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Ahmadiyya Islamic Solution for World Peace....Resource


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on him. A keynote address delivered by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Khalifah of Islam in Beverly Hills, California to 300 dignitaries:

5 guests were US Congress persons.
14 from renowned media.
27 elected and governmental officials.
37 professors.
13 diplomats.
26 NGO representatives.
29 inter-faith leaders.
20 members of law enforcement.
2 guests belonging to think-tanks.
6 members of armed forces.
36 professionals.

Islamic Solution for World Peace by World Muslim Leader Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I can't watch the video due to time constraints, but in a nutshell what is his solution for World Peace?


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. Fortunately, there is a printed version available to appreciate the total argument at:
Islamic Solution for World Peace | Islam Ahmadiyya

However, one sentence in address says:

"....the key to peace is to stop cruelty and oppression wherever it occurs with justice and equality. Only when this principle is followed will global peace develop. This will only happen when the people of the world come to recognise their Creator...."


Well-Known Member
Peace be on you. Fortunately, there is a printed version available to appreciate the total argument at:
Islamic Solution for World Peace | Islam Ahmadiyya

However, one sentence in address says:

"....the key to peace is to stop cruelty and oppression wherever it occurs with justice and equality. Only when this principle is followed will global peace develop. This will only happen when the people of the world come to recognise their Creator...."

So basically to recognise Allah's authority and convert to Islam?


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
1- Divine light continued to evolve from beginning and each Prophet/Messenger brought the Truth: Worship One God and pay His and His Creation's dues.

2- Islam tells, the perfect and brightest Light was brought by Holy Prophet of Islam, whose teaching consisted of all essentials of previous Prophets. (peace be on all Prophets). Thus the best thing is to accept it and follow it.

"basically to recognise Allah's authority and convert to Islam"

3- But previous Prophets brought light too (their teachings total sum is in Quran, as Islam teaches), those to whom message of Islam has not been presented or reached improperly or any God-know reason, they are required to practice their own teaching with true heart for salvation.

4- When they do it, Hand of Merciful God will bring them into Fullest Light i.e. Islam.

Salvation Cannot Be Monopolised by Any Single Religion
The question of salvation, howsoever innocent it may appear, is potent in its danger to peace in the religious world.


Unfortunately this seems to be the attitude of the clergy of almost all religions of the world against those who do not conform to their faith. Even Islam is presented by most medieval scholars as the only door to salvation, in the sense that ever since the advent of Islam, all the descendants of Adam (a.s.) who have lived and died outside the pale of Islam are denied salvation. Christianity does not offer a different view, nor does any religion to my knowledge. But let me assure my audience that the attribution of this bigoted and narrow view to Islam has no justification. The Holy Quran has a completely different story to tell us in this regard.
According to the Holy Quran, salvation cannot be monopolised by any single religion of the world. Even if new truths are revealed and new eras of light have dawned, those who live a life of ignorance through no fault of their own and those who generally try to lead a life of truth even if they inherited false ideologies, will not be denied salvation by God.

....the Holy Quran categorically declares:

They are not all alike. Among the people of the Book are those who are very pious and God-fearing, and who stand by their covenant; they recite the Word of Allah in the hours of night and prostrate themselves before Him. They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin good and forbid evil, and hasten to vie with one another in good works. These are among the righteous. Whatever good they do, they shall not be denied its due reward,
and Allah well knows those who guard against evil.

Please read the whole argument in www.alislam.org/library/books/IslamsResponseToContemporaryIssues.pdf, pages 19 onward [you are welcome to read the whole book]....By Fourth Ahmadiyya Khalifah (may Allah have mercy on him).

....The very meaning of ‘Islam’ is peace, security and giving a guarantee of protection against all forms of harm and evil. Indeed, the Holy Quran declares that this is the teaching that every single Prophet of God taught.

Islam requires Muslims to abide by its teachings and fundamental amongst them is that they must not only fulfil the rights owed to God Almighty, but just as importantly they must also fulfil the rights owed to God’s Creation. The Quran has shined a bright light on the beauty of the teachings of all Prophets by making it clear that they all drew mankind’s attention to fulfilling the rights owed both to God and to His Creation.

How then could it be possible, that on the one hand, God has praised the qualities of all religions for urging mankind to fulfil the rights of God and of man, yet on the other hand God could enjoin the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), upon whom the Great Book was revealed, to not establish peace and security in the world?....
From the original speech by Fifth Ahmadiyya Khalifah (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty help) http://www.alislam.org/egazette/updates/islamic-solution-for-world-peace/
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Active Member
Unfortunately I can't watch the video due to time constraints, but in a nutshell what is his solution for World Peace?

If you look at all the speeches that he has made over the past 4 or 5 years he has constantly emphasised that peace will only be achieved through absolute truth and justice.
This standard of truth and justice is required for personal and international peace for in such a society no one would have cause to be disaffected and create disorder.
It requires that nations have to deal with each other as equals and want for their neighbour what they want for themselves with no desire to steal the resources of other nations or suppress their natural need for progress.

I wonder what a world would be like if we demanded for our neighbour what we demand for ourselves and work towards that end.

One other point. I read this morning in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 v. 275
Those who devour interest will not rise except as rises one whom Satan has smitten...........
v276 Allah will blot out interest and will cause charity to increase....

I think we are seeing this happen now.