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Why is nobody replying


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Folks don't usually reply to my threads for awhile. Then, maybe a day after I made them, they start to take off. Mostly my threads flop though.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I met one of your threads a few hours ago. It was fairly specific, so it is no wonder that few people replied.

That is just how things happen.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
There ya go...I replied.
But if you want specifics as to why I didn't reply immediately, here ya go...

1) I used to reply to everyone's welcome thread, but I have got slack at it. Nothing personal, I only open them now when I run out of active threads I am in, and don't run out of free time.

2) The big debate thread is not something I could add much to, as an atheist, I would suggest. But for what it's worth, you mentioned adding a poll, but that hasn't happened.

In general terms, you probably want to start a thread and bring a premise that people can relate to, if you want more hits. I'm a rambler, and plenty of my threads have died a pretty quick death. Meanwhile, some of my more goofy threads have got a good amount of hits, just because there was enough there for people to respond to/laugh at/shake their heads sadly at and figure I won't amount to much.

Jump in a few threads other people have started, as well as starting your own. You'll soon realise that to get a response, all you need to do is post nude photos of Mystic, or put up a poll questioning Sunstone's sanity.


Premium Member
Why besides 2 people not replied to any of my threads do you not like me or my religeon?

Hey there :)

I like everyone :)

Members around here are nice, although some of them can be real A holes sometimes :D

I get the cold shoulder treatment from time to time too.

Don't be offended by it, our intentions are good.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Post the pics! post the pics! Anything but post yet another, "Is Sunstone sane?" poll!

Well...I don't HAVE the pics. That's kinda why I am very subtle in my attempts to convince everyone ELSE to post pics.
Way to bring attention to my secret ninja plans, Sunny!


Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I haven't seen you around. I used to be into Satanism but now it's best for me not to talk about it on the boards because I have a pretty dim view of it after spending years studying that movement and interacting with other Satanists online. I don't want to get into trouble. :)


Well-Known Member
Why besides 2 people not replied to any of my threads do you not like me or my religeon?
The threads you've posted so far are generally limited to other Satanists (and are in those DIRs) which is going to seriously restrict your market. I don't know how many Satanists post here but I suspect you wouldn't need to take your shoes off to count them. Your posts are also a little too generic. You really need to ask specific questions or address specific issues to catch people's attention rather than "So what do you guys think about <X>?".

After all, you've posted a specific question in an open forum here and have several replies (a couple of which are on topic ;) ) so it's clearly not personal.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Your threads kind of suck, first off to much dirand sub dir useage, secondly very genreic, bland or repative topics, and finally some of them are just poorly worded.