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  • Thanks for the winner and like frubes on Sell Me A God
    And thanks for the informative frubes and optimistic frube on Johnny Appleseed Day
    Thanks for ...
    The trio of friendly frubes and informative frube on Don't you just hate it when...
    Liking the welp
    And the optimistic frube on I am going to the gym tomorrow morning
    Thanks for the...
    friendly frube on Are You Healthy? Enjoy it.
    like on A Different Thread
    pair of likes on If only Jesus were more like Artemis?
    Thanks for the Ugh like and the Racism friendly frubes
    And thanks for the like and funny frubes on Do you ever throw your fruit or vegetables out?
    And thanks for the friendly frube on Do you find porcelain dolls creepy?I just to.
    Thanks also for the i frube and like on Do you enjoy pineapple?
    Thanks for the winner and i frubes on The Mistake You Keep Making
    Thanks for the i frube on after the bread... gas
    Thanks for the like on If only Jesus were more like Artemis?
    Thanks for the funny frube on 550 great questions for George!
    Cheers for the frube on What do you like better?Bread and butter?Or peanut butter and jelly?
    Thanks for the friendly frube on My Basement :(
    the i frube on Gallon Price per Gas
    The like on Humans have more worth than other animals?
    Thanks for the winner frube on What was your favorite toy growing up?
    Thanks for the frube on Have you ever ate a box of chocolates?And liked it?I have.
    Thank you for your winner and like on Stuff n' Things


    Thanks for the useful frube on Building a business from scratch is hard work.
    Thanks for the useful frubes on A beard can be shaved in five minutes.

    And thanks for the like on Did you like batman toys growing up?I did.
    Thank you for your like and winner frubes on Pamphlets from a hospital chapel

    Thanks for the socks in useful (or something like that)

    And thank you for your pair of frubes on Pray that I die or that my arm gets fixed!

    And thanks also for the like and winner on Question about use of voilence..

    Thanks for liking A Different Thread
    Thanks for the winner frube on The best noise your smartphone makes!

    And thanks for the friendly frube on Feeling someone else's pain

    Cheers for the winner and like frubes on Question about morphine!

    And thanks for the funny like and winner frubes on Ask Me About My House

    Thanks for the i frube on I Am Eating An Apple.

    Also i thank you for the friendly on Why I care about Ukraine.
    And thanks for the useful frube on If you had to work a fast-food job for eternity!

    And thank you for your friendly frube on This Day in History

    And for the frubes on Pick Two! Thanks muchly

    Cheers for now funny frube on If you had to work a fast-food job for eternity!

    For the like and funny frubes on Answer the Question Above i thank you

    The friendly frube on As a vegetarian also deserves my thanks
    As does the frube on Soap-flavored gum!
    Thanks for the i frube on Assuming Another's Gender

    And thanks for the useful frube on Who invented the first Pad?

    And for the pair of funny frubes on Hot Tamales Candy, also thank you.

    Thanks for the friendly frube on Someone is Listening!

    Thanks also for the frube on Someone is Listening!
    Thanks for the frube on Can I ask a question about the status of RF and it's special features?

    And the informative frube on It is almost March! Are you preparing?

    Ta for the useful and opti frubes on Someone is Listening!
    Thanks for the frube on Reusable pads

    And thanks for the useful, friendly and like frubes on Why are you running away?
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