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Are the governments responsible for manslaughter of the homeless ?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ordinary homes in the UK are made of brick generally , a wooden cabin with a homeless person in would require fire boarding over the insulation for safety reasons . We'd have to make sure the cabins were not smoked in , providing communal smoking areas . A lot of people would respect the cabins because they'd be luxury to them .
Brick homes aren't fireproof.
Sure, bricks won't burn, but the wood
frame, furniture, floor, & carpeting will.


Active Member
Brick homes aren't fireproof.
Sure, bricks won't burn, but the wood
frame, furniture, floor, & carpeting will.
Yes , it is often the roof and furnishings that go up in flames . The furnishings often giving off toxic fumes . The ''trick'' for a homeless cabin site would be to just make sure that the residents had no lighters or matches in their cabins . We'd have means to light a smoke at the communal smoking area . Perhaps in the form of a hob with an ignition or something similar that wouldn't be easy to move without being noticed .


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes , it is often the roof and furnishings that go up in flames . The furnishings often giving off toxic fumes . The ''trick'' for a homeless cabin site would be to just make sure that the residents had no lighters or matches in their cabins . We'd have means to light a smoke at the communal smoking area . Perhaps in the form of a hob with an ignition or something similar that wouldn't be easy to move without being noticed .
I'm sure a tiny home or shed can be as safe as a conventional house.
Safe as = Good enuf


Well-Known Member
These sights will play music and have barbecues etc . The homeless will be ''partying'' for their rehab . Additionally the ''cult'' will be shown how to grow food, they will start some agriculture , feeding themselves and producing surplus for the charity etc .
Some excellent ideas here @jes-us us. One issue that does worry me though has not yet been addressed. I know that in Central London, and Bath to name another, in places, where the homeless gather, there is often a vicious parasitical element among them. This, I fear, could be difficult to combat in communities.


Well-Known Member
Not if we can get the police to serve and protect , the job they suppose to do. The police could arrest the entire government .
A little too simplistic really. It is the Crown Prosecution Service that would have to be won over.

"The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. The CPS is independent, and we make our decisions independently of the police and government.

Our duty is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible."

The CPS:

  • decides which cases should be prosecuted;
  • determines the appropriate charges in more serious or complex cases, and advises the police during the early stages of investigations;
  • prepares cases and presents them at court; and
  • provides information, assistance and support to victims and prosecution witnesses.


Active Member
A little too simplistic really. It is the Crown Prosecution Service that would have to be won over.

"The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been investigated by the police and other investigative organisations in England and Wales. The CPS is independent, and we make our decisions independently of the police and government.

Our duty is to make sure that the right person is prosecuted for the right offence, and to bring offenders to justice wherever possible."

The CPS:

  • decides which cases should be prosecuted;
  • determines the appropriate charges in more serious or complex cases, and advises the police during the early stages of investigations;
  • prepares cases and presents them at court; and
  • provides information, assistance and support to victims and prosecution witnesses.
The crown prosecution service sounds like it shouldn't have any jurisdiction in the UK because it should be G.P.S , government prosecution service . The Royal family claim they have no business in politics yet they seem to have labels on everything , including public police officers . The crown consists of the Church of England and the Royal Family , King Charles being the boss .
Luckily in England trial by jury consists of members of the public and they can be influenced in making not guilty verdicts by the defence . Magistrates aren't even qualified to judge or is any sort of trial .


Well-Known Member
The crown consists of the Church of England and the Royal Family , King Charles being the boss .
The crown is also the 3rd level of parliament - it ain't law until "the boss" signs it. Members of the armed forces swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch, not the government.


Well-Known Member
More than 1,300 people died while homeless across the United Kingdom in 2022 - Quite clearly in my eyes the government is responsible for the manslaughter of the homeless. The government know these statistics , perhaps it is even murder !
More than a million people died who had homes during the same period. Is the government responsible for their deaths too?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Government is business in the US. Nad business is the government. Too entertained these days to differentiate.
Aka bought and paid for politicians who create rules in favor of business and not in favor of the people..

The evidence speaks for itself in the profits of the 1%ers who own almost all the money in this, and other countries as well as the governments themselves.

Just 1% belongs to the common people and 99% is hoarded by the nobility.



I'm a planet
More than 1,300 people died while homeless across the United Kingdom in 2022 - Quite clearly in my eyes the government is responsible for the manslaughter of the homeless. The government know these statistics , perhaps it is even murder !
You know, I actually think we shouldn't displace the blame onto a faceless institution. It's us. We are the murderers as long as we do nothing about it.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Brick homes aren't fireproof.
Fire "resistant".



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hardly even that.
Fires I've seen spread by carpeting, furnishings,
& wooden framing. Brick homes are typically
just brick veneer anyway.
To be fire resistant....
- Up to date electrical system.
- Appliances in good repair.
- Tight gas lines of appropriate materials.
- Don't cover electrical cords with insulating materials.
- Have proper fire extinguishers.

We Never Know

No Slack
Hardly even that.
Fires I've seen spread by carpeting, furnishings,
& wooden framing. Brick homes are typically
just brick veneer anyway.
To be fire resistant....
- Up to date electrical system.
- Appliances in good repair.
- Tight gas lines of appropriate materials.
- Don't cover electrical cords with insulating materials.
- Have proper fire extinguishers.

People don't give it much thought but today's wood burns a lot quicker than wood 100 years ago.

"Old-growth wood has nearly ten times the number of growth rings per inch (meaning that it is much denser) and is more resistant to decay or damage"




Well-Known Member
Premium Member
More than 1,300 people died while homeless across the United Kingdom in 2022 - Quite clearly in my eyes the government is responsible for the manslaughter of the homeless. The government know these statistics , perhaps it is even murder !
By that standard you and I and everyone else are equally responsible. Be the light in your corner of the universe.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Can you give an example of nobility actually hoarding wealth in today's economy?
Yep. Starting with Reganomics in 2014....



Hoarding never changes.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Starting with Reganomics in 2014....



Hoarding never changes.
The problem with your links is that they have titles like “billionaires hoarding piles of cash”, but when you read the article, they don’t mention a single billionaire who is actually doing this. In the real world, the super rich have very little cash; what they have is assets. Why on earth would a billionaire want to have a bunch of cash getting eaten up by inflation? What these people have are assets that are invested in various enterprises. However; let’s say just for the a billionaire were foolish enough to cash out his investments and convert it to cash, and put it in a vault; how does that prevent YOU or anybody else from getting cash? Do you really think this would cause you to get paid less at your job? No! So again; can you give an example of a billionaire hoarding wealth?