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Republican Tax Nonsense



Positive. NPR & BBC are my only radio sources, & I don't do TV news...er, infprotainmenaganda. (I just made up that word!)
What's with the lefty obsession with trying to hang a foxtail on every Libertarian?

That was a joke (hense the smilie).

Glad to see you and I get our news from the same source.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That was a joke (hense the smilie).

Glad to see you and I get our news from the same source.

I got the joke, hence my own.
But most of my news is from Drudge links.
Sometimes Fox is there, but I also consume NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, Breitbart, etc. It's a pretty wide spectrum.....none of which I trust too much.

News is 90% perspective & 10% information.
(And I'm being generous to the info part.)


I got the joke, hence my own.
But most of my news is from Drudge links.
Sometimes Fox is there, but I also consume NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, Breitbart, etc. It's a pretty wide spectrum.....none of which I trust too much.

News is 90% perspective & 10% information.
(And I'm being generous to the info part.)

Well my joke was funnier.


I don't defend Bush at all, but I'm just amazed at how Obama's followers believe that he is so different.

He's just Bush on steroids when it comes to bloated government, higher taxes & foreign adventurism.

All kidding aside, I want you to know that I respect this opinion.

I respectfully and passionately disagree.


Back from the Dead
Doesn't the Death or Estate tax show how greedy liberals are? I mean, the income has already been taxed and now liberals want another bite out of somebody else's money. Wanting what is not yours is pretty greedy to me and the greediest institution on the planet is the US federal government.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Doesn't the Death or Estate tax show how greedy liberals are? I mean, the income has already been taxed and now liberals want another bite out of somebody else's money. Wanting what is not yours is pretty greedy to me and the greediest institution on the planet is the US federal government.

To be fair to the lefties, we gots ta pay for government somehow, & the death tax is one way. I'd like to see the tax
burden lowered overall, & if the death tax could enable the lowering of marginal income tax rates, I could live with that.


Back from the Dead
Hi Revolt,

To be fair to the lefties, we gots ta pay for government somehow, & the death tax is one way. I'd like to see the tax
burden lowered overall, & if the death tax could enable the lowering of marginal income tax rates, I could live with that.

Well, I think that is the problem; the government getting too much money.

And it would seem that the death tax would violate even the left's perverted sense of justice.

But liberals are the greediest people on the planet so their insatiable appetite for other people's resources never ceases to amaze me.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hi Revolt,
Well, I think that is the problem; the government getting too much money.
And it would seem that the death tax would violate even the left's perverted sense of justice.
But liberals are the greediest people on the planet so their insatiable appetite for other people's resources never ceases to amaze me.

Greedy though they are, there is some merit in the death tax. Lower marginal income tax rates spur productivity by motivating the ambitious,
upon whom our economy depends. I see a lower death tax as having less of the same effect. Yes, it's rather unjust to tax someone all their life,
& then do it again when they die, but taxation is inherently somewhat unjust, so the best we can do is strive to find a reasonable compromise.


Prince of Dorkness!
Greedy though they are, there is some merit in the death tax. Lower marginal income tax rates spur productivity by motivating the ambitious,
upon whom our economy depends. I see a lower death tax as having less of the same effect. Yes, it's rather unjust to tax someone all their life,
& then do it again when they die, but taxation is inherently somewhat unjust, so the best we can do is strive to find a reasonable compromise.
Taxation is only unjust if you are willing to refuse services from your government, like the protection of a standing military, or having roads to drive on, or someone to answer the 911 line when you have an emergency, or a firetruck with firemen when your house is burning, etc. If you don't want any of that, then maybe yes, taxation is unfair.

I for one would be willing to let people opt out of SOME government services in order to lower their taxes. You could choose not to pay for ambulance and fire services, or police services, let's say. Then you just don't bother calling 911, because the firemen or the ambulance won't respond for you, since you opted out of those services.

You can choose not to connect your house to the water and sewer systems, and opt out of taxes that pay for those services. Any sewage you generate must then be taken care of within the confines of your property, of course. No dumping it for the rest of us to deal with.

I'd even be willing to let you opt out of road taxes, as long as you owned or used no vehicles that utilize the public roadways (including bicycles, motorcycles, roller skates, etc.). Delivery vehicles would be allowed to visit your property, since their taxes are paid in part from your delivery fees.

Wanna lower your taxes? Utilize less government services!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Taxation is only unjust if you are willing to refuse services from your government....

I don't buy that generality. A system which places a much larger burden on some taxpayers than others as a result of vagaries &
whims of the system would properly be called unjust. Injustice is not a black & white concept here....it is something which can be
minimized. Moreover, injustice is something which can be addressed in multiple ways, rather than the single choice you offer.


Prince of Dorkness!
I don't buy that generality. A system which places a much larger burden on some taxpayers than others as a result of vagaries &
whims of the system would properly be called unjust. Injustice is not a black & white concept here....it is something which can be
minimized. Moreover, injustice is something which can be addressed in multiple ways, rather than the single choice you offer.
I'm not trying to defend the current taxation system by any means; just the basic principle of payment for services.


Done here.
Doesn't the Death or Estate tax show how greedy liberals are? I mean, the income has already been taxed and now liberals want another bite out of somebody else's money.
It's new, unearned income for the heirs. They haven't paid any taxes on it. And most estates in the U.S. aren't large enough to be subject to taxation, either.

Wanting what is not yours is pretty greedy to me and the greediest institution on the planet is the US federal government.
Welcome to the planet Earth, where people in civilized countries pay taxes. For those who hate government and taxes, there's always the option of moving to Somalia.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I hear Somalia is nice this time of year. If you can get over the afternoon mortar showers, the constant hunger, and the open sewers. Perfect for Republicans!


Prince of Dorkness!
I hear Somalia is nice this time of year. If you can get over the afternoon mortar showers, the constant hunger, and the open sewers. Perfect for Republicans!
Screw all that, NO TAXES! Of course there are no jobs either, unless you want to be in a militia or crew a pirate ship, but still, NO TAXES!


Well-Known Member
I am for the death tax.

I think after four generations, why should the wealth someone produces stay in that familiy? The great grandparent probably won't even meet their great grandchildren.

Now, you know, this will not apply to the super ultra rich, like the Kennedys, for example. People who know how to work around the system. They put their estates into a 'trust', they put their money into offshore accounts, they invest in tax free municipal funds, etc. So yeah, the estate tax is only going to hurt people who have just enough money to be affected by it.

For example, a farm in Colorado which had been in a family for generations had to be sold 16 years ago (back when there was a death tax), because the government assessed the property's worth at over 50 million...but the family had built it back when there was no civilization there, and had in fact helped build the town. There were streets named after the family, etc. But no, the property was assessed at 50 million (or something) and they just didnt have the money for it, so they had to sell it JUST to pay the taxes on it.

Isn't that insane? Is that was this country was supposed to be about?...No.

So, I do not support a tax which has as its sole purpose to confiscate private property and redistribute it, for the politicians in Washington who cannot spend the money we give them already efficiently at all, to use in maintaining their political power. Thats all, not to pay for programs, etc. The more money you give them the more they need, the more they take. So I say screw em.


Back from the Dead
Hi Smoke,

It's new, unearned income for the heirs. They haven't paid any taxes on it. And most estates in the U.S. aren't large enough to be subject to taxation, either.

They don't need to pay taxes on it; it’s simply passed to another person. If I give you some money, why should the government take a bite out of that? I made money, paid taxes on it and gave it to you, why must you have to pay taxes on that money? I thought liberals believed in privacy. If I gave you the money in a bedroom, then would the state not be able to tax it? Why isn’t this considered a private transaction?

Welcome to the planet Earth, where people in civilized countries pay taxes. For those who hate government and taxes, there's always the option of moving to Somalia.

Nicely played, because everyone knows if you object to a $4 trillion dollar federal government, then you must be for no government. Bifurcation fallacy anyone? You are smarter than that.