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Anthony Albanese announces $925 million funding to combat gender-based violence


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Read the OP. The stated purpose of this initiative was that is "met to combat gender-based violence after weeks of rallies."

Sure. I'm Australian. I've even got to actually live through the rallies. I both read the OP and have been experiencing this.

"Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced programs to help women escaping violence, as well as several measures to combat toxic male extremist views online."

Also true, but the funding isn't limited to female DV. There are elements of funding targetted to existing programs which help provide monetary support and shelter to women fleeing abusive men.
The combatting of 'toxic male extremist views online' portion of the funding seems purely political to me, as there is basically no detail on how this would be achieved. I assume it will be monitoring and prosecutions around existing incel or MR forums, but honestly who knows? My issue with the funding is that's it's a hurriedly thrown together response to rallies, rather than anything carefully planned and executed.

This initiative indeed is limited to females through its programs and simultaneously against men under the most dubious pretext of "combat toxic male extremists views".
You are wrong.
This initiative is sexist.

No, the funding isn't limited. But, by default, if the intent is to reduce deaths from DV...and that is ABSOLUTELY the impetus for both the rallies and this kneejerk response...then it is females who are not only the bulk of victims, but literally 100% of victims over recent history.

That's simple fact. It's not a sexist comment to suggest that it is women who are the victims of DV when talking about deaths. It is a pure statement of fact. I'm not sure how that can be sexist.

And to be clear, this is funding provided to a range of programs and initiatives, some existing and some to be established.

I'm not sure you have much actual reading or interest in the recent happenings and rallies in Australia.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The funding is divided into sections, one section is to assist *both* male and female victims of domestic violence (which you have ignored again in my view), and another portion is devoted to combating male extremist views online.

You may take aim at the lack of funding to fight female online extremism if you wish, however your claim that male domestic violence victims recieve no support is false as they are covered by the same portion of the funding that provides support to female victims as cited in post #8 in my view
You shouldn't try to put words in my mouth. What I wrote was that the program is intended to help women. I wrote that the Prime Minister himself said so. If you would like you can read the program guidelines here, http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/__d..._home_leaving_violence_program_guidelines.pdf
It clearly shows the intended recipients are women.

Mentioning a technicality doesn't cut it. Male victims of domestic violence see all the promotion of this program being focused on women. That has a chilling effect. This program is biased. You, apparently, don't care that is it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Sure. I'm Australian. I've even got to actually live through the rallies. I both read the OP and have been experiencing this.

Also true, but the funding isn't limited to female DV. There are elements of funding targetted to existing programs which help provide monetary support and shelter to women fleeing abusive men.
The combatting of 'toxic male extremist views online' portion of the funding seems purely political to me, as there is basically no detail on how this would be achieved. I assume it will be monitoring and prosecutions around existing incel or MR forums, but honestly who knows? My issue with the funding is that's it's a hurriedly thrown together response to rallies, rather than anything carefully planned and executed.

No, the funding isn't limited. But, by default, if the intent is to reduce deaths from DV...and that is ABSOLUTELY the impetus for both the rallies and this kneejerk response...then it is females who are not only the bulk of victims, but literally 100% of victims over recent history.

That's simple fact. It's not a sexist comment to suggest that it is women who are the victims of DV when talking about deaths. It is a pure statement of fact. I'm not sure how that can be sexist.

And to be clear, this is funding provided to a range of programs and initiatives, some existing and some to be established.

I'm not sure you have much actual reading or interest in the recent happenings and rallies in Australia.
Maybe you should tell this to the Australia Minister for Men. Oh, wait, you can't because there isn't one. But there is a Minister for Women. Go ahead and explain how gender neutral Australia is.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe you should tell this to the Australia Minister for Men. Oh, wait, you can't because there isn't one. But there is a Minister for Women. Go ahead and explain how gender neutral Australia is.
Did I suggest Australia is 'gender neutral'? I'd need to even understand what that means before I did so. In other threads on this site I railed against things like the pay equality initiatives being undertaken in Australia.
That has basically nothing to do with this particular issue. And this wasn't sourced from the 'Minister for Women'. Like I said, I get you have a hammer and are looking for nails. But if you want to engage with this topic, engage with the detail of it.

The level of value you are adding to this thread is basically at the 'Anything tagged with women is not gender neutral'. Cool. Granted. Do you have any further comment?
You should notice that I explained myself as being 'heavily conflicted' about this use of funds and the means of rolling this program out. I am not 'pro' this. But if you're going to engage with the topic, engage with the topic. Not just a high level political stand. We get it. Left wing bad. Right wing good. Gender neutral...umm...good? Yeah, I doubt you really mean that, actually, but it's obviously convenient at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Did I suggest Australia is 'gender neutral'? I'd need to even understand what that means before I did so. In other threads on this site I railed against things like the pay equality initiatives being undertaken in Australia.
That has basically nothing to do with this particular issue. And this wasn't sourced from the 'Minister for Women'. Like I said, I get you have a hammer and are looking for nails. But if you want to engage with this topic, engage with the detail of it.

The level of value you are adding to this thread is basically at the 'Anything tagged with women is not gender neutral'. Cool. Granted. Do you have any further comment?
You should notice that I explained myself as being 'heavily conflicted' about this use of funds and the means of rolling this program out. I am not 'pro' this. But if you're going to engage with the topic, engage with the topic. Not just a high level political stand. We get it. Left wing bad. Right wing good. Gender neutral...umm...good? Yeah, I doubt you really mean that, actually, but it's obviously convenient at the moment.
Yes, I have a further comment. Men in Australia are being treated unequally and it is clear that you could care less that is true.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Did I suggest Australia is 'gender neutral'? I'd need to even understand what that means before I did so. In other threads on this site I railed against things like the pay equality initiatives being undertaken in Australia.
That has basically nothing to do with this particular issue. And this wasn't sourced from the 'Minister for Women'. Like I said, I get you have a hammer and are looking for nails. But if you want to engage with this topic, engage with the detail of it.

The level of value you are adding to this thread is basically at the 'Anything tagged with women is not gender neutral'. Cool. Granted. Do you have any further comment?
You should notice that I explained myself as being 'heavily conflicted' about this use of funds and the means of rolling this program out. I am not 'pro' this. But if you're going to engage with the topic, engage with the topic. Not just a high level political stand. We get it. Left wing bad. Right wing good. Gender neutral...umm...good? Yeah, I doubt you really mean that, actually, but it's obviously convenient at the moment.
The tack reminds me of hey All Lives Matter; Black Lives Matter is racist! To be fair, white male privilege is under threat on many fronts.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The tack reminds me of hey All Lives Matter; Black Lives Matter is racist! To be fair, white male privilege is under threat on many fronts.
False equivalency in action. It is more like admitting some men are the victim puts the lie to the false sexist stereotype of "men=oppressor/evil, women=oppressed/good".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, I have a further comment. Men in Australia are being treated unequally and it is clear that you could care less that is true.
Only because you keep refusing to accept what has been put in front of you. It says it helps men. Why you cannot accept that is beyond me.
Amd guess what? There's a lot of stereotypes standing in the way between male victims and speaking out. Good thing this includes things for combating some of the negative ideas of what a man should be and how he should behave.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Only because you keep refusing to accept what has been put in front of you. It says it helps men. Why you cannot accept that is beyond me.
Amd guess what? There's a lot of stereotypes standing in the way between male victims and speaking out. Good thing this includes things for combating some of the negative ideas of what a man should be and how he should behave.
You don't get it. Men are not being served under this program. In Australia until 2020 there were zero domestic violence centers exclusively for men in Australia. As of 2021 there were only two in the entire country. Two! For the entire country. Compare that to the many, many more there are for women. Oh, and those two shelters were NOT funding by the government programs. They were privately funded. No, the government does not provide equal funding for men's domestic violence centers. Take off your blinders. Men are being discriminated against.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You don't get it. Men are not being served under this program. In Australia until 2020 there were zero domestic violence centers exclusively for men in Australia. As of 2021 there were only two in the entire country. Two! For the entire country. Compare that to the many, many more there are for women. Oh, and those two shelters were NOT funding by the government programs. They were privately funded. No, the government does not provide equal funding for men's domestic violence centers. Take off your blinders. Men are being discriminated against.
Discriminated against by something in 2024 that includes measures for men. Makes a whole lotta sense.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Discriminated against by something in 2024 that includes measures for men. Makes a whole lotta sense.:rolleyes:
"Something"? Whatever statutes apply in actual implementation these measures
been done unequally. As is evidenced by these programs providing many women-only domestic violence centers and none for men.
You are choosing to ignore the truth. :confused:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
"Something"? Whatever statutes apply in actual implementation these measures
been done unequally. As is evidenced by these programs providing many women-only domestic violence centers and none for men.
You are choosing to ignore the truth. :confused:
No, now you're trying to act like something new was going on a few years ago. You're ignoring the facts to keep insisting men are discriminated against even though its been shown this would do things for men.
Unless you can approach this seriously and honestly were done because I'm done wasting my time with someone who wants to wallow in a mire of willful ignorance.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Maybe you should tell this to the Australia Minister for Men. Oh, wait, you can't because there isn't one. But there is a Minister for Women. Go ahead and explain how gender neutral Australia is.
I don't know much about things down in Australia, but I tried to look on the internet for a place for abused men down there and I simply can't find any whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
False equivalency in action. It is more like admitting some men are the victim puts the lie to the false sexist stereotype of "men=oppressor/evil, women=oppressed/good".
That sexist stereotype seems to be your own as the government has acknowledged that men are victims in my view.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, I have a further comment. Men in Australia are being treated unequally and it is clear that you could care less that is true.


Glad you took my advice and got into the details.
Are women being treated 'equally' in Australia?
What does 'treated equally' even mean?

Long story short. Men are NOT treated equally in Australia. Women are NOT treated equally in Australia.
DV happens to both genders.
Violent DV happens more to women, and all recent deaths attributed to DV in Australia are female victims.

If the goal is to reduce the death count, dealing with key issues that impact on women in DV situations is pragmatic...not sexist.

As a side note, I am a male in Australia. It's pretty rich to have you telling me what I care about in my own country based on no evidence other than me not liking your way of addressing this thread and issue at a macro level.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't know much about things down in Australia, but I tried to look on the internet for a place for abused men down there and I simply can't find any whatsoever.

As in a shelter? You go through a service like Safe Steps.
Shelters for abused people aren't commonly directly advertised publically.


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Premium Member
'First Nations women are being killed at up to 12 times the national average — one of the highest homicide rates in the world.

But Indigenous experts have said there is still a critical lack of research and funding for positive outcomes which will result in a failure to hit a major Closing the Gap target.

Target 13 calls for the rate of all family violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children to be reduced by at least 50 per cent by 2031, on the path towards zero.'

Source: First Nations experts say Closing the Gap family violence target will not be met without more funding

I'm at a loss to know what the solution is here. Ideally the government would have extra funds to spend on this issue. It is a shame that past governments appear not to have been adequately researching the causes of indigenous domestic violence in my view because I feel that a country of (presumably) forward thinking people such as Australia should not have allowed ourselves to have one of the highest rates of homicide for indigenous women in the world. I sure hope brighter sparks than me are researching this.