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A Universe from Nothing?


Thou art That
You were just saying

No, YOU are lying. You HAVE repeatedly claimed to be enlightened, and you ARE the one who keeps bringing up my 30 years of meditation. Your whole approach is dishonest, you continually misrepresent the facts, you post fake Buddha quotes, and so on.

By all means set the record straight though. Are you now admitting you are NOT enlightened?

I can tell you one thing, Muldoon: it is crystal clear by your last sentence what you are up to.

But it is YOU who must set the record straight by producing your evidence of my so-called 'claim of enlightenment'. Put your money where your mouth is and show us all this smoking gun of yours. I want to see where I
"have repeatedly claimed to be enlightened."

If you cannot come forth with this evidence within 24 hours, I will have to conclude that you are none else but a pathological LIAR!

But i'm going to be extra nice here and give you a small sweetmeat for the eyes of night, to wit:

Not claiming to be enlightened does not mean that I am not enlightened. Nor does it mean that I am enlightened. The real issue is why you are asking the question.

While you're at it, Buddhish, show evidence that my Buddha quotes are fake. You won't because you can't.
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Thou art That
So you admit Hinayana isn't a school, and yet you claim it is a "stagnant backwater". Ridiculous. You really are clueless, it is just a lame attempt at an ad-hom which you don't even understand.

You see how screwy your thinking is? I never admitted that Hinayana is not a school; I simply said that I never claimed that it was. I said that it is a stagnant backwater.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
You see how screwy your thinking is? I never admitted that Hinayana is not a school; I simply said that I never claimed that it was. I said that it is a stagnant backwater.

How very slippery of you. In any case there is no Buddhist school called Hinayana and so "it" cannot be a stagnant backwater. As usual you are talking out of your bottom when it comes to Buddhism.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
ut it is YOU who must set the record straight by producing your evidence of my so-called 'claim of enlightenment'. Put your money where your mouth is and show us all this smoking gun of yours. I want to see where I[/COLOR] "have repeatedly claimed to be enlightened."

You HAVE repeatedly claimed to be enlightened but I am not going to trawl through hundreds of pages of your waffle.
But the matter is easily settled, just answer the question: Do you claim to be enlightened or not? It's a straightforward yes or no answer.

I asked you recently to properly reference a quote you attributed to the Buddha, and you failed to do so, so I am calling it a fake. Prove me wrong. Much of what you say about Buddhism is fake, you are not a trustworthy source because you are only concerned with propping up your new-age dogma. You learned some Zen cliches and then converted to Choprism, you are clueless about Buddhism and can only quote-mine and present a new-age parody.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls


Hinayana is not a school, so it has no followers, so it doesn't exist. How can something which doesn't exist be a "stagnant backwater"?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
This is the content:

"Everyone is already enlightened, but most just haven't realized it yet."

"Before Enlightenment, it is Something Special;
after Enlightenment, it is Nothing Special"

Is this what you call BS? What is BS about it, then?

Stop playing silly games. You know full well the content being referred to is your new-age dogma like "Cosmic Consciousness", the big bang being an "event in consciousness", all that nonsense.
Here is a recent example of your dogma: "Without space-time, there is no change. Consciousness is not dependent upon space or time. Space-Time is only a conceptual overlay onto Reality. It is not real itself. So without space or time, there is only The Changeless Consciousness, which is No-thing-ness, and out of which Every-thing emerged."

You drop in the odd Zen cliche at random of course.
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Thou art That

You HAVE repeatedly claimed to be enlightened but I am not going to trawl through hundreds of pages of your waffle.
But the matter is easily settled, just answer the question: Do you claim to be enlightened or not? It's a straightforward yes or no answer.

I asked you recently to properly reference a quote you attributed to the Buddha, and you failed to do so, so I am calling it a fake. Prove me wrong.

Does the fact that I did not reference the quote mean it is fake? Why are you jumping to conclusions, when you don't know?

If you cannot show evidence of your alleged claim I made of enlightenment, then you are lying.

If you are certain that I made such a claim, why do you then ask me if I am making such a claim?

Your question is useless. Once again: I have never made such a claim, nor am I making such a claim now. Does that tell you whether I am enlightened or not?


Thou art That
Stop playing silly games. You know full well the content being referred to is your new-age dogma like "Cosmic Consciousness", the big bang being an "event in consciousness", all that nonsense. You drop in the odd Zen cliche at random of course.

I know nothing of the sort. That is just a wrinkle in your muddled brain, connected to your knee.

The content is pure zen, and was a legitimate response to someone's query about enlightenment. But you ignored that, and just ran with it to suit your own agenda.

Now tell me what it is about the quote that is BS, as you claimed? here is what I said and quoted:

"Everyone is already enlightened, but most just haven't realized it yet."

"Before Enlightenment, it is Something Special;
after Enlightenment, it is Nothing Special"

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I have never made such a claim, nor am I making such a claim now. Does that tell you whether I am enlightened or not?

It is very clear you are not enlightened. It is also clear that you have delusions of grandeur and are on an attention-seeking ego-trip.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
The content is pure zen, and was a legitimate response to someone's query about enlightenment. But you ignored that, and just ran with it to suit your own agenda.

I have no idea if it is "pure Zen" because you didn't reference the source.

Like I said, you drop in the odd Zen cliche, but your agenda here is clearly to preach your new-age dogma, and you have no interest in what anyone else says. You patronise and preach, and when challenged you insult.


Thou art That
It is very clear you are not enlightened.

Did I claim to be?

That was never the issue. The issue is whether you understood the statement that 'everyone is already enlightened, but most have not yet realized it'.

So are you ready to present your smoking gun evidence to prove I have claimed many times to be enlightened, as you stated? Remember, Buddhish's reputation on the Religious Education Forums rides on the presentation of such evidence. We await thee with bated breath.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
The issue is whether you understood the statement that [/COLOR]'everyone is already enlightened, but most have not yet realized it'.

I understand it, I just don't find it useful. It wasn't useful to the discussion in the thread either, it was just the latest in your random emission of Zen cliches, an attempt to sound cool.

If I want to discuss Zen I will talk to a real Zennie, which you clearly are not. You are just somebody who flirted with Zen before converting to Choprism.
Real Zennies wouldn't touch your new-age dogma and metaphysical convolutions with a barge-pole.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
If you are an authentic Buddhish, you would recognize instantly the zen flavor of the quote without question.

I have learned through experience to be sceptical of everything you say. You are a smoke and mirrors snake-oil seller, you are simply not trustworthy.
I used to be a social-worker and have a good BS detector, with you the readings are off the scale and I cannot take seriously anything you say.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Actually, both Ben D and yourself have moved me away from the term "enlightenment" as I no longer see it as a valid state and so you will rarely see me use the term in the future. The idea being if either of you are examples of an enlightened being, I'll pass, thanks.

Yeah, it is hardly a good advertisement. Fortunately enlightenment has little to do with the relentless preachy blue-ink BS we see in threads like this.

I've been critisized for admitting to having 30 years of meditation experience, but that is missing the point. I have been a practising Buddhist for 35 years, I have experience of all the main schools, I have taught meditation, I have been a moderator on Buddhist forums, I have led a local Buddhist group for the last 10 years, and so on.
I don't claim to be enlightened, what I do claim is to have a good understanding of modern Buddhism. I also say that the blue-inker is a pretentious wanker, and that is putting it mildly,
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Thou art That
I understand it, I just don't find it useful. It wasn't useful to the discussion in the thread...

Oh, now you shift things around to look for another excuse to throw a tantrum.

Man, what density! Look here: If you understood it, you would have found it useful*. Sorry, but the discussion was about enlightenment, so it was germane to the discussion. Look it up. Fact is, you did not understand it, and that is why you're throwing a tantrum and disrupting all the threads involved, not just about this one, but about other quotes and posts, such as:

"Think neither god, nor not-god"

and my own input:

"the Big Bang was an event in consciousness"

The problem with you is that you are a Legalist Buddhist, and I don't give a dam about how long you've meditated, or that you even 'taught' Buddhism. You're intiutive insight is crap, and intuitive insight is crucial to not just orthodox Buddhism, but especially to Zen.

*the quote was: "everyone is already enlightened, but most have not yet realized it"


Thou art That
I have learned through experience to be sceptical of everything you say. You are a smoke and mirrors snake-oil seller, you are simply not trustworthy.
I used to be a social-worker and have a good BS detector, with you the readings are off the scale and I cannot take seriously anything you say.

So if I post something like:

"think neither god, nor not-god"

you can't trust this, even if I don't provide a source, right?


Thou art That
I don't claim to be enlightened, what I do claim is to have a good understanding of modern Buddhism.

How can you make such a claim when I have proven that you are a liar? You don't know how to use logic, you lack intuitive insight, and you jump to erroneous conclusions when you spot anything that is outside your nice, safe comfy doctrinal Buddhist box? You make things up about me to suit your own views, and denigrate luminaries such as Alan Watts and Deepak Chopra who have world-wide renown. Currently, Alan Watts is enjoying an explosive reivival of his lectures and books. Fact is, your Buddhism is staid and stale. It hardly applies to anything 'modern', as it is stuck in some stagnant backwater. No wonder your knee jerks every time you get a whiff of anything that you think might smack of 'new age'. You have even invented a new religion: new age Hinduism. I think you are just afraid of new ideas, that's all, and are using Buddhism to hide behind for the comfort and safety of your Precious Ego, one that feels it needs to boast about his many credentials, a sure sign of shallow understanding.

So can we have your proof that I have claimed many times that I am enlightened? Or will you just admit that you are lying? Because you know as well as I that there is no such proof. Put your money where your modern Buddhist mouth is and prove me wrong. Betcha can't. Clock is ticking. Buddhish's reputation is on the line.........