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If [religion] dominated the world...


Well-Known Member
Be honest, what would the world be like if there existed only one religion, and it was...

(Unmentioned Religion)?

Divide each religion as you wish. For example, how would the world be different if it was dominated by Catholicism as opposed to Protestantism or Orthodox? Theradava vs. Mahayana?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If the world were dominated by Taoism, I think there would be a lot fewer religious wars and conflicts. Taoism does not seem to provoke the fanatic in people.

On the other hand, no religion has ever produced a culture or society that exists without war. And a world dominated by Taoism would not be a world without war, just most likely a world without religious wars.


Well-Known Member
Sunstone said:
If the world were dominated by Taoism, I think there would be a lot fewer religious wars and conflicts. Taoism does not seem to provoke the fanatic in people.

On the other hand, no religion has ever produced a culture or society that exists without war. And a world dominated by Taoism would not be a world without war, just most likely a world without religious wars.

Yeah. Same with Buddhism. As peace-loving as Buddhism is, there would still be wars. It depends how much the dominating religion would be implemented into the politics of each government. Not all political decisions are religiously based.


Moved on
If Asatru dominated the world, we would sure have a lot fancier graves.

And, odds are (given from what I've seen), the world would be a lot more metal.


Well-Known Member
finalfrogo said:
Be honest, what would the world be like if there existed only one religion, and it was...Christianity?
Entertainment as we know it would be bland and completely uninteresting. Imagine 1000 cable channels and all of them are family oriented. "Realistic" dramas never get any deeper than "7th Heaven". Movie of the week is "The Sound of Music" or "Homeward Bound". All pop music would be Bible-washed and censored out of existence. Prayer in schools as evolution lessons and sex ed are phased out. STD infections would skyrocket due to lack of education. No abortions. Wal-Mart would have a monopoly on EVERYTHING. Science would take a serious nose dive. The porn industry in turn would gain power like the mafia during prohibition, and unregulated it would sink to new depths of perversion.

On the plus side, we'd stop seeing those Jesus-fish on the back of cars.
finalfrogo said:
You could kiss women's rights goodbye. Victoria's Secret would have to redo their entire catalogue to include Hijabs, Abayas and what not.
On the plus side, punishments towards criminals would become more severe.
finalfrogo said:
The entire Middle East would be finished.
On the plus side, Hitler would be rolling in his grave.

finalfrogo said:
Not sure...but for some reason I think elephants would be seen more commonly. Oh, and everything would be decorated with imitation gold.

finalfrogo said:
Everyone would have to learn kung-fu. No really...everyone.

finalfrogo said:
"Burning Man" would be a national holiday. Outcasted high school teenagers would have to find a new interest to set themselves apart from their formerly Christian peers. Halloween would be a bigger deal than Christmas (which now be called Wine-and-orgiesmas). On the plus side...wait, that was the plus side.

finalfrogo said:
We'd have new laws to regulate the maximum miles per hour that you can ride your broom down a street (or rather over it). Lawyers would be out of a job, since lawsuits would not be as desirable as cursing someone. School uniforms would all look like color-coded variations of the Harry Potter robes. Our new currency would have the words "In Goddess We Trust" with a picture of the moon where the presidents faces used to be (in different phases depending on the denomination). Owl-based postal service.

finalfrogo said:
We'd have worldwide shortages of black eyeliner. At the Academy Awards, actors acceptance speeches would sound like, "First, I'd like to thank The supreme Lord Satan in all His dark majesty for the glorious demonic possession that allowed me to pull of this role..." We'd also have defloweration clinics (probably run by the former FLDS) where families take their young daughters so they won't have to become virgin sacrifices. Jessica Simpson song lyrics would have a whole new twist...

finalfrogo said:
There'd be a massive, worldwide victory party as the faith finally achieves "oneness of religion" and "oneness of humanity". Then it would completely dissolve having no more goals to accomplish and the world would fall into wanton sexual promiscuity and hedonism.


Well-Known Member
Faint said:
Entertainment as we know it would be bland and completely uninteresting. Imagine 1000 cable channels and all of them are family oriented. "Realistic" dramas never get any deeper than "7th Heaven". Movie of the week is "The Sound of Music" or "Homeward Bound". All pop music would be Bible-washed and censored out of existence. Prayer in schools as evolution lessons and sex ed are phased out. STD infections would skyrocket due to lack of education. No abortions. Wal-Mart would have a monopoly on EVERYTHING. Science would take a serious nose dive. The porn industry in turn would gain power like the mafia during prohibition, and unregulated it would sink to new depths of perversion.

On the plus side, we'd stop seeing those Jesus-fish on the back of cars.
You could kiss women's rights goodbye. Victoria's Secret would have to redo their entire catalogue to include Hijabs, Abayas and what not.
On the plus side, punishments towards criminals would become more severe.
The entire Middle East would be finished.
On the plus side, Hitler would be rolling in his grave.

Not sure...but for some reason I think elephants would be seen more commonly. Oh, and everything would be decorated with imitation gold.

Everyone would have to learn kung-fu. No really...everyone.

"Burning Man" would be a national holiday. Outcasted high school teenagers would have to find a new interest to set themselves apart from their formerly Christian peers. Halloween would be a bigger deal than Christmas (which now be called Wine-and-orgiesmas). On the plus side...wait, that was the plus side.

We'd have new laws to regulate the maximum miles per hour that you can ride your broom down a street (or rather over it). Lawyers would be out of a job, since lawsuits would not be as desirable as cursing someone. School uniforms would all look like color-coded variations of the Harry Potter robes. Our new currency would have the words "In Goddess We Trust" with a picture of the moon where the presidents faces used to be (in different phases depending on the denomination). Owl-based postal service.

We'd have worldwide shortages of black eyeliner. At the Academy Awards, actors acceptance speeches would sound like, "First, I'd like to thank The supreme Lord Satan in all His dark majesty for the glorious demonic possession that allowed me to pull of this role..." We'd also have defloweration clinics (probably run by the former FLDS) where families take their young daughters so they won't have to become virgin sacrifices. Jessica Simpson song lyrics would have a whole new twist...

There'd be a massive, worldwide victory party as the faith finally achieves "oneness of religion" and "oneness of humanity". Then it would completely dissolve having no more goals to accomplish and the world would fall into wanton sexual promiscuity and hedonism.


Reason, and reason again
Faint said:
Entertainment as we know it would be bland and completely uninteresting. Imagine 1000 cable channels and all of them are family oriented. "Realistic" dramas never get any deeper than "7th Heaven". Movie of the week is "The Sound of Music" or "Homeward Bound". All pop music would be Bible-washed and censored out of existence. Prayer in schools as evolution lessons and sex ed are phased out. STD infections would skyrocket due to lack of education. No abortions. Wal-Mart would have a monopoly on EVERYTHING. Science would take a serious nose dive. The porn industry in turn would gain power like the mafia during prohibition, and unregulated it would sink to new depths of perversion.

On the plus side, we'd stop seeing those Jesus-fish on the back of cars.
You could kiss women's rights goodbye. Victoria's Secret would have to redo their entire catalogue to include Hijabs, Abayas and what not.
On the plus side, punishments towards criminals would become more severe.
The entire Middle East would be finished.
On the plus side, Hitler would be rolling in his grave.

Not sure...but for some reason I think elephants would be seen more commonly. Oh, and everything would be decorated with imitation gold.

Everyone would have to learn kung-fu. No really...everyone.

"Burning Man" would be a national holiday. Outcasted high school teenagers would have to find a new interest to set themselves apart from their formerly Christian peers. Halloween would be a bigger deal than Christmas (which now be called Wine-and-orgiesmas). On the plus side...wait, that was the plus side.

We'd have new laws to regulate the maximum miles per hour that you can ride your broom down a street (or rather over it). Lawyers would be out of a job, since lawsuits would not be as desirable as cursing someone. School uniforms would all look like color-coded variations of the Harry Potter robes. Our new currency would have the words "In Goddess We Trust" with a picture of the moon where the presidents faces used to be (in different phases depending on the denomination). Owl-based postal service.

We'd have worldwide shortages of black eyeliner. At the Academy Awards, actors acceptance speeches would sound like, "First, I'd like to thank The supreme Lord Satan in all His dark majesty for the glorious demonic possession that allowed me to pull of this role..." We'd also have defloweration clinics (probably run by the former FLDS) where families take their young daughters so they won't have to become virgin sacrifices. Jessica Simpson song lyrics would have a whole new twist...

There'd be a massive, worldwide victory party as the faith finally achieves "oneness of religion" and "oneness of humanity". Then it would completely dissolve having no more goals to accomplish and the world would fall into wanton sexual promiscuity and hedonism.

Haha, amazing post. Hopefully no one takes it seriously. :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
An interesting question, frogo. There's much to be said for homogeneity, though it occurs to me that there might be a countervailing tendency to focus on increasingly minute differences were society to become more homogenous.

My first thought was of medieval Europe, a Roman Catholic world, and old Tibet, a Buddhist/Lamaist one. Both interesting societies.


New Member
Domination of any religion would ultimately bring oppression. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Well-Known Member
Chanan said:
Domination of any religion would ultimately bring oppression. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I disagree. It would depend on how the religion (whatever it is) is integrated within the political systems of the world. Religion doesn't rule the world; politics do. Religion, along with many other institutions, merely influences politics.


Terrible Dancer
Zephyr said:
If Asatru dominated the world, we would sure have a lot fancier graves.

And, odds are (given from what I've seen), the world would be a lot more metal.

So very true. :D

I swear, there are no better evangelists for Asatru than Scandinavian metal bands.

*goes off to listen to Rebellion's Ynglinga Saga (to Odin We Call)*


Veteran Member
Well -- in my faith -- there would be a heck of a lot more swearing and fights (Church basketball) and a heck of a lot more jello, lace and funeral potatoes. :D:D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
beckysoup61 said:
Ever been to a Mormon funeral? Or even a potluck?:p

Truth be told, I have not.

I take it the "funeral potatoes" are not a mysterious LDS funerary rite. ;)

Do you have recipes....?


I cannot imagine a one-world religion other than UU that would make the world an uninteresting and bland place.

At least we'd find a good use for coffee.


As Baha'is we do have some contributions I think to share in discussing one world religion... We also recognise the concept of unity in diversity and work with people of all faiths in inter-faith activities.

The process though of achieving a one world religion is probably pretty far off and a lot of maturity will be required

"... people of religions find, in the teachings of His Holiness Bahá'u'lláh, the establishment of Universal Religion--a religion that perfectly conforms with present conditions, which in reality effects the immediate cure of the incurable disease, which relieves every pain and bestows the infallible antidote for every deadly poison."


but in a way we Baha'is believe there is already a oneness of religions....

We believe in the oneness of religion as it is...that there are common Sources inspiration of the great world religions:

"...these foundations of the Religion of God, which are spiritual and which are the virtues of humanity, cannot be abrogated; they are irremovable and eternal, and are renewed in the cycle of every Prophet."

Or in other words:

"The Bahá'í Faith considers the monotheistic world religions part of an ever-advancing continuum that has a design. Each religion, they assert, has its origins in a common source or Godhead. A covenant exists between God and humanity whereby God reveals His plan gradually through His messengers. This is the fountainhead of human progress. Thus, from time to time, God sends forth prophets with revelations appropriate for a specific people at a specific period of human development."

- Richard Landau