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School, NYPD 'cannot guarantee Jewish students' safety - Columbia rabbi tells Jewish students to leave Campus

Should Jewish students exit college campues

  • Total voters


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Just for the record, there's one person's posts here that I rarely ever read, and that applies in this case. When someone claims that in Judaism, almost any action can be excused, there's a name for that kind of bias and I don't think I have to spell out what that is.

BTW, there are 613 Commandments in Judaism, which undoubtedly makes it more restrictive than any other major religion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Just for the record, there's one person's posts here that I rarely ever read, and that applies in this case. When someone claims that in Judaism, almost any action can be excused, there's a name for that kind of bias and I don't think I have to spell out what that is.
Keen observation?
BTW, there are 613 Commandments in Judaism, which undoubtedly makes it more restrictive than any other major religion.
Does it prohibit apartheid, murder, theft, & genocide?

A religion is what its adherents do.
Not what they claim about themselves.
There's a name for that kind of duplicity.


Well-Known Member
Always cute to see this fake map.

The first picture is so stupid that it begs belief that people would actually believe it.
It just, for no reason whatsoever, assumes that all the land where no Jews lived was Arab land.
Most of it was state owned land, so public property and not Arab land.
Or are you going to claim that there was some vast Arab civilisation in the Negev? Likely some metropolis?

Why is the second picture even included? The Arab states and Palestinians refused this plan and went to war.

Third picture, Gaza was Egyptian, the West Bank was Jordanian.
No Palestine there either.

And now?
Apparently there are Israeli settlements in Gaza.
Except of course there aren't.
Also with the establishment of the PA the Palestinians have ever had some sort of autonomy to organise their own matters.
They have never had this before as they were always ruled by foreign powers.
Though they of course had no problem with that when it was the Egyptians, Jordanians and Ottomans.
In short other Muslims.

Though I wonder, what does all of this, including this entire thread have to do with the matter of the OP?
Jewish students not being able to go to University in the US has what to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Why do US Jews have to go "back to Poland" as per protesters?

You are all so much infused with your hatred that you do not even know that you are unravelling US Jewry for good.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Always cute to see this fake map.

The first picture is so stupid that it begs belief that people would actually believe it.
It just, for no reason whatsoever, assumes that all the land where no Jews lived was Arab land.
Most of it was state owned land, so public property and not Arab land.
Or are you going to claim that there was some vast Arab civilisation in the Negev? Likely some metropolis?

Why is the second picture even included? The Arab states and Palestinians refused this plan and went to war.

Third picture, Gaza was Egyptian, the West Bank was Jordanian.
No Palestine there either.

And now?
Apparently there are Israeli settlements in Gaza.
Except of course there aren't.
Also with the establishment of the PA the Palestinians have ever had some sort of autonomy to organise their own matters.
They have never had this before as they were always ruled by foreign powers.
Though they of course had no problem with that when it was the Egyptians, Jordanians and Ottomans.
In short other Muslims.

Though I wonder, what does all of this, including this entire thread have to do with the matter of the OP?
Jewish students not being able to go to University in the US has what to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Why do US Jews have to go "back to Poland" as per protesters?

You are all so much infused with your hatred that you do not even know that you are unravelling US Jewry for good.
So just ignore the land grab that has been stealing land from the Palestines for decades. Why post those pictures? It shows how Palestinians have been forced to have less and less land as Israel takes it.


Woke gremlin
Always cute to see this fake map.

The first picture is so stupid that it begs belief that people would actually believe it.
It just, for no reason whatsoever, assumes that all the land where no Jews lived was Arab land.
Most of it was state owned land, so public property and not Arab land.
Or are you going to claim that there was some vast Arab civilisation in the Negev? Likely some metropolis?
Are you actually serious? You looked at this map and assumed what it was saying was "no Jews lived there" and that this was land "privately owned by Arabs"?

You have no idea what Mandatory Palestine was?

Simple question: if this was "state owned land", then what STATE did it belong to?

Why is the second picture even included? The Arab states and Palestinians refused this plan and went to war.
Because it was the land partitioned legally to Israel. It's the lines that were specifically drawn as the land that was legally Israel as per the initial partition plan.

Are you just being obtuse? When you claimed these maps were "fake", did you actually just mean "relating to real things that actually happened, but I don't think matter"?

Third picture, Gaza was Egyptian, the West Bank was Jordanian.
No Palestine there either.
Wow. I wonder where all those people who lived in mandatory Palestine went, then? I guess they just did a collective magic disappearing act.

And now?
Apparently there are Israeli settlements in Gaza.
Er... No? The map doesn't show that.

Except of course there aren't.
Also with the establishment of the PA the Palestinians have ever had some sort of autonomy to organise their own matters.
They have never had this before as they were always ruled by foreign powers.
Though they of course had no problem with that when it was the Egyptians, Jordanians and Ottomans.
In short other Muslims.
What on earth does any of this have to do with what is being shown on the maps?

Though I wonder, what does all of this, including this entire thread have to do with the matter of the OP?
Jewish students not being able to go to University in the US has what to do with the Arab-Israeli conflict?
In case you haven't noticed, there's a conflict currently happening in Gaza, and a lot of students are upset about how it's being handled and how the US is involved in it, and they're doing this big protest about it, and some people are worried about these protests being antisemitic (citation needed) and widespread fears about Jews being around them (despite the fact that there are Jews IN the protests).

That's what it's about.

Why do US Jews have to go "back to Poland" as per protesters?
Any actual evidence of that happening? Do you think ALL protesters shout that?

You are all so much infused with your hatred that you do not even know that you are unravelling US Jewry for good.
Says the person who doesn't accept maps that are inconvenient to them, and calls them fake. And cries anti-semitism at anti-war protesters.
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Active Member
Were you saying this after oct 7th? That is what inspired these deaths and hamas is to blame. You don’t understand that a 2 state solution is the death of Israel, a ceasefire is the death of more Israelites, Israel will live in peace but they are not allowed to, they are not bent on wiping out all palestinians, where have they said this? They have had enough of the killing by hamas and other terror groups. Hamas GOAL IS TO KILL ALL JEWS. it is what their leaders are saying and many Palestinians support. There is no moral equivalence.
I think most understand this on some level; they do not value the lives of Jews. To them, Israel is the ultimate "white" or "settler colonialist" state that does not deserve to exist. No one said it better than John Podhoretz in the issue of Commentary that landed in my (snail) mailbox yesterday, Israel's Splendid Isolation (link). Excerpts:

Commentary Magazine said:
Then came the “isolation” that followed Israel’s response to the rock-throwing Palestinian youth of the first intifada beginning in 1988. It retaliated harshly through a policy then–defense minister Yitzhak Rabin called “force, might, and beatings.” I remember Rabin, long before his assassination made him a martyr for an Oslo peace process he hadn’t trusted and seemed almost sickened by, roaring “you are wrong!” at Ted Koppel on his ABC show when Koppel declared Israel was isolating itself with its too-harsh tactics. In the 1990s, every time an Israeli built a room on a house on the West Bank, the settler policy was said to be “isolating” Israel from the international community.*****​
So maybe there is a certain type of rueful wisdom to be taken from these undeniable statistics. Maybe the thing is, Israel doesn’t need the support of the international community and the Council on Foreign Relations and the panel on Washington Week in Review and the jawboners at the Aspen Institute and the billionaires who drink ambrosia from the boots of tyrants at Davos. Maybe the thing is, Israel is a nation that has had this miraculous rise because it has a purpose, which is something most other countries do not have or need, and something that Thomas Friedman and his ilk are (again) too unnerved by to understand.*****​
Its response has, yet again, isolated Israel. That isolation is wearing away at the determination of some Israelis to see this war through to victory or is causing them to despair that there can be victory. It is a hateful thing, the isolation. It is unjust, it is foul, it is hypocritical, and it is, of course, anti-Semitic at its root.​
But as the past six decades have shown us, when it comes to Israel’s purpose as both a change agent in history and a representative of a force outside of history, the isolation doesn’t matter at all. They—we—are not isolated. They—we—are chosen.​
Israel does not need the support of spurious "world opinion;" It needs to defend itself by eliminating Hamas.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think most understand this on some level; they do not value the lives of Jews.
Is there any path to peace if Palestinians believe
as you say, & Israelis call them "human animals"
who must be forced from Israel?


Active Member
Is there any path to peace if Palestinians believe
as you say, & Israelis call them "human animals"
who must be forced from Israel?
Maybe not. Israel is "pushing on a string" to try to achieve peace. It may have to be a fight to the finish of Hamas.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Maybe not. Israel is "pushing on a string" to try to achieve peace. It may have to be a fight to the finish of Hamas.
Their belief that this is both possible & good
will doom them to unending violent conflict
with victims of their deadly thuggery.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Says the person who doesn't accept maps that are inconvenient to them, and calls them fake. And cries anti-semitism at anti-war protesters.
It is sad to see antisemitism getting thrown at people who previously not been accused of it and have done nothing more than criticize the violence that IDF is using against Palestinians as a whole. Americans especially spent 20 years watching the futility and doomed to fail efforts of trying to bomb people into submission and destroy a specific group who are bound by an ideology.
And never mind many Jews have been demanding the violence not be done in their name and have renounced Netanyahu.


Well-Known Member
Are you actually serious? You looked at this map and assumed what it was saying was "no Jews lived there" and that this was land "privately owned by Arabs"?

You have no idea what Mandatory Palestine was?

Simple question: if this was "state owned land", then what STATE did it belong to?
Mandatory Palestine?

Hm well let's look at its flag.


Cool Arab colours in that flag.
Now that you mention it I am starting to see it.

Just so it has been said at least once: The terminology of "Palestine" back then was of a piece of land to which no Nation or People claimed to be Palestinian.

In fact the term only entered the full Arab consciousness due to Arab Christians using it as they were familiar with it through their religion.

So anyway the public land belonged to the British, before that the Ottomans etc.

Because it was the land partitioned legally to Israel. It's the lines that were specifically drawn as the land that was legally Israel as per the initial partition plan.

Are you just being obtuse? When you claimed these maps were "fake", did you actually just mean "relating to real things that actually happened, but I don't think matter"?
The maps are fake because they create an illusion of Arab settlement and ownership of the land by simply marking all public land as Arab.

Very simple to understand.

Wow. I wonder where all those people who lived in mandatory Palestine went, then? I guess they just did a collective magic disappearing act.
What's the issue?
Arabs were displaced and Jews were displaced.

No one makes a fuss about it with India and Pakistan even though millions perished.

Also if the Arab Committee and its Arab states allies didn't want to lose the war they probably shouldn't have started it.

What on earth does any of this have to do with what is being shown on the maps?
Sure you'll pick it up once you learn about public property.

In case you haven't noticed, there's a conflict currently happening in Gaza, and a lot of students are upset about how it's being handled and how the US is involved in it, and they're doing this big protest about it, and some people are worried about these protests being antisemitic (citation needed) and widespread fears about Jews being around them (despite the fact that there are Jews IN the protests).

That's what it's about.
Ah yes the Jews in the protest who can't write Hebrew, can't recite Jewish prayers because they just keep mentioning Israel, have zero knowledge about Judaism and of course make up their own Haggadah which has nothing to do with Judaism and is entirely about their political goals.
I think kids these days call that cultural appropriation.

Oh and there's the issue that their cool organisation isn't even Jewish, I think their admin was from Beirut.
Not a lot of Jews there.

It's what you call a Token.
Curiously these Jews have no issue with all the open Antijewish hate spewed by their compatriots.
But that's also not something new.
We have those in every generation. They usually get purged by their allies when the time comes.

Also as far as all the other students go, what was it, Globalise the Intifada (so bombings against Jewish venues world wide as well as inter-communal violence to root out the "traitors") and at the same time a ceasefire.
How does that work again?

They also generally remind me of the lunatics who marched for Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot in the 60s and 70s.

Any actual evidence of that happening? Do you think ALL protesters shout that?
There's footage of it.
And no I am not doing your homework.

As far as ""nOt aLl sTuDeNtS", have a German saying: If 10 people sit at a table with a Nazi and are not bothered by him, you have 11 Nazis sitting at a table.

Says the person who doesn't accept maps that are inconvenient to them, and calls them fake. And cries anti-semitism at anti-war protesters.
Yes yes anti-war.
Chants in favour of Hamas, protestors with placards that directly point towards Jews asking for "al-Qassam" to kill them.
Ah so anti-war.
So peaceful.

I got really peaceful vibes with them hiding their faces, storming buildings, keeping checkpoints and not admitting people with Magen David necklaces.
Really amazing.
Such peace, many wow.

Where and when has that ever actually worked?
Obviously nowhere, never.

Which is why Japan is an Imperial State under the Emperor and not a Liberal Democracy.
Oh and Germany is a one party state under the Nazi Party.
I am writing this post from my place in hiding.
You should've seen the masses out on the Führers birthday last month.
Really nothing has changed since the 40s!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Obviously nowhere, never.

Which is why Japan is an Imperial State under the Emperor and not a Liberal Democracy.
Oh and Germany is a one party state under the Nazi Party.
I am writing this post from my place in hiding.
You should've seen the masses out on the Führers birthday last month.
Really nothing has changed since the 40s!
You also said I'm undoing US Jewry, so why should I not see that as hyperbole?


Woke gremlin
Mandatory Palestine?

Hm well let's look at its flag.


Cool Arab colours in that flag.
Now that you mention it I am starting to see it.
Ah yes, the old "England operated under it, so it was England all along" rhetoric. As if there was no history to that region or the people on it whatsoever and people never called themselves Palestinian or the land Palestine.

This is technical waffling, and if you're so obsessed with technicalities and borders being drawn by mandate, you'd probably show a little bit more than just total dismissal when people show you a map of a legal partition plan that Israel broke through force and occupation. Apparently, you only care about legal technicalities when they benefit colonialists rather than the people who have been living on the land for generations.

A land lived on for generations with multiple settlements that comes under the name Mandatory Palestine that is operated by British Mandate as per law: "Oh, who cares about that?? That's nothing! It's practically public property not owned by anyone!"

Land partitioned legally though a mandate to one group that is then seized by another group by breaking the mandate and occupying the territory in breach of international law: "Looks totally fair to me. I don't have any problem with this."

Just so it has been said at least once: The terminology of "Palestine" back then was of a piece of land to which no Nation or People claimed to be Palestinian.
This is the most ridiculous claim I have ever heard. Try proving it.

So anyway the public land belonged to the British, before that the Ottomans etc.
The "public land" what was dubbed MANDATORY PALESTINE. Oh, it was totally unowned and unoccupied. That's why Israel didn't have to kick 700,000 people out of it and destroy countless villages and settlements. Nope. It was just public land.

Literally just engaging in genocide denial, here.

The maps are fake because they create an illusion of Arab settlement and ownership of the land by simply marking all public land as Arab.
"The maps are fake because I don't acknowledge them as referring to anything real". Good stuff.

What's the issue?
Arabs were displaced and Jews were displaced.

No one makes a fuss about it with India and Pakistan even though millions perished.

Also if the Arab Committee and its Arab states allies didn't want to lose the war they probably shouldn't have started it.
You're right, ethnic cleansing is fine. Nobody ever kicks up a fuss about it, ever.

Sure you'll pick it up once you learn about public property.
What do you call it when there is land that people have lived on for generations and is governed by specific laws laid out by a political authority?

I'll wait.

Ah yes the Jews in the protest who can't write Hebrew...
Of course, "no REAL Jews could possibly oppose Israel". Literal professors of Jewish studies are among the protesters, but "nope, you don't count!"

You're done.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Ah yes, the old "England operated under it, so it was England all along" rhetoric. As if there was no history to that region or the people on it whatsoever and people never called themselves Palestinian or the land Palestine.

This is technical waffling, and if you're so obsessed with technicalities and borders being drawn by mandate, you'd probably show a little bit more than just total dismissal when people show you a map of a legal partition plan that Israel broke through force and occupation. Apparently, you only care about legal technicalities when they benefit colonialists rather than the people who have been living on the land for generations.

A land lived on for generations with multiple settlements that comes under the name Mandatory Palestine that is operated by British Mandate as per law: "Oh, who cares about that?? That's nothing! It's practically public property not owned by anyone!"

Land partitioned legally though a mandate to one group that is then seized by another group by breaking the mandate and occupying the territory in breach of international law: "Looks totally fair to me. I don't have any problem with this."

This is the most ridiculous claim I have ever heard. Try proving it.

The "public land" what was dubbed MANDATORY PALESTINE. Oh, it was totally unowned and unoccupied. That's why Israel didn't have to kick 700,000 people out of it and destroy countless villages and settlements. Nope. It was just public land.

Literally just engaging in genocide denial, here.

"The maps are fake because I don't acknowledge them as referring to anything real". Good stuff.

You're right, ethnic cleansing is fine. Nobody ever kicks up a fuss about it, ever.

What do you call it when there is land that people have lived on for generations and is governed by specific laws laid out by a political authority?

I'll wait.

Of course, "no REAL Jews could possibly oppose Israel". Literal professors of Jewish studies are among the protesters, but "nope, you don't count!"

You're done.
Your patience with true
believers is impressive.


Mandatory Palestine?

Hm well let's look at its flag.

I don't mean to stray further off of the topic, but I would think that the fact the Butcher's Apron was flown there would be a testament to the fact that much of the land was stolen from the people living there, not a testament to the iron-clad chain of custody of the lands possessed now by Israel.