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Remember Ann Coulter? She's Gone Full on White Supremacist

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I dislike for other reasons. Check out "Special Olympian Scolds Ann Coulter for "Retard" Tweet". The letter he wrote to Anne Coulter in " In His Own Words: Special Olympian's Open Letter to Anne Coulter". Also check out " Anne Coulter Suggests Citizenship Denial to Blind Disabled immigrants". It can be seen on Youtube.
That reminds me of when Colbert blaster her over that comment, used her own logic against her, and concluded that Coulter is a "****ing retard." It was so funny that apparently the Free Beer and Hotwings morning show repeated it several times the next day.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
It is amazing how extremists demand that their fatwas be the final judgement, such as this totally laughable fatwa that is going on to attack this author (sorry, I forget her name and always mis-spell it) as well as attacks on Trump, for example.

I have seen this lady on occasion, my wife hates her, I got mad at her over something (can't remember what it was), but of late I like what she has to say in voicing the anger of the American people over the criminal aliens from Mexico.

So I bought her book, "Adios America" but haven't had a chance to read it, but look forward to my review in "What are you reading" section of this forum.

Not accusing the OP, but the far left wants to outlaw freedom of speech. Of all the bombastic, including racist, spin and lingo, the worst comes from the far left, but let everyone, left, right, in the middle "bomb away", it is only an isssue with me when someone tries to use words themself to outlaw words - such as using the bombastic word "racist" to outlaw the free speech of others who 99% are not what they are accused of. Just look at the relentless attacks on our police as "racist white cops" by false narratives and based on the lies of thugs such as "hands up, don't shoot" which never happened. Their phony toadies, many of which are full of hate and who stereotype entire sectors of society and who are really just losers in life due to their own small brains and often are the worst racists themselves, scour the entire country looking for the one police-arrest among tens of thousands daily where the police risk their life to find the one rare case which they can try and spin with lies and false narratives to try and prove their false ideas and 90 percent of the time even among these rare cases the cop is innocent of the false narrative and in the 10 percent of the .01 percent of these cases where the cop committed a crime it had nothing to do with racism.

America is one of the most inclusive and non-racist nations on earth, that is one reason every race would like to live here, and the biggest demographic of racists isn't white "southerners" but frankly the black rap culture. They are also responsible for the most gun violence. And in police records here where I live, when a Mexican illegal criminal rapes another 14 year old or shoots someone in the face, the crime is logged into the stats as "Caucasian", but any school registration is "Hispanic".

On point to these attacks which really want to suppress free speech, I am not accusing the OP of this, but this thingy against this author reminds me of these relentless attempts by the left to do precisely this, this concern as to where some others want to really go, which is anti-free speech.

In one way, all she is trying to do is vent frustrations about these hordes of invaders from Mexico and which many are criminals, rapists, murderers, even if not, then almost all come from a peasant illiterate culture that supports racism (they are mostly racists), fascism and dupes to phony promises from politicians, homophobes, beat their wives and celebrate drunkeness.

It is clear that there is a racist "war" on white people going on. I find that swine Democrat O'Malley who is running for President much more alarming for apologizing for saying "All lives matter", meaning the real message is only black lives matter, no one else, especially those Jews that many of these black circles want to exterminate, why Islamic extremists are always trying to recruit them, and as far as the far left in general many of them if not all support Islamic extremism, there is also this element of homophobe black Christian extremism.

Just after the Supreme Court ruling, while driving down the main road of a nearby town in the SF Bay Area, I observed a large crowd of blacks on the side of the road, obviously from some black church (many of these are "black clubs only" and more than just churches but black racist social clubs and drinking-gabbing venues), waving golden colored flags and with signs just short of saying all **** should be killed. Jesus was named in their signs as their leader.

Look at Planned Parenthood, the "forefathers" being advocates of aborting inferior blacks into extinction. Definitely not surprising that a Nazi-like organization would use Nazi-like tactics of suppressing free speech, via evil unelected judges, to silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public.

The Confederate flag is touted as the "racist" symbol because the Democrats who were the slavery party have an historical record of supporting slavery, even though the meaning of this flag evolved over time, yet the Logo of the Democratic Party is a banner of a Party with a history of slavery without question and the Donkey and Party is as much the Confederate flag as that flag itself, and the Democrats in the majority opposed later civil rights legislation while Republicans supported it. So if you want to play the "guilt by history" game, take down the symbol of the Democratic Party from all public buildings. In one way, the Democratic Party is still the Party of slavery and didn't evolve since they want to put everyone on the government plantation.

Back to organizations who throw words around in a bombastic way, and I have no prpblem with free speech and blast away but don't try and use "labels" to straightjacket free speech, we are watching Planned Parenthood deny free citizens press right before our eyes, but they are just going to revel themselves as the fascist pigs they are even more in the eyes of the people, just as Hillary is seen as neither honest nor trustworthy by the majority of American people, so it is going to be with Planned Parenthood a criminal and drunk with money and power agency that is really just an extension of government and founded by racists who wanted to abort to extermination Jews and blacks.

So "racist" is now being used to say "you have no right to free speech". And by declaring, falsely, America as a racist, this is nothing more than an attempt to deny free speech for all of America.

As far as this lady being attacked, the left always way over exaggerates the influence of one person. Sure, she has SOME influence, for what it is worth, maybe what she might say strikes the ear AT THE MOMENT on some interview, but trying to projeft her as the VOICE is not only way over exaggerated, but absurd. I mean Jeb Bush has way, way more name recognition than this lady, sure Jeb has SOME influence on the right, but most of the Republican base do not like Bush and are supporting Trump and Walker, with Walker the early leader right out of the gate and Trump catching up late in the game. We will see the final outcome, most could not even recall the name of this lady, like me, as I type this I think it's Coultrain, but all this hysteria over her from the left makes me interested to hear more from her and so I bought her book thanks to this post. Long live free speech, and maybe I won't agree with everything but I bet there will be some gems as talking points I can steal from her and share on the forum in my name.
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It is clear that there is a racist "war" on white people going on.

I couldn't even begin to address your post because it was so factually disparaging and incorrect.

But, no there is not a racist war against white people going on. Yes, institutionalized racism does exist in this country, and has been empirical demonstrated time and time again.