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Search results

  1. kashmir

    If God is love

    Hello and welcome to my discussion and please do not disrespect others, thank you. When we think about those leading down the wrong path, we tend to not blame God for their failures, correct? What about those born with devastating terminal illnesses like cancer? Millions die every year due to...
  2. kashmir

    ban me

  3. kashmir

    does pain make us smarter?

    That title can be a book in itself. How can we even answer that? pain makes us smarter? Wiser?
  4. kashmir

    we all make mistakes

    I am just thinking, self punishment works, if outside punishment works too. Right? Dis is how we learn, right?
  5. kashmir

    is suicide moral?

    Just wondering. If a person is actually at that point in life, why should we stop them? It's got to be pretty bad if a person rather just die and get it over with. opinions?
  6. kashmir

    cutting, is it moral?

    Just wondering, I know people who cut when they hurt and it seems that thye feel better afterwards... Opinions?
  7. kashmir

    3yr old Girl asked to leave restaurant because scars were scaring customers

    3 year old Girl asked to leave restaurant because scars were scaring customers, grandmother says. Man, some people in this world have no compassion what so ever. The kid is three years old :shrug: Well someone has a huge lawsuit coming, good for them and those that were raising the pitbulls are...
  8. kashmir

    Ask someone from another world

    Yes folks, I am not of this earth, as you know it, its obvious. ask away. Ask up to 5 questions and I will honestly reply to them.
  9. kashmir

    Licence to have sex

    I am putting this here, it is sort of serious, but because it cant actually happen by us, for those who might agree, lets just have fun with it, but in a serious way. plz dont get way out there, like beheading fornicators or such... :sorry1: Abortion Statistics: 1.2 Million Babies Die Every...
  10. kashmir

    world wide flood?

    I came across this from being linked on YT, thought it would be a good read. It's not that I believe it or not, hoping to get real debating on what is said in the article and not just pointless "flat earther magic man in the sky worshipper" type comments. Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide...
  11. kashmir

    image all the ppl

    where are they? I have no ppl
  12. kashmir

    sex addicts are polluting the world

    Wish I could embed it here. People be multiplying like rabbits. Some one is giving birth every 1/4 a sec or so..... :eek: On a side note, India is catching up with China about 3 births to 1, USA is like too damn tired to have kids that fast ATM World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2014) -...
  13. kashmir

    Just wondering......

    If someone told you they met Jesus, someone normal, not a crazy person, would you believe them or just write it off as they are just delusional, mistaken, or any other of the 87 trillion theories that could explain that it wasn't Jesus at all that they met? Lets say I said that I met Jesus...
  14. kashmir

    Dateline on gay couples and interracial couples

    Currently watching, so its not uploaded their servers yet. Dateline likes to hire actors and put hidden cameras up and see what people do when put in various situations. First they had a white guy and black girl go into a hair-cutting place and had another actor who played as one of the...
  15. kashmir

    The taste of money

    Just seen this on imgur When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Can not Eat Money!
  16. kashmir

    Teens and Sex

    Considering all the trends going on in various threads on this board about this, I have did research to see what the actual data says. Due to that and what I learned.... Please see the underlined text at the bottom of this post, to what I want the discussion to be about. Thanks (I am just bored...
  17. kashmir

    Generalizing, Strawmanning and goalposting

    Just wondering why those things seem to be the default method of debating styles on these forums and everyone is right, and everyone else is wrong.
  18. kashmir

    Climate Change - New Arguments

    Just watched this video, never heard this before, thought I would share. If this is just a bunch of nonsense, my apologizes. Basically what the guy explains is Solar Flare Patterns that seem to be affecting all planets and their climates. He agrees on the CO2 emissions, and doing something about...
  19. kashmir

    spin the kitty

    This is too funny not to share apparently kitty spins are fun :D
  20. kashmir

    GPS tracking for children

    I think that considering how many kids go missing every year... AMBER Alert Would it be such a terrible idea to make things like this mandatory? And force insurance companies to cover the costs or part of them at least? GPS Tracking Chip For Children Think about it, wearing seat-belts is...