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Genesis 2


Well-Known Member
YOU have no evidence for a young earth, none at all.

This is viewed a truth for most of the educated world, theist included, and contains substantiated facts to back their position.

You don't have to like the truth, or be part of the majority.

IAP - IAP Statement on the Teaching of Evolution

We agree that the following evidence-based facts about the origins and evolution of the Earth and of life on this planet have been established by numerous observations and independently derived experimental results from a multitude of scientific disciplines. Even if there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change, scientific evidence has never contradicted these results:

•In a universe that has evolved towards its present configuration for some 11 to 15 billion years, our Earth formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.
•Since its formation, the Earth – its geology and its environments – has changed under the effect of numerous physical and chemical forces and continues to do so.
•Life appeared on Earth at least 2.5 billion years ago. The evolution, soon after, of photosynthetic organisms enabled, from at least 2 billion years ago, the slow transformation of the atmosphere to one containing substantial quantities of oxygen. In addition to the release of the oxygen that we breathe, the process of photosynthesis is the ultimate source of fixed energy and food upon which human life on the planet depends.
•Since its first appearance on Earth, life has taken many forms, all of which continue to evolve, in ways which palaeontology and the modern biological and biochemical sciences are describing and independently confirming with increasing precision. Commonalities in the structure of the genetic code of all organisms living today, including humans, clearly indicate their common primordial origin.

Outhouse, that statement of the IAP is just that----a statement of their beliefs. It is not Proof or fact of anything---as they attest with the """""there are still many open questions about the precise details"""""
Those "details a have to do with the very foundation of all their assummed "Theories".

I believe the GOD who Created all things and the Scriptures attest to it "beginnings".

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Hi Ken, the Compromise is in all those ages you see and that which the Sabbath itself is based upon. The Seven days of creation week and all things created in that time frame. A time frame for Time itself in the human realm----one day equals from one sunset to the next.
The past ages would be as far as the Creation of the earth goes to its "beginning."

The Days of active creation were in the establishing of the various details concerning those days. Yes, initially the earth was "bohuw" and "tohuw"---emptiness and without form. Then day by Day all things one sees was spoken into existence.
Just as the "fathers" had made "Traditions and commandments" which were not truth at the time of Jesus---There were many things which the "early church fathers" presented and enforced which were not Scriptural.
Please give the scriptural reference to that renewing it face statement.

There was no vast amount of time from GOD'S speaking the earth into being and the completion of the creative work Six "evenings and mornings later. The Seventh day was "bless and sanctified" for holy convocation. All were to cease from their six days of labor.

Shalom sincerly, it is your opinion that the Earth did not BECOME void and without form, but that understanding aligns science with creation. Concerning the RENEWING of the face of the Earth, by SENDING forth the Spirit to hover over the waters:

(Psa 104:30) Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.

The word for "renewest" means to renew, or repair. And this is what Elohim did some 6000 years ago when in 7 days, He renewed or repaired the FACE of the Earth. With this proper understanding, science and the ORIGINAL creation of the Heavens and the Earth (billions of years ago), along with the renewing or repairing of the Earth's FACE (6000 years ago), will not conflict. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
I believe ".

Thats right, it is all you do.

Bring evidence, faith does not create history :facepalm:

Hi outhouse, my statement is more than your chopped version. It was:
I believe the GOD who Created all things and the Scriptures attest to it "beginnings".
Ant that in response to your "belief" in the IAP statement you posted in which they admit "there are still many open questions about the precise details of evolutionary change,...
My belief is in the GOD who does the impossible which man can not do. I'm still waiting for you to show the source for the entire elemental substances from which all things were made and coming from "nothing". And then producing life in that spontaneously generated Substance that was produced from "nothing".

Yes, I see various and sundry forms of life outside my window. However, It did NOT materialize from "nothing"; and you can believe any "theory by man" you choose, but until all the "details" are "FACTS" and not made "facts, because "it is silly not to do so": because of their assumptions, I will Believe the GOD who lead and guided Mankind through all types of impossible situations---as attested(recorded) by the writers of the Scriptures.(They were eye witnesses(and experienced) to many things HE performed.)

Those Scientist and you have "faith" in what they have assumed/theorized as facts.
There isn't just problems between certain "Phyla", but, also, between the "kingdoms".
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Well-Known Member
Shalom sincerly, it is your opinion that the Earth did not BECOME void and without form, but that understanding aligns science with creation. Concerning the RENEWING of the face of the Earth, by SENDING forth the Spirit to hover over the waters:

(Psa 104:30) Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.

The word for "renewest" means to renew, or repair. And this is what Elohim did some 6000 years ago when in 7 days, He renewed or repaired the FACE of the Earth. With this proper understanding, science and the ORIGINAL creation of the Heavens and the Earth (billions of years ago), along with the renewing or repairing of the Earth's FACE (6000 years ago), will not conflict. Blessings in The Name, ImAHebrew.

Peace Ken, thanks for your posting the source for "renewing", etc.
But Man's(science) theories of the source concerning the origin of the earth(and all things upon it) and GOD's accounting can not be compromised to agree.

Yes, Ps.104 is praise to the Creator GOD from creating all things to sustaining all that HE had Created. There is a re-newing by HIS spirit every year of the face of the earth---new growth of plants and animals to replace that which has been comsumned or died.

Ken, God has power over the "lump" just as Jer.18---the potter over the clay. Yes, HE spoke and the unfinished product appeared. Each day it was refined with newness as GOD added to the "All things". On the Sixth day, that which had been "without for and void" had been transformed into "the earth and all things which are upon it."
Praise be to our eternal Creator GOD. and each Sabbath Day(Ex.20:8-11) we remember that it is HE who Created all things.----NOT a theory produced in the imagination of mankind.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
What is seen is the evidence of the Creator GOD.

That is not evidence towards anything. That is only your faith and yours alone.

And your assessment--anything-- would include the theory of evolution and all it entails. I can understand why there are lacking "details." Reality is not acknowledged.

Originally Posted by sincerly
When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??

That is what the bible is.
It was made by men.
Bring evidence, faith does not create history

And those "theories" were not made by men???
As I asked---
""When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??""---all that "material produced from nothing" and the life that non-organic material produced??


Originally Posted by sincerly
What is seen is the evidence of the Creator GOD.

And your assessment--anything-- would include the theory of evolution and all it entails. I can understand why there are lacking "details." Reality is not acknowledged.

Originally Posted by sincerly
When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??

And those "theories" were not made by men???
As I asked---
""When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??""---all that "material produced from nothing" and the life that non-organic material produced??

Can you stop it?

And provide REAL evidence???????????????????????????????


Rogue Theologian
There will be no photo, no fingerprint, no equation nor experiment.
No proof.

and it will never cease.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sincerly
What is seen is the evidence of the Creator GOD.

And your assessment--anything-- would include the theory of evolution and all it entails. I can understand why there are lacking "details." Reality is not acknowledged.

Originally Posted by sincerly
When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??

And those "theories" were not made by men???
As I asked---
""When are you going to bring evidence produced by those theories made by men??""---all that "material produced from nothing" and the life that non-organic material produced??

Can you stop it?

And provide REAL evidence???????????????????????????????

Hi outhouse, stop telling the truth of the Scriptures and the "real evidence" which all can see by observing "all natural things about them"???
NO! Jesus said, "Go Ye...and teach(tell) the whatsoever I have told you".

You do not have to belive anything---You still have that freedom to choose. Since I have that same freedom(presently), I beleive the Creator GOD who produced that which is "real" and "present"(evidence) rather than that which men's minds have concocted via "theories" which(admittedly) lack foundational "details".


Well-Known Member
can you provide REAL evidence??

When are you going to bring REAL evidence produced by those theories made by men??""---all that "material produced from nothing" and the life that non-organic material produced??

The "REAL" Evidence as produced by GOD is visible---just look out your window. (I know it was visible when I was in California for five years.)
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pro scapegoat
When are you going to bring REAL evidence produced by those theories made by men??""---all that "material produced from nothing" and the life that non-organic material produced??

The "REAL" Evidence as produced by GOD is visible---just look out your window. (I know it was visible when I was in California for five years.)

Theories are entirely drawn from evidence. Theories are how the facts and evidences are explained.
As to inorganic becoming organic, life comes from inorganic material every day - you are converting inorganic material to life in your digestive system right now.

How life began is something that science has learned a great deal about, but how god began and how god created life are questions that have never been answered.


Rogue Theologian
Theories are entirely drawn from evidence. Theories are how the facts and evidences are explained.
As to inorganic becoming organic, life comes from inorganic material every day - you are converting inorganic material to life in your digestive system right now.

How life began is something that science has learned a great deal about, but how god began and how god created life are questions that have never been answered.

Theory develops from observation.
Theory is good explanation for what has been observed.
Fact comes after the experiment to confirm the explanation.


but how god began and how god created life are questions that have never been answered.

And we know that as written the religious mythology did not take place, nor could have Israelites known about any aspect of human origins from their point of ignorance.

Sincerely cannot prove his YEC belief in any way, yet WE have a mountain facts in support of the scientific reality we all live in.

Including him. He also uses science daily, then bashes it in his next sentence.