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jazzalta said:
EVP does prove there is an afterlife.

Proof of the unimaginable things is very simple. Because if there was real proof that the after life existed we would not be discussing this now, we would have read it in the newspaper.
Besides, EVP is definatelly not proof. It is electricic static like there is almost everywhere in the lived world by now. If we decide to leave the earthly materials, why would we still stay in the earthly electrics?


Well-Known Member
"I just wanted to know what you think of the fact that when you die you simply stop existing entirely?"

WHen die, you're dead, more specifically, your brain dies, along with all your memories and consciousness. YOur body's matter still exists however, the atoms that you consisted of will be around forever in one form or another.

Non-existence can be a little scary to think about, of course, existence many times is no cup of tea.


Veteran Member
Arrow said:
Okay so i have to say that this is mainly for the atheists who i asume do not believe in a heaven or a hell. This is not one of those questions where i am trying to convert any of you i am just a curious goober. I just wanted to know what you think of the fact that when you die you simply stop existing entirely?

Once again i thank you all for your comments.

I would like to start off by pointing out when discussing the afterlife that the term afterlife natually loads the question by pre-supposing that there is an afterlife. It presents the notion of rejecting the afterlife instead of placing the burdon of proof on those claiming that there is life after death in many instances. A more neutral term and academically correct term when presenting the notion of "afterlife" would like be immortality (if there is no precieved end) or post-death-continued-life which I am immdiatly noticing would have to be shortened to something like p.d.c.l. to be practical in debate.

In regards to the specific question of "stop existing entirely" I think my thoughts on it likley fall into the bounds of most atheists when I say that from the evidence and knowledge we have on life at the current time this is the only evidence theory avaliable is that life is a one-shot deal. Furthermore, to believe their is an afterlife becauses we don't desire death (and I don't desire death anymore than the next person or more than any theist), is a non-sequitur and not applicable. For the record it stinks that life is finite instead of infinite but that is the percievable reality we are in based on the evidence availiable to us.


Bouncing Ball said:
Proof of the unimaginable things is very simple. Because if there was real proof that the after life existed we would not be discussing this now, we would have read it in the newspaper.
Besides, EVP is definatelly not proof. It is electricic static like there is almost everywhere in the lived world by now. If we decide to leave the earthly materials, why would we still stay in the earthly electrics?

How about when it (EVP) answers your questions?


EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena. It's very real and there's a ton of documented, factual information on it. Check out the works of Dr. Konstantin Raudive or Peter Bander.


jazzalta said:
How about when it (EVP) answers your questions?

Then it is proof for you, yes. But not definate proof. And what questions would it answer?

There is tons of documentaire about it yes, half of it is disproving it though.
There is more documentairy about aliens, doesn't make that a fact either.

And it is indeed very simple as I stated before only against the realness of it..


Bouncing Ball said:
Then it is proof for you, yes. But not definate proof. And what questions would it answer

There are cases where the EVP has answered or responded to questions being asked. The tests were conducted in laboratories free from electrical interference. EVP, for me, is only one more piece of the puzzle to add to the experiences that both my wife and I have had. I was a total skeptic until I had my first paranormal occurence. So for me, I have my "definite" proof.


jazzalta said:
There are cases where the EVP has answered or responded to questions being asked. The tests were conducted in laboratories free from electrical interference. EVP, for me, is only one more piece of the puzzle to add to the experiences that both my wife and I have had. I was a total skeptic until I had my first paranormal occurence. So for me, I have my "definite" proof.
real lab, real proof and still not in the newspapers??? :eek: O my..
I stick to my point that real proof would enter the world more than only a discovery documentairy. And for me it would actually raise more questions than it would answer.

O, and there are cases that people speak to the dead, cases where cats could speak, cases where people see lightbolt ony when using a camera and cases where I saw a man splitting a woman in half with a saw..


Active Member

If there had really been controlled, repeated, and critical experiments, this would have been in in the news already, and would draw much more attention from the scientific community. The problem is, people hear what they want to hear, and will do just about anything to get some positive feedback on their hopes for an afterlife.


Just because something has been proven doesn't mean main stream media will jump on it. EVP, while real, is not an exact science. While it has been replicated under strict controls, the media will not publish the results, much like they wouldn't support UFO's until an alien ship lands on the White House lawn. But it doesn't invalidate the research. Another interesting thing about the press, they publish lots of Christian material, which is based on a book that has been largely unproved to this day.


Active Member
Actually the whole principle about being skeptic is being openminded. Taking into consideration all the various possibilities that could cause phenomena like this and not just jumping straight to the conclusions that you would like, like in this case the recorded sounds being messages from people in an afterlife.


Opethian, that is the problem. Most skeptics are closeminded when it comes to these types of topics, and enter the discussion with that mind set. I was a skeptic as well at one time, but tried not to shut myself off from the "crazys' that frequented the paranormal world. I had 2 paranormal events, and that opened my mind. I investigated further and found some substance within the realm of physic phenemona, not the type found in the National Enquirer either. I encourge no one to jump to conclusions. Read all you can, then make up your mined. Even the police occasional use mediums.


I could never understand how on one hand, scientifically no energy known to exist can be extinguished - only changed in form, yet we humans seem to think that we, a product of multiple types of energies, will just cease to exist simply because our flesh returns to the elements.

It isn't even scientific to think that way.

Scientists know all the components of life scientifically and physically. i think if it were that simple, the scientists could easily produce life in a laboratory using the building blocks of physcial life. However, there is an unknown (to them) element that cannot be artificially reproduced. I think only a fool would think there is nothing around a dark corner just because he cannot see it.


To take it a step further, ceasing to exist is a scientific impossibility because time is relative to space. this means a couple of things:
1. Time can be almost infinitely stretched, such as at or around a singularity within a black hole.
2. Anything outside of this universe is not bound to this universe's time (because it's relative to our universe's space). So like a book, it is more than likely that someone standing outside of the boundary of our universe (which is possible because our universe is expanding into something) is in an existence where our time is not singularly linear (going only in one direction). Ultimately that means once you exist, you will always exist and have always existed (in our universe). Like a character in a book. he is bound by the book's time scale, but the reader isn't. We can jump around from beginning to end, but once that character is introduced anywhere in the book, he is a part of the book whether his part is small or large, and he can never be seperated from it.

The bottom line is this. Ceasing to exist completely is not a likely outcome scientifically.