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Search results

  1. Marble

    2012 = 2045?

    Some people believe that the end of the world will be in December 2012. But our calendar starts with the bith of Jesus which was calculated falsely, so that Jesus was born 33 AD. Therefore 2012 would acctually be in 2045 or am I wrong?
  2. Marble

    Has Allah humor?

    Does he?
  3. Marble

    Karmic sex between male and female

    An orgasm is an orgasm, no matter how you get it.
  4. Marble

    The last post is the WINNER!

    What again?
  5. Marble

    Guild Wars 2

    Anybody here waiting for Guild Wars 2, as I do?
  6. Marble

    True principles of Sanatana Dharma

    Do unto others as you would have them do to you (in this or another life).
  7. Marble

    Lakshmi and Durga

    According to my knowledge, all aspects of Devi have their root in Parvati (wife of Shiva). On the other hand in Bengal, Durga is the wife of Shiva, Skanda & Ganesha are their sons and Lakshmi & Sarasvati are their daughters.
  8. Marble

    The last post is the WINNER!

    Eat my shoes.
  9. Marble

    The last post is the WINNER!

    Don't worry, I'm still here. :D
  10. Marble

    The Dead Must Be Saved!

    When I offer a bacon-roll at the grave of my grandma, will she get it?
  11. Marble

    Radha from a historical point of view

    How do other denominations interpret this verse, does someone know?
  12. Marble

    Radha from a historical point of view

    Are there other gopis besides Radha who are important for Krishna? Does Balarama, Krishna's broter, also have a companion?
  13. Marble

    Radha from a historical point of view

    Is the Shrimad Bhagavatam part of the Mahabharata? Was Radha a mortal woman who was made immortal by Krishna?
  14. Marble

    Radha from a historical point of view

    When does Radha first appear in scriptures? Has she a history as an independent goddess before she is affiliated with Krishna? Does the name Radha have a meaning?
  15. Marble


    That's a better story than the Xenu-**** of L. Ron Hubbard. You could easily start your own cult with that as your background. :yes:
  16. Marble

    Curious abt Gaudiya Vaishnavism..many questions :)

    That proofs he was not realized. Jnanis can see into the depts of one's soul. Did ISKCON ever have to pay compensations to victims? Not that I tink money can ease the pain, but persons who were victims of sexual abuse during their childhood may undergo a therapy and psychiatrists do not work...
  17. Marble


    Which Browsergames do you play and why?
  18. Marble

    British Muslims Call Off Protest Against 'Evil' Olympic Games

    I suspect they just want to show off their beards. :D