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Recent content by Honestly

  1. Honestly

    Are Adam and Eve Incompatible with Evolution?

    The bible teaches in a number of places that we are the children of God, I believe that we are spirit children of God, placed in physical bodies. It appears that the creation steps in the first chapter of Genesis is the spiritual creation because chapter 2 states that there was not yet a man and...
  2. Honestly

    Is Materialism a Sin?

    If our focus is on the things of God, then our talents, wealth, position, and material possesions become a stewardship to be used for good purposes. In the absense of sefishness and pride (striving to lift ourselves above others), we are accountable to God for how we use them. God blessed many...
  3. Honestly

    Is religion harmful?

    I believe that religion has resulted in allot of good in the world. Most religions teach good principles and many people embrace them and try to become better. However, there are many prideful people who want to cause contention and who embrace hatred. Some of these people do so in the name of...
  4. Honestly

    What Is Biblical Faith?

    To me, faith in Jesus Christ is pretty much the same as trust in Jesus Christ. It is like saying that I have faith in my son to do the right thing. Faith or trust in Christ does not exist unless it leads us to action. Those who have faith in Christ will repent and strive to follow Christs...
  5. Honestly

    Holy war or unconditional love?

    I believe that the vast majority of religions are designed to lead people to live lives of goodness. Religions are not the cause of hate. The whisperings of Satan are the cause of hate.
  6. Honestly

    If God existed would there be proof?

    I think that God actually condemns people who seek for physical proof. Jesus said that it is an adulterous generation that seeks for a sign and that no sign would be given. I believe that as we try to look to God and faithfully trust in the still small voice of our conscience that leads us to...
  7. Honestly

    Are Adam and Eve Incompatible with Evolution?

    Here is what I think: Several scriptures indicate that we are children of God. At some point in the creation process, the spirits of Adam and Eve were placed in physical bodies. The scriptures teach that Adam and Eve were placed in a particular garden located in a specific place on the earth...