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A.J. Foyt Racing changes car number over white supremacy concerns


Well-Known Member
I'd be concerned. I'll have my comments and opinions, but I will never try to ban them from doing so or put pressure to force them in a certain direction I desire.

That's the difference.


I respect that. It seems we agree that flags and symbols CAN represent certain ideological views. I don't see a problem with people expressing disdain for a symbol, nor do I see a problem with an organization discontinuing to use a symbol to avoid controversy. All that is free speech in action, as far as I'm concerned. I guess that's where we disagree. The only action of that kind that I would disapprove of is a government's censorship of citizens.

Nothing else count as an infringement of expression as far as I'm concerned.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's hypocritical givin the arguments made over the American flag by the left. It's no more offensive than watching the General Lee escape Rosco on Dukes of Hazzard.

Flags don't mean anything. Right?
That's a shoddy whatabout strawmen.
If flags mean nothing no one would ever display them, but they've meant a lot and we've waved them through the ages.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
How far are things going to eventually go? What's next.. Anything with the number 13 because its gang affiliated with MS-13?

"A.J. Foyt Racing recently announced that rookie driver Benjamin Pedersen would drive their No. 88 car for the 2023 NTT IndyCar Series season. However, after getting feedback regarding what that number means to white supremacists, they’ve announced a change.....

“After the reveal of the No. 88 livery last week, it was brought to our attention that the combination of our two individually entered numbers carries certain ideologic and symbolic references,” read a tweet from the racing team. “AJ Foyt Racing does not condone nor support any such ideologies or symbols, and to avoid any reprehensible associations, we have changed the entry number from 88 to 55.”

88 is a white supremacist numerical code for showing support to Adolph Hitler, leader of the Nazis."

A.J. Foyt Racing changes car number over white supremacy concerns
More useless and stupid virtue signaling. Dale Earnhardt Jr. better not change his car number over such nonsense.