just as 'Viking' has morphed from an occupational name to an ethnonym. Just a bit of pedantic geekiness there for ya. :p

All my Swedish friends call Ásatrú, Forn Sed.