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Can someone please help me?


Resident megalomaniac
Greetings all.

Don't be alarmed - it s not a life-or-death situation that I need help with.

Having said that, it is a real dilemma for me at this point.

I have been writing abook about my experiences with schizophrenia - both wonderful and sometimes horrible beyond the power of words to describe.

Trouble is I have WAY too many possible titles.

Originally I was quite fond of calling it "A Complete Beginner's Guide to Reality".

However I have been toying with dozens of others. Some are lengthy so I would need a LARGE cover on the book or very tiny font!

You can read all the possible titles down below. Vote for your favourite - sorry there are no prizes on offer!

Enjoy your browsing!



Greetings one & all!

I hope you are well and enjoying whatever you happen to be doing.

The book you are currently reading has taken at least 37-years to write.

That is how long I have lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

Those 37 years have been phenomenal - sometimes utterly wonderful and other times horrible beyond description. It is astonishing that I still have most of my marbles

To give you some idea of the evolution of this book - here are a few titles that I have toyed with over the years –

As we all know – a catchy title can make all the difference when people are browsing for books to read …

"The sad truth about the human race"

“Does anyone currently living on this planet actually have a clue?”

"Playing with madness"

"A Beginner's guide to reality"

“Love is a four-letter word!”

"Living with a profound sense of wonder & curiosity & gratitude"

“No! No! No! That’s NOT the way. That’s not the WAY!”

"Sometimes you just have to laugh!"

"Imaginary conversations"

"How to stop your ego from sabotaging your happiness"

“Love yourself with your imperfections so you can love other people with their imperfections”

"Schizophrenia: The most misunderstood phenomenon in the entire universe!"

"How to be RIDICULOUSLY happy!"

"Step-by-step guide to a completely spontaneous mind"

"Celebrate your uniqueness"

"Start your own cult and help save the world"

"The super easy quick foolproof guaranteed way to a happier life"

“”Be kind & gentle & patient with yourself … and with everybody else”

"How to transform your anger into compassion"

“Stop trusting your thoughts!” - Google it!

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!”

"Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?"

"The most fascinating book you are ever likely to read!"

“Suffering can make you all bitter & twisted or it can make you far more compassionate”

“How to calm down the chatter in your mind” – Google it?

“We are all in this together”

“What is life without a little mystery?”

“I don’t think that anyone is completely sane – that would be unbearable.”

“I try not to judge people especially when they are acting like jerks!”

They only behave that way when they are frustrated and a lot of human frustration is a sign that an individual desperately wants to experience their FULL potential but hasn’t a clue as to how to go about it.

“If you think unkind thoughts for any reason you are just creating more negative karma for yourself. Don’t blame me - that is just the way this universe operates!”

“Many people are secretly yearning for something fundamentally better than their current experiences”

“Fear can drive people to do some very crazy things!”

"Do you have a healthy belief system?"

“One hundred simple ways to control your brain”

“Sometimes I like to enjoy my life according to the experts”

“Fill your thoughts with kindness and start a kindness revolution!”

“Lessons we can learn from dogs” – Google it!

“How to love yourself completely especially when you are really struggling!”

“Fix all of your problems and frustrations in 50 easy-to-follow steps!”

"Is gratitude the key to a happier life?"

"How to lose your mind but not your sense of humour"

"I would love to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of life"

"Life is FAR too short to go filling yourself with negativity"

"I believe in miracles!"

"Does anyone really care whether I am happy or not?"

“I wonder … a lot!”

“The art of staying cool, calm & collected whenever anybody is pushing all of your buttons”

“How to observe your mind with friendly curiosity”

“Once upon a time, I started spending & bending & mending my life”

“Make sure that your thoughts are motivated by kindness (as much as humanly possible)”

“I will be asking all the questions from now on!”

“Why on earth would you expect people to behave any better than they do?”

“You have FAR more potential than you may have been led to believe!”

“How to flourish in a traumatic world”

“Once upon a time, a man suddenly started to learn how to enjoy his own life!”

"A little peek inside my chaotic mind"

Amazing scenes – remind me – the nightly news

"I may be imperfect but your imperfections are FAR worse than mine!"

"Send pure, unconditional love to all those who are currently trapped in hatred or any other form of negativity!!!"

“Don’t blame me! I only do what the voices in my head tell me to do!”

“The only guide to happiness you will ever need!”

“How to develop a completely open mind and annoy the heck out of every one at the same time”

“Liberate yourself from all negativity!”

“Live stress-free in a thoroughly superficial & artificial society”

“How to stop adding negativity to a world which already has more than it can handle”

“A complete history of human behaviour”

“Well … maybe you were a mass-murderer in a previous life”

“Some souls deliberately choose to experience extreme adversity because it provides opportunities to evolve much faster”

“Find greater happiness by venturing out beyond your comfort zone”

“How to make better mistakes!”

“Be alert – the world needs more lerts!”

“I used to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of the blood”

“A complete guide to frustration and what you can do to reduce it!”

“Sometimes I like to live like a logical man”

“How to start enjoying all of the simple things in life!”

“Keys to a more joyful experience on this planet”

“What makes you SO sure that you are right?”

“I hate to break it to you but I cannot even pretend to be interested in all of the ego-drama that most people are addicted to.”

“This world desperately needs all of the wisdom & compassion & inspiration that we can muster!”

“Don’t try to tell me how to live – I am the psychological man!”

“Letting go of all your struggles with reality!”

“Remaining grateful even during your toughest times”

“If you insist on blaming or complaining … beware of bad karma …”

“Are you daring enough to find out the true causes of all of your struggles?”

“Exploring your own consciousness – the ultimate adventure!”

“You don’t need to torture yourself to grow!”

“All the things we do tend to take for granted”

“The true origins of human happiness”

“Letting go of your need to compare yourself to others”

"Learning to laugh at yourself!"

“How to put an end to toxic thinking – it is far easier than you might imagine!”

“The grand scheme of things”

“The foolproof way to become fabulously rich and popular just by reading this book!”

“Transform your experience of this universe through meditation”

“Everything your soul wants you to know”

“How to think like an absolute genius”

“Stop listening to that voice in your head!”

“I don’t believe in being bored!”

“How to harness the full power of your imagination – it is far easier than you might think!”

"There is absolutely nothing "special" about me - we are all born with the same amazing human potential - we each have the potential to experience love & compassion & wonder & curiosity & forgiveness & kindness & joy & enthusiasm & thoughts & ideas & inspiration & gratitude & much much more!"

“Always make sure that you observe your thoughts as closely and as kindly as humanly possible”

“How to improve your life beyond your wildest dreams”

“Finding happiness by embracing all of your emotions – yes – even the dark ones!”

“I am not in the least bit interested in emotional drama so I make sure I never push people’s buttons”

"My life is a self-replicating event flowing smoothly from unstructured cosmic intent"

Plus more lines from some of my poems?

"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life"

“Sometimes life is just like the milky texture of reality”

"I'm not crazy - it's everyone else!"

"Solve all of your personal problems permanently"

"Enlightenment for dummies"

"Are we asking all the wrong questions?"

"I would much rather meditate than watch television!"

"Once upon a time, a man started to wonder if he should put an extra onion into his pocket."

"How to stop sabotaging your own happiness"

"My favourite Google searches"

"I am as reliable as the Bible"

"How you can boost your mood enormously by spontaneously chanting completely random & utter nonsense!"

“Don’t tell me about the modern medical mysteries of life!”

"Dealing with obnoxious people without losing your serenity"

"Chanting for fun & profit"

"Once upon a time, a man started to SCREAM because he couldn't understand his own life."

"How to enjoy all of those extra moments of your life"

"Sometimes men & women & children & families & doctors love to enjoy a replica of their own lives"

"Don't worry about me - I am NOT psychologically deranged!"

How to help someone with schizophrenia -

Helping Someone with Schizophrenia - HelpGuide.org

May paste in a couple of pointers - but you know what I am like - always tinkering with things!

Schizophrenia can be a frightening and confusing experience - I have been fortunate to have great family support and so I must thank them all - hopefully this little book of mine can be of some comfort to those who are less fortunate than myself.


Thanks for reading this far!

Enjoy he rest of your day!



se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
"Playing with madness"
I like this one.

But something with 'Schizophrenia' in the title and a very straightforward title will probably sell well, too, as it's obvious and easy.

I hope this works for you!


Resident megalomaniac
I like this one.

But something with 'Schizophrenia' in the title and a very straightforward title will probably sell well, too, as it's obvious and easy.

I hope this works for you!

Thanks for your contribution.

My preference varies from moment to moment ...



Resident megalomaniac
Actually one of my choices is a book I read very early on -

From "The Troubled Mind":

Since the beginnings of recorded history, man has been fascinated with the insane, with their deranged feeling, thinking, and behaviour. Insane people with fanciful delusions have at times attracted large numbers of adherents, who looked upon their psychotic leaders as prophets or as saviours of some sort. The alluring properties of the "prophet's" message may be more than just a beckoning of a way to escape from the boredom of everyday life. I suspect that many followers are riveted by a peculiarly intoxicating quality of psychotic ecstasy conveyed by the "mad" leader.

The psychiatric disease that converts man into an other-worldly creature - at once wiser than the wisest of the sane and yet so deeply troubled that he suffers more than a terminal cancer patient - is surely schizophrenia. Because of his bizarre loss of contact with everyday reality, the schizophrenic can appeal to us as a messiah bearing the message of the infinite. For our conception of the universe is bounded by the straitjacket of conventional thinking processes. A schizophrenic's self-perception is so fragmented that he seems to function at a different plane of consciousness from the rest of humanity. Some psychiatrists who have dealt extensively with schizophrenics even wonder whether the schizophrenic's "psychotic" perception of the world might not conform more to ultimate reality than does our sane vision.

Solomon Snyder


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I can't choose what i think is best because there are several equally good titles there. The thing is, the ones i like are all short, between 3 and 5 words.


it's the storm before the calm
I like this one.

But something with 'Schizophrenia' in the title and a very straightforward title will probably sell well, too, as it's obvious and easy.

I hope this works for you!

I agree with having schizophrenia in the title, and I like your choice.

@Geoff-Allen I like this one:

"A little peek inside my chaotic mind"

But including schizophrenia, so maybe "Schizophrenia: Inside My Chaotic Mind


Resident megalomaniac

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Partly the title depends on how it's going to be published. If an editor/publisher is involved, often the title is something they develop. If self-published, it's up to you.

So many titles to me could apply to other books. Since you asked for opinions, a title should ideally do two things. First is to as hint at the main subject of the book. The second is to catch someone's attention. Both of these are long but catchy. They hint at the chaos without using the word 'chaotic' and that appeals to me personally.

Looking at other book titles such as I Never Promised You a Rose Garden could be helpful. It does not address mental illness directly but the title is about how hard the protagonist had it.

And some of your titles seem like good ideas but can be tightened up. Here's a couple that appealed to me. The first is direct. The second is suggestive. Both I think can be shortened as I tried to do. The 'onion' one would attract people who would wonder "what is this book about".

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!”

"Once upon a time, a man started to wonder if he should put an extra onion into his pocket."

"The someone in my head is not me"

"Should I put an extra onion in my pocket"


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I !


Resident megalomaniac
Partly the title depends on how it's going to be published. If an editor/publisher is involved, often the title is something they develop. If self-published, it's up to you.

So many titles to me could apply to other books. Since you asked for opinions, a title should ideally do two things. First is to as hint at the main subject of the book. The second is to catch someone's attention. Both of these are long but catchy. They hint at the chaos without using the word 'chaotic' and that appeals to me personally.

Looking at other book titles such as I Never Promised You a Rose Garden could be helpful. It does not address mental illness directly but the title is about how hard the protagonist had it.

And some of your titles seem like good ideas but can be tightened up. Here's a couple that appealed to me. The first is direct. The second is suggestive. Both I think can be shortened as I tried to do. The 'onion' one would attract people who would wonder "what is this book about".

"The someone in my head is not me"

"Should I put an extra onion in my pocket"

Thanks for your suggestions!

I would hate to rip off the Pink Floyd phrase :)

I keep coming back to some variant on "A beginner's guide to reality" ...



Well-Known Member
Greetings all.

Don't be alarmed - it s not a life-or-death situation that I need help with.

Having said that, it is a real dilemma for me at this point.

I have been writing abook about my experiences with schizophrenia - both wonderful and sometimes horrible beyond the power of words to describe.

Trouble is I have WAY too many possible titles.

Originally I was quite fond of calling it "A Complete Beginner's Guide to Reality".

However I have been toying with dozens of others. Some are lengthy so I would need a LARGE cover on the book or very tiny font!

You can read all the possible titles down below. Vote for your favourite - sorry there are no prizes on offer!

Enjoy your browsing!



Greetings one & all!

I hope you are well and enjoying whatever you happen to be doing.

The book you are currently reading has taken at least 37-years to write.

That is how long I have lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

Those 37 years have been phenomenal - sometimes utterly wonderful and other times horrible beyond description. It is astonishing that I still have most of my marbles

To give you some idea of the evolution of this book - here are a few titles that I have toyed with over the years –

As we all know – a catchy title can make all the difference when people are browsing for books to read …

"The sad truth about the human race"

“Does anyone currently living on this planet actually have a clue?”

"Playing with madness"

"A Beginner's guide to reality"

“Love is a four-letter word!”

"Living with a profound sense of wonder & curiosity & gratitude"

“No! No! No! That’s NOT the way. That’s not the WAY!”

"Sometimes you just have to laugh!"

"Imaginary conversations"

"How to stop your ego from sabotaging your happiness"

“Love yourself with your imperfections so you can love other people with their imperfections”

"Schizophrenia: The most misunderstood phenomenon in the entire universe!"

"How to be RIDICULOUSLY happy!"

"Step-by-step guide to a completely spontaneous mind"

"Celebrate your uniqueness"

"Start your own cult and help save the world"

"The super easy quick foolproof guaranteed way to a happier life"

“”Be kind & gentle & patient with yourself … and with everybody else”

"How to transform your anger into compassion"

“Stop trusting your thoughts!” - Google it!

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!”

"Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?"

"The most fascinating book you are ever likely to read!"

“Suffering can make you all bitter & twisted or it can make you far more compassionate”

“How to calm down the chatter in your mind” – Google it?

“We are all in this together”

“What is life without a little mystery?”

“I don’t think that anyone is completely sane – that would be unbearable.”

“I try not to judge people especially when they are acting like jerks!”

They only behave that way when they are frustrated and a lot of human frustration is a sign that an individual desperately wants to experience their FULL potential but hasn’t a clue as to how to go about it.

“If you think unkind thoughts for any reason you are just creating more negative karma for yourself. Don’t blame me - that is just the way this universe operates!”

“Many people are secretly yearning for something fundamentally better than their current experiences”

“Fear can drive people to do some very crazy things!”

"Do you have a healthy belief system?"

“One hundred simple ways to control your brain”

“Sometimes I like to enjoy my life according to the experts”

“Fill your thoughts with kindness and start a kindness revolution!”

“Lessons we can learn from dogs” – Google it!

“How to love yourself completely especially when you are really struggling!”

“Fix all of your problems and frustrations in 50 easy-to-follow steps!”

"Is gratitude the key to a happier life?"

"How to lose your mind but not your sense of humour"

"I would love to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of life"

"Life is FAR too short to go filling yourself with negativity"

"I believe in miracles!"

"Does anyone really care whether I am happy or not?"

“I wonder … a lot!”

“The art of staying cool, calm & collected whenever anybody is pushing all of your buttons”

“How to observe your mind with friendly curiosity”

“Once upon a time, I started spending & bending & mending my life”

“Make sure that your thoughts are motivated by kindness (as much as humanly possible)”

“I will be asking all the questions from now on!”

“Why on earth would you expect people to behave any better than they do?”

“You have FAR more potential than you may have been led to believe!”

“How to flourish in a traumatic world”

“Once upon a time, a man suddenly started to learn how to enjoy his own life!”

"A little peek inside my chaotic mind"

Amazing scenes – remind me – the nightly news

"I may be imperfect but your imperfections are FAR worse than mine!"

"Send pure, unconditional love to all those who are currently trapped in hatred or any other form of negativity!!!"

“Don’t blame me! I only do what the voices in my head tell me to do!”

“The only guide to happiness you will ever need!”

“How to develop a completely open mind and annoy the heck out of every one at the same time”

“Liberate yourself from all negativity!”

“Live stress-free in a thoroughly superficial & artificial society”

“How to stop adding negativity to a world which already has more than it can handle”

“A complete history of human behaviour”

“Well … maybe you were a mass-murderer in a previous life”

“Some souls deliberately choose to experience extreme adversity because it provides opportunities to evolve much faster”

“Find greater happiness by venturing out beyond your comfort zone”

“How to make better mistakes!”

“Be alert – the world needs more lerts!”

“I used to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of the blood”

“A complete guide to frustration and what you can do to reduce it!”

“Sometimes I like to live like a logical man”

“How to start enjoying all of the simple things in life!”

“Keys to a more joyful experience on this planet”

“What makes you SO sure that you are right?”

“I hate to break it to you but I cannot even pretend to be interested in all of the ego-drama that most people are addicted to.”

“This world desperately needs all of the wisdom & compassion & inspiration that we can muster!”

“Don’t try to tell me how to live – I am the psychological man!”

“Letting go of all your struggles with reality!”

“Remaining grateful even during your toughest times”

“If you insist on blaming or complaining … beware of bad karma …”

“Are you daring enough to find out the true causes of all of your struggles?”

“Exploring your own consciousness – the ultimate adventure!”

“You don’t need to torture yourself to grow!”

“All the things we do tend to take for granted”

“The true origins of human happiness”

“Letting go of your need to compare yourself to others”

"Learning to laugh at yourself!"

“How to put an end to toxic thinking – it is far easier than you might imagine!”

“The grand scheme of things”

“The foolproof way to become fabulously rich and popular just by reading this book!”

“Transform your experience of this universe through meditation”

“Everything your soul wants you to know”

“How to think like an absolute genius”

“Stop listening to that voice in your head!”

“I don’t believe in being bored!”

“How to harness the full power of your imagination – it is far easier than you might think!”

"There is absolutely nothing "special" about me - we are all born with the same amazing human potential - we each have the potential to experience love & compassion & wonder & curiosity & forgiveness & kindness & joy & enthusiasm & thoughts & ideas & inspiration & gratitude & much much more!"

“Always make sure that you observe your thoughts as closely and as kindly as humanly possible”

“How to improve your life beyond your wildest dreams”

“Finding happiness by embracing all of your emotions – yes – even the dark ones!”

“I am not in the least bit interested in emotional drama so I make sure I never push people’s buttons”

"My life is a self-replicating event flowing smoothly from unstructured cosmic intent"

Plus more lines from some of my poems?

"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life"

“Sometimes life is just like the milky texture of reality”

"I'm not crazy - it's everyone else!"

"Solve all of your personal problems permanently"

"Enlightenment for dummies"

"Are we asking all the wrong questions?"

"I would much rather meditate than watch television!"

"Once upon a time, a man started to wonder if he should put an extra onion into his pocket."

"How to stop sabotaging your own happiness"

"My favourite Google searches"

"I am as reliable as the Bible"

"How you can boost your mood enormously by spontaneously chanting completely random & utter nonsense!"

“Don’t tell me about the modern medical mysteries of life!”

"Dealing with obnoxious people without losing your serenity"

"Chanting for fun & profit"

"Once upon a time, a man started to SCREAM because he couldn't understand his own life."

"How to enjoy all of those extra moments of your life"

"Sometimes men & women & children & families & doctors love to enjoy a replica of their own lives"

"Don't worry about me - I am NOT psychologically deranged!"

How to help someone with schizophrenia -

Helping Someone with Schizophrenia - HelpGuide.org

May paste in a couple of pointers - but you know what I am like - always tinkering with things!

Schizophrenia can be a frightening and confusing experience - I have been fortunate to have great family support and so I must thank them all - hopefully this little book of mine can be of some comfort to those who are less fortunate than myself.


Thanks for reading this far!

Enjoy he rest of your day!


Have you seen A Beautiful Mind? That was really a lovely movie. Based off a true story but not everythin in it is factual but it does deal with the schizophrenia dilemma. I truly hope you will succeed in your life with great success :)

For the title, I was thinkin, " A mind of my own or is it?"

Good luck with your book!!


Resident megalomaniac
Have you seen A Beautiful Mind? That was really a lovely movie. Based off a true story but not everythin in it is factual but it does deal with the schizophrenia dilemma. I truly hope you will succeed in your life with great success :)

For the title, I was thinkin, " A mind of my own or is it?"

Good luck with your book!!

Thanks for your support.

Yes - my main aim for the book is to help others who are battling similar "demons". It has been a long & winding road but well-worth it at this stage. A lot of people never survive to experience 37 years of schizophrenia - the ups & the downs.

Your title is worthy of consideration too!

Enjoy the rest of your browsing!

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Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Greetings all.

Don't be alarmed - it s not a life-or-death situation that I need help with.

Having said that, it is a real dilemma for me at this point.

I have been writing abook about my experiences with schizophrenia - both wonderful and sometimes horrible beyond the power of words to describe.

Trouble is I have WAY too many possible titles.

Originally I was quite fond of calling it "A Complete Beginner's Guide to Reality".

However I have been toying with dozens of others. Some are lengthy so I would need a LARGE cover on the book or very tiny font!

You can read all the possible titles down below. Vote for your favourite - sorry there are no prizes on offer!

Enjoy your browsing!



Greetings one & all!

I hope you are well and enjoying whatever you happen to be doing.

The book you are currently reading has taken at least 37-years to write.

That is how long I have lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

Those 37 years have been phenomenal - sometimes utterly wonderful and other times horrible beyond description. It is astonishing that I still have most of my marbles

To give you some idea of the evolution of this book - here are a few titles that I have toyed with over the years –

As we all know – a catchy title can make all the difference when people are browsing for books to read …

"The sad truth about the human race"

“Does anyone currently living on this planet actually have a clue?”

"Playing with madness"

"A Beginner's guide to reality"

“Love is a four-letter word!”

"Living with a profound sense of wonder & curiosity & gratitude"

“No! No! No! That’s NOT the way. That’s not the WAY!”

"Sometimes you just have to laugh!"

"Imaginary conversations"

"How to stop your ego from sabotaging your happiness"

“Love yourself with your imperfections so you can love other people with their imperfections”

"Schizophrenia: The most misunderstood phenomenon in the entire universe!"

"How to be RIDICULOUSLY happy!"

"Step-by-step guide to a completely spontaneous mind"

"Celebrate your uniqueness"

"Start your own cult and help save the world"

"The super easy quick foolproof guaranteed way to a happier life"

“”Be kind & gentle & patient with yourself … and with everybody else”

"How to transform your anger into compassion"

“Stop trusting your thoughts!” - Google it!

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!”

"Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?"

"The most fascinating book you are ever likely to read!"

“Suffering can make you all bitter & twisted or it can make you far more compassionate”

“How to calm down the chatter in your mind” – Google it?

“We are all in this together”

“What is life without a little mystery?”

“I don’t think that anyone is completely sane – that would be unbearable.”

“I try not to judge people especially when they are acting like jerks!”

They only behave that way when they are frustrated and a lot of human frustration is a sign that an individual desperately wants to experience their FULL potential but hasn’t a clue as to how to go about it.

“If you think unkind thoughts for any reason you are just creating more negative karma for yourself. Don’t blame me - that is just the way this universe operates!”

“Many people are secretly yearning for something fundamentally better than their current experiences”

“Fear can drive people to do some very crazy things!”

"Do you have a healthy belief system?"

“One hundred simple ways to control your brain”

“Sometimes I like to enjoy my life according to the experts”

“Fill your thoughts with kindness and start a kindness revolution!”

“Lessons we can learn from dogs” – Google it!

“How to love yourself completely especially when you are really struggling!”

“Fix all of your problems and frustrations in 50 easy-to-follow steps!”

"Is gratitude the key to a happier life?"

"How to lose your mind but not your sense of humour"

"I would love to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of life"

"Life is FAR too short to go filling yourself with negativity"

"I believe in miracles!"

"Does anyone really care whether I am happy or not?"

“I wonder … a lot!”

“The art of staying cool, calm & collected whenever anybody is pushing all of your buttons”

“How to observe your mind with friendly curiosity”

“Once upon a time, I started spending & bending & mending my life”

“Make sure that your thoughts are motivated by kindness (as much as humanly possible)”

“I will be asking all the questions from now on!”

“Why on earth would you expect people to behave any better than they do?”

“You have FAR more potential than you may have been led to believe!”

“How to flourish in a traumatic world”

“Once upon a time, a man suddenly started to learn how to enjoy his own life!”

"A little peek inside my chaotic mind"

Amazing scenes – remind me – the nightly news

"I may be imperfect but your imperfections are FAR worse than mine!"

"Send pure, unconditional love to all those who are currently trapped in hatred or any other form of negativity!!!"

“Don’t blame me! I only do what the voices in my head tell me to do!”

“The only guide to happiness you will ever need!”

“How to develop a completely open mind and annoy the heck out of every one at the same time”

“Liberate yourself from all negativity!”

“Live stress-free in a thoroughly superficial & artificial society”

“How to stop adding negativity to a world which already has more than it can handle”

“A complete history of human behaviour”

“Well … maybe you were a mass-murderer in a previous life”

“Some souls deliberately choose to experience extreme adversity because it provides opportunities to evolve much faster”

“Find greater happiness by venturing out beyond your comfort zone”

“How to make better mistakes!”

“Be alert – the world needs more lerts!”

“I used to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of the blood”

“A complete guide to frustration and what you can do to reduce it!”

“Sometimes I like to live like a logical man”

“How to start enjoying all of the simple things in life!”

“Keys to a more joyful experience on this planet”

“What makes you SO sure that you are right?”

“I hate to break it to you but I cannot even pretend to be interested in all of the ego-drama that most people are addicted to.”

“This world desperately needs all of the wisdom & compassion & inspiration that we can muster!”

“Don’t try to tell me how to live – I am the psychological man!”

“Letting go of all your struggles with reality!”

“Remaining grateful even during your toughest times”

“If you insist on blaming or complaining … beware of bad karma …”

“Are you daring enough to find out the true causes of all of your struggles?”

“Exploring your own consciousness – the ultimate adventure!”

“You don’t need to torture yourself to grow!”

“All the things we do tend to take for granted”

“The true origins of human happiness”

“Letting go of your need to compare yourself to others”

"Learning to laugh at yourself!"

“How to put an end to toxic thinking – it is far easier than you might imagine!”

“The grand scheme of things”

“The foolproof way to become fabulously rich and popular just by reading this book!”

“Transform your experience of this universe through meditation”

“Everything your soul wants you to know”

“How to think like an absolute genius”

“Stop listening to that voice in your head!”

“I don’t believe in being bored!”

“How to harness the full power of your imagination – it is far easier than you might think!”

"There is absolutely nothing "special" about me - we are all born with the same amazing human potential - we each have the potential to experience love & compassion & wonder & curiosity & forgiveness & kindness & joy & enthusiasm & thoughts & ideas & inspiration & gratitude & much much more!"

“Always make sure that you observe your thoughts as closely and as kindly as humanly possible”

“How to improve your life beyond your wildest dreams”

“Finding happiness by embracing all of your emotions – yes – even the dark ones!”

“I am not in the least bit interested in emotional drama so I make sure I never push people’s buttons”

"My life is a self-replicating event flowing smoothly from unstructured cosmic intent"

Plus more lines from some of my poems?

"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life"

“Sometimes life is just like the milky texture of reality”

"I'm not crazy - it's everyone else!"

"Solve all of your personal problems permanently"

"Enlightenment for dummies"

"Are we asking all the wrong questions?"

"I would much rather meditate than watch television!"

"Once upon a time, a man started to wonder if he should put an extra onion into his pocket."

"How to stop sabotaging your own happiness"

"My favourite Google searches"

"I am as reliable as the Bible"

"How you can boost your mood enormously by spontaneously chanting completely random & utter nonsense!"

“Don’t tell me about the modern medical mysteries of life!”

"Dealing with obnoxious people without losing your serenity"

"Chanting for fun & profit"

"Once upon a time, a man started to SCREAM because he couldn't understand his own life."

"How to enjoy all of those extra moments of your life"

"Sometimes men & women & children & families & doctors love to enjoy a replica of their own lives"

"Don't worry about me - I am NOT psychologically deranged!"

How to help someone with schizophrenia -

Helping Someone with Schizophrenia - HelpGuide.org

May paste in a couple of pointers - but you know what I am like - always tinkering with things!

Schizophrenia can be a frightening and confusing experience - I have been fortunate to have great family support and so I must thank them all - hopefully this little book of mine can be of some comfort to those who are less fortunate than myself.


Thanks for reading this far!

Enjoy he rest of your day!

I read them all. My advice would be a title that is:
1. Short.
2. Relevant.
3. Intriguing.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
You can read all the possible titles down below. Vote for your favourite - sorry there are no prizes on offer!
My faves are:
  • Playing with madness
  • There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!
  • One hundred simple ways to control your brain
  • Letting go of all your struggles with reality!
  • How to stop sabotaging your own happiness
My vote is: "100 simple ways to control your brain"

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Greetings all.

Don't be alarmed - it s not a life-or-death situation that I need help with.

Having said that, it is a real dilemma for me at this point.

I have been writing abook about my experiences with schizophrenia - both wonderful and sometimes horrible beyond the power of words to describe.

Trouble is I have WAY too many possible titles.

Originally I was quite fond of calling it "A Complete Beginner's Guide to Reality".

However I have been toying with dozens of others. Some are lengthy so I would need a LARGE cover on the book or very tiny font!

You can read all the possible titles down below. Vote for your favourite - sorry there are no prizes on offer!

Enjoy your browsing!



Greetings one & all!

I hope you are well and enjoying whatever you happen to be doing.

The book you are currently reading has taken at least 37-years to write.

That is how long I have lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia.

Those 37 years have been phenomenal - sometimes utterly wonderful and other times horrible beyond description. It is astonishing that I still have most of my marbles

To give you some idea of the evolution of this book - here are a few titles that I have toyed with over the years –

As we all know – a catchy title can make all the difference when people are browsing for books to read …

"The sad truth about the human race"

“Does anyone currently living on this planet actually have a clue?”

"Playing with madness"

"A Beginner's guide to reality"

“Love is a four-letter word!”

"Living with a profound sense of wonder & curiosity & gratitude"

“No! No! No! That’s NOT the way. That’s not the WAY!”

"Sometimes you just have to laugh!"

"Imaginary conversations"

"How to stop your ego from sabotaging your happiness"

“Love yourself with your imperfections so you can love other people with their imperfections”

"Schizophrenia: The most misunderstood phenomenon in the entire universe!"

"How to be RIDICULOUSLY happy!"

"Step-by-step guide to a completely spontaneous mind"

"Celebrate your uniqueness"

"Start your own cult and help save the world"

"The super easy quick foolproof guaranteed way to a happier life"

“”Be kind & gentle & patient with yourself … and with everybody else”

"How to transform your anger into compassion"

“Stop trusting your thoughts!” - Google it!

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!”

"Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?"

"The most fascinating book you are ever likely to read!"

“Suffering can make you all bitter & twisted or it can make you far more compassionate”

“How to calm down the chatter in your mind” – Google it?

“We are all in this together”

“What is life without a little mystery?”

“I don’t think that anyone is completely sane – that would be unbearable.”

“I try not to judge people especially when they are acting like jerks!”

They only behave that way when they are frustrated and a lot of human frustration is a sign that an individual desperately wants to experience their FULL potential but hasn’t a clue as to how to go about it.

“If you think unkind thoughts for any reason you are just creating more negative karma for yourself. Don’t blame me - that is just the way this universe operates!”

“Many people are secretly yearning for something fundamentally better than their current experiences”

“Fear can drive people to do some very crazy things!”

"Do you have a healthy belief system?"

“One hundred simple ways to control your brain”

“Sometimes I like to enjoy my life according to the experts”

“Fill your thoughts with kindness and start a kindness revolution!”

“Lessons we can learn from dogs” – Google it!

“How to love yourself completely especially when you are really struggling!”

“Fix all of your problems and frustrations in 50 easy-to-follow steps!”

"Is gratitude the key to a happier life?"

"How to lose your mind but not your sense of humour"

"I would love to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of life"

"Life is FAR too short to go filling yourself with negativity"

"I believe in miracles!"

"Does anyone really care whether I am happy or not?"

“I wonder … a lot!”

“The art of staying cool, calm & collected whenever anybody is pushing all of your buttons”

“How to observe your mind with friendly curiosity”

“Once upon a time, I started spending & bending & mending my life”

“Make sure that your thoughts are motivated by kindness (as much as humanly possible)”

“I will be asking all the questions from now on!”

“Why on earth would you expect people to behave any better than they do?”

“You have FAR more potential than you may have been led to believe!”

“How to flourish in a traumatic world”

“Once upon a time, a man suddenly started to learn how to enjoy his own life!”

"A little peek inside my chaotic mind"

Amazing scenes – remind me – the nightly news

"I may be imperfect but your imperfections are FAR worse than mine!"

"Send pure, unconditional love to all those who are currently trapped in hatred or any other form of negativity!!!"

“Don’t blame me! I only do what the voices in my head tell me to do!”

“The only guide to happiness you will ever need!”

“How to develop a completely open mind and annoy the heck out of every one at the same time”

“Liberate yourself from all negativity!”

“Live stress-free in a thoroughly superficial & artificial society”

“How to stop adding negativity to a world which already has more than it can handle”

“A complete history of human behaviour”

“Well … maybe you were a mass-murderer in a previous life”

“Some souls deliberately choose to experience extreme adversity because it provides opportunities to evolve much faster”

“Find greater happiness by venturing out beyond your comfort zone”

“How to make better mistakes!”

“Be alert – the world needs more lerts!”

“I used to believe in all of the modern medical mysteries of the blood”

“A complete guide to frustration and what you can do to reduce it!”

“Sometimes I like to live like a logical man”

“How to start enjoying all of the simple things in life!”

“Keys to a more joyful experience on this planet”

“What makes you SO sure that you are right?”

“I hate to break it to you but I cannot even pretend to be interested in all of the ego-drama that most people are addicted to.”

“This world desperately needs all of the wisdom & compassion & inspiration that we can muster!”

“Don’t try to tell me how to live – I am the psychological man!”

“Letting go of all your struggles with reality!”

“Remaining grateful even during your toughest times”

“If you insist on blaming or complaining … beware of bad karma …”

“Are you daring enough to find out the true causes of all of your struggles?”

“Exploring your own consciousness – the ultimate adventure!”

“You don’t need to torture yourself to grow!”

“All the things we do tend to take for granted”

“The true origins of human happiness”

“Letting go of your need to compare yourself to others”

"Learning to laugh at yourself!"

“How to put an end to toxic thinking – it is far easier than you might imagine!”

“The grand scheme of things”

“The foolproof way to become fabulously rich and popular just by reading this book!”

“Transform your experience of this universe through meditation”

“Everything your soul wants you to know”

“How to think like an absolute genius”

“Stop listening to that voice in your head!”

“I don’t believe in being bored!”

“How to harness the full power of your imagination – it is far easier than you might think!”

"There is absolutely nothing "special" about me - we are all born with the same amazing human potential - we each have the potential to experience love & compassion & wonder & curiosity & forgiveness & kindness & joy & enthusiasm & thoughts & ideas & inspiration & gratitude & much much more!"

“Always make sure that you observe your thoughts as closely and as kindly as humanly possible”

“How to improve your life beyond your wildest dreams”

“Finding happiness by embracing all of your emotions – yes – even the dark ones!”

“I am not in the least bit interested in emotional drama so I make sure I never push people’s buttons”

"My life is a self-replicating event flowing smoothly from unstructured cosmic intent"

Plus more lines from some of my poems?

"Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life"

“Sometimes life is just like the milky texture of reality”

"I'm not crazy - it's everyone else!"

"Solve all of your personal problems permanently"

"Enlightenment for dummies"

"Are we asking all the wrong questions?"

"I would much rather meditate than watch television!"

"Once upon a time, a man started to wonder if he should put an extra onion into his pocket."

"How to stop sabotaging your own happiness"

"My favourite Google searches"

"I am as reliable as the Bible"

"How you can boost your mood enormously by spontaneously chanting completely random & utter nonsense!"

“Don’t tell me about the modern medical mysteries of life!”

"Dealing with obnoxious people without losing your serenity"

"Chanting for fun & profit"

"Once upon a time, a man started to SCREAM because he couldn't understand his own life."

"How to enjoy all of those extra moments of your life"

"Sometimes men & women & children & families & doctors love to enjoy a replica of their own lives"

"Don't worry about me - I am NOT psychologically deranged!"

How to help someone with schizophrenia -

Helping Someone with Schizophrenia - HelpGuide.org

May paste in a couple of pointers - but you know what I am like - always tinkering with things!

Schizophrenia can be a frightening and confusing experience - I have been fortunate to have great family support and so I must thank them all - hopefully this little book of mine can be of some comfort to those who are less fortunate than myself.


Thanks for reading this far!

Enjoy he rest of your day!

Way too many I's used in these possibilities, the list is an expression of mental confusion and schizophrenia. The ego self is not what what and who you really are, self identification with the body leads to the greatest errors of the mind.

To realize what and who you really are will end the confusion and lead to inner peace. Healing is not about fitting in with human society as it presently is, the world is crazy with 90% of people merely acting, they may not be mentally suffering,, but they are lost souls nevertheless. Find out what and who you really are and you (no not your present self identification with your present brain mind) will transcend all the mental confusion of the thinking mind. Hard work for sure, the path to the truth of what and who you really are is very difficult, but infinitely rewarding.


Resident megalomaniac
I can't choose what i think is best because there are several equally good titles there. The thing is, the ones i like are all short, between 3 and 5 words.

Hi Christine!

Yes - you are spoiled for choice. I actually prefer some of the longer ones - would need very tiny font - esp the one about human potential which is something I contemplate a LOT!

Thanks for your input & enjoy your browsing!



Resident megalomaniac
My faves are:
  • Playing with madness
  • There’s someone in my head but it’s not me!
  • One hundred simple ways to control your brain
  • Letting go of all your struggles with reality!
  • How to stop sabotaging your own happiness
My vote is: "100 simple ways to control your brain"

Yes - a few of them are tongue in cheek :)

If I knew how to control the human brain I could make a mint. I suppose I could have included one title about meditation - has helped me enormously over the decades!

Thanks for your interest!



Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Yes - a few of them are tongue in cheek :)

If I knew how to control the human brain I could make a mint. I suppose I could have included one title about meditation - has helped me enormously over the decades!

Thanks for your interest!

I misunderstood you, and I thought these were titles for a book in the self-help section of a bookstore. If I was looking for self help books those would be the kinds of titles I'd look at.

My list of favorites has changed accordingly, and I recommend the following (for you) instead:
  • Imaginary conversations
  • Step-by-step guide to a completely spontaneous mind
  • I wonder … a lot!
  • A little peek inside my chaotic mind
  • Once upon a time, I was born into the psychological mysteries of life
  • Enlightenment for dummies
They are good titles. I may steal this one: The only guide to happiness you will ever need!

You see I knew an author who was writing a book by nearly the same title but never finished it. Its a little dejavu to come across it. I may write that book someday and may use that title, too.
Last edited:


Resident megalomaniac
I misunderstood you, and I thought these were titles for a book in the self-help section of a bookstore. If I was looking for self help books those would be the kinds of titles I'd look at.

No real misunderstanding. Just a few are tongue in cheek. I have read a LOT of books that promise to totally transform your life and there are literally hundreds of them to choose from. There is much-debate as to how useful or transformative many of the books are. Some seem to promise a "quick fix" rather than a gradual process. I have also read some on Zen practice and the shortcomings of language & concepts to describe such states as nirvana or liberation or whatever you wanna call it!

Thanks for your input.

Enjoy the rest of your day!


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
No real misunderstanding. Just a few are tongue in cheek. I have read a LOT of books that promise to totally transform your life and there are literally hundreds of them to choose from. There is much-debate as to how useful or transformative many of the books are. Some seem to promise a "quick fix" rather than a gradual process. I have also read some on Zen practice and the shortcomings of language & concepts to describe such states as nirvana or liberation or whatever you wanna call it!

Thanks for your input.

Enjoy the rest of your day!
Info: I have edited the post since your quote. No need to repost, but just so you see it I'm replying again.