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An AI wrote this

robocop (actually)

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
AI begins Here)The wealthy and powerful are getting richer and they don't care about the rest of us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while the middle class is dying out. The wealthy and powerful make more money in the form of more dividends and more profits for stock holders. When they tell us they have to cut services or benefits or raise taxes, we are supposed to stand by and let them do it. The point is that the people who are supposed to represent us, the ones in the community and state and national government who have a government job, they are trying to protect the wealthy and powerful, while giving the rest of us nothing. How about that? I think we should demand more from our government. We should demand that the government protect us from big business and Wall Street. We should demand that the government provide basic services for all of us, such as decent health care and adequate nutrition for all.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
AI begins Here)The wealthy and powerful are getting richer and they don't care about the rest of us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while the middle class is dying out. The wealthy and powerful make more money in the form of more dividends and more profits for stock holders. When they tell us they have to cut services or benefits or raise taxes, we are supposed to stand by and let them do it. The point is that the people who are supposed to represent us, the ones in the community and state and national government who have a government job, they are trying to protect the wealthy and powerful, while giving the rest of us nothing. How about that? I think we should demand more from our government. We should demand that the government protect us from big business and Wall Street. We should demand that the government provide basic services for all of us, such as decent health care and adequate nutrition for all.
It sounds like a 10 year old. An AI can be used for data gathering and for fooling uneducated readers.

Here is what is missing: life experience, in depth wisdom such as that of people who have been reading books, biographies and histories. Its also missing any sign of creative imagination. Instead it is regurgitating, somewhat like a parrot.


Veteran Member
AI begins Here)The wealthy and powerful are getting richer and they don't care about the rest of us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while the middle class is dying out. The wealthy and powerful make more money in the form of more dividends and more profits for stock holders. When they tell us they have to cut services or benefits or raise taxes, we are supposed to stand by and let them do it. The point is that the people who are supposed to represent us, the ones in the community and state and national government who have a government job, they are trying to protect the wealthy and powerful, while giving the rest of us nothing. How about that? I think we should demand more from our government. We should demand that the government protect us from big business and Wall Street. We should demand that the government provide basic services for all of us, such as decent health care and adequate nutrition for all.
Who programmed the target function?


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
AI begins Here)The wealthy and powerful are getting richer and they don't care about the rest of us. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while the middle class is dying out. The wealthy and powerful make more money in the form of more dividends and more profits for stock holders. When they tell us they have to cut services or benefits or raise taxes, we are supposed to stand by and let them do it. The point is that the people who are supposed to represent us, the ones in the community and state and national government who have a government job, they are trying to protect the wealthy and powerful, while giving the rest of us nothing. How about that? I think we should demand more from our government. We should demand that the government protect us from big business and Wall Street. We should demand that the government provide basic services for all of us, such as decent health care and adequate nutrition for all.
How does it do when you ask it a question about what it just said. Such as a request for sources, or a statement of philosophy to summarize its approach...?


Well-Known Member
This scenario is called AI, but it is really more like an automaton that is repeating its programing. the statement sounds like a propaganda-maton since it repeats the classic sentiments.

Real AI would be more like the scenario of being programmed with Left Wing Ideology, then the AI comes up with Right wing arguments, which were not programmed, but which could be extrapolated from information it already had.

Another analogy would be an automaton that is programmed to dance ballet. This type of dance takes a lot of muscular coordination. An automaton can look like a good ballet dance, bringing all the parts of its programming, together. Real AI would use these parts, programmed to dance ballet, to dance a new dance that was never intended, but can be extrapolated by the foundation created by its ballet training; will and choice.