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Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you


Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you
This is the part that almost no one is willing to do.
First of all know that your going to fail and be okay with it.
Second, do not accept failure.
Keep trying.
Third, at the times when it is the most difficult a "super effort" must be made.
These are the times when transformation can begin to take place.

As we begin to demand that the highest ideals within ourselves be met by the lower part of us, we will begin to see it happen.
There are certain Laws and Principles if learned will make the task much easier.
I have found the Kybalion to be a big help.
Maybe you will also.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
How do you become extremely disciplined?
By routine repetition....Tell your self it is, whilst you practise, and eventually it becomes the norm.
How do you forgive yourself?
By letting go, by learning to understand it in all aspects; whilst there are things undone, it will always come back to trip you up, so listen to the odd threads as you meditate, so you can overcome it properly.
How do you access/release rage?
Don't punch the wall, it hurts your hand, and this doubles the pain; recognize the wall for what it is, then walk around it, allow it to pass through and over you.

Another great way is to turn it into some form of art, as that way you learn to channel negative energies into something more positive. :innocent:


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Best advice I can give is to constantly work on this in your calm moments, and realise it will take time...A lot of time...For it to become second nature.

Determine what 'disciplined' means to you, as it can vary greatly. Beware of tying 'disciplined' and 'rigidity' too tightly together. And reflect on your behaviour.

Not 'why did I act so rashly' but instead 'what did I learn about myself, and how would I act next time'.

All starts with a clear philosophy on where you want to head though.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined?

One of the most powerful, and probably the most reliable force operating in the human psyche is the force of Habit. Once you've made something a habit it becomes almost effortless (in fact, it'll take effort to resist it).

And of course the way to cultivate a habit is through practice. Do something often enough and regularly enough and it becomes second nature.

Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes habits, and habits make or break us.

How do you forgive yourself?

By reminding yourself that you're human and in any language that has it's act together "human" is a synonym for "Screw-up".

Humans are supposed to make mistakes. It's probably the thing we're best at.

I think one of the most profound sentences to be found in any religious or philosophical text is, "Forgive them, they know not what they do".

Forgive yourself, you don't know what your doing, none of us do, and the only way to figure it out is to make mistakes.

A good way is to practice on other people first.

How do you access/release rage?

Figure out where in your body you're holding it, then focus on relaxing that body part and letting the tension dissolve. Everybody stores tension in some part of their body (for me it's my shoulders and the base of by neck). It's sort of like a clenched fist that you can't see and forgot about.

First thing to do is to un-clench those muscles. You don't have to figure anything out like what happened, why it happened, who's fault it was, etc. . . .

It's sort of like getting shot in the butt with an arrow: at some point you're going to want try and figure where it came from and how it got there, but the first thing is to pull the sucker out.

You'll have a clearer head that way (and better aim if you need to shoot back. :D)

I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you

Thank you for making me remember all this stuff. :p


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
How do you become extremely disciplined?
I do not know. Luck? There are various ways. You can have someone else discipline you (like in the military). You can throw away everything you like unrelated to one or two goals (highest chance of success). You can make a friend interested in the exact same things (very rare), and there are other ways. A lot depends upon wanting one thing very badly. If you have a lot of things you want, then you are distracted and discipline is a joke.

How do you forgive yourself?
Forget? Try forgetting.

How do you access/release rage?
Here is a video which may help, and I personally believe this is the best video out there on the subject:
Actualized dot org on youtube


Well-Known Member
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you
Meditation, in the early Buddhist tradition, is itself the process of severing the attachments which causes lack of discipline. It also disassociates the consciousness from attachments to the past (aka forgiveness for past events). It releases attachments to rage, etc. as well.

E.g. When I sit to meditate, I am literally training myself to detach from the impulse to scratch itches, or to physically move, to ignore boredom, to pay attention to the past, to feelings, etc.


Resident megalomaniac
Found this recently -

How to Transform Pain into Compassion

Try this amazing meditation for JUST a few minutes.

It can transform all the pain in your entire life!

When you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in all the darkness and negativity in your life. Welcome it into your heart. Stop trying to resist it, avoid it or destroy it. That has been taking up all of your energy. As you are breathing in this heaviness, let it be absorbed into your heart before you exhale. And then the moment you breathe out, breathe out golden light. Breathe out your greatest lightness, your highest joy, love and blessing from your heart INTO the source of the negativity. You'll soon transform all the darkness in your life with your breath.

Breathe out all the love that you have, all the blissfulness that you have, all the benediction that you have. When breathing out, pour your love into existence. This is the method of compassion: drink in all the suffering and pour out all the blessings. And you will be surprised what happens when you really do it. The moment you stop resisting all the darkness and heaviness in your inner world, they are no longer sufferings.

The heart has the power to transform any energy to light. The heart is a transforming force, the essential alchemist. It can drink in any misery, pain or sadness and transform it into a lightness. Trust the power of your heart. Once you have learned that your heart can do this magic, this miracle, then keep practicing it again and again.

Experiment with this exercise and let yourself explore every dark area of your life. If you feel overwhelmed, don't give up. It it often the coldest and darkest just before dawn. Just let yourself fully FEEL that which you cannot feel, what you've been resisting. Only then will you have mastered yourself. Continue doing this beautiful method of transforming pain into compassion for 30 days. You'll get better at it and be able to welcome in all the heaviness of the world and pour out such a great love and light that our entire planet is transformed. You have the power within you to do miracles, use it! You'll see how amazingly bright brilliant and alive you will feel!

Hope it helps!

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I asked the same question: How to be disciplined. Here is what I found out.
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined?

I read an article that I thought I saved about the difference between being disciplined and being motivated. It talked about motivation is what you need before discipline.

Why do you want to meditate?

I meditated Zen for about three years or so. I chanted Daimoku for about the same amount of time. I did it by discipline rather than motivation. Then I reflected to understand what I "want" to do compared to what I am forcing myself to do because it feels good. I love art. Writing, sketching, painting, etc are my meditation. It's, how I say, my art is another person's coffee.

That's my motivation. Then when I do it, and like what I do it becomes a habit. I carry my art wherever I go and even if I draw a line and close the book I'm developing a habit.

However, the key is, this is something I want to do. Something that is a passion. If it isn't a passion of some sort regardless of how you define it. If you don't care about it to a spiritual extent, then you may be disciplined and meditate day and night but how would that benefit you mentally (in my opinion).

There is a book called Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg. Natalie practices Zen and has practiced for about twelve or some odd years. She tells her Zen teacher why can't she concentrate while she meditates. Natalie's passion is to write; but, all the while, she is trying to meditate because "that's what Buddhists are supposed to do", she thought. Her Zen master says, "No. If you have to push yourself to meditate, then that's not meditation." He said, instead, write as a meditative practice. It calms the mind and does the same thing as when breathing in and out.

You get into that same "Zen-mindset" but by doing something by habit you are passionate about. It becomes second nature.

What is your passion?
What do you like to do?
What do you do on a regular basis that keeps you going (excluding things you need to do).

If you have a good motivator and passion, you may find it easier to start your habit. When you find more motivators as your habit benefits you, you develop discipline. Don't analyse it, and you are on your way to answering your own question: by action.

How do you forgive yourself?

Depends on what your passion is. For example, with art, I try to find ways to forgive myself by "drawing my feeling" or coloring my feelings. Other times I make it pitch dark in my bedroom, pull out my drawing pad, and just write and draw in the moment without trying to figure what I'm drawing. Gives you freedom. Then you can reflect and say "this is what I need to work on..."

go back to your passion...your habit....your discipline, and find love for yourself through that. In my opinion, that's an excellent way of forgiving yourself.

What works for you?

How do you access/release rage?

Same as above. I like the "pitch dark" method since I can't censor my thoughts. Long as I have a good working pencil and it's not easy to break. A large pad, and plenty of paper.

I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you

Reflect while you're on the bus, at work, watching the kids, watching a movie, whatever. What are your passions? What do you do on a daily basis that's not a necessity? Start little at a time. Work from there.

Starts with you. This is just how I see it.

It's not easy.


Here's a good site: stickK. Helps you develop a habit.

Word of warning. Do it for free. If you use your credit card, if you don't report your progress and success, they charge you the amount you ask them to charge. It's a good way to keep you motivated-so they won't take your money. On the other hand, when I did it, it took awhile to contact them to cancel that "habit" so I can keep my money for more important things.

Free is good as long as you remember you made a contract.
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Active Member
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you
Check if this helps


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
How do you become extremely disciplined?
Explore the power of Will and fortitude. Look for opportunities to strengthen and utilize them to your advantage.

Become proficient at not displaying any emotion you may feel, so that you are less predictable, and so that those emotions are less likely to be exploited against you. Be mindful not only of your words and actions, but your expressions, and your body language. Understand that you are in control of all of these things.

Come to understand that every emotion you feel is something you choose to feel, something you allow, something you can embrace or subdue at any given moment through choice and sheer force of Will.

How do you forgive yourself?
Understand that forgiveness is granted through choice, a choice you can Will at any time.

You can Will yourself to forgive anyone for anything, at any time... including yourself.

How do you access/release rage?
Tap into those thoughts that make one feel anger, and wrath, and hate. Then, find something to do where you can utilize that energy to your advantage. Harness that energy, but control it.

Do not be consumed by the Dragon's fire. Act in unison with it, and allow the Dragon's fire to become your fire, allow the Dragon's wings to become your wings.

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you

Hmm, I am too spiritual to be "excessively disciplined", things are important, but not too important to me. :D I guess my only advice on this is going to sound pretty boring, but the answer is:

We all have our own fundamental natures and preferences, fighting that is redundant. For some people, sitting in lotus position for hours contemplating the universe works. I don't work that way because it bores me to death, and I'm much more likely to have such experiences over some alone time with a guitar and some miscellaneous intoxicants. :D I've had similar peak experiences to any other mystical person I know, my nature is just different and I work with my own gifts. I encourage you to do the same, rather than conforming to other people's ideas of what those things should be. If you feel you aren't doing enough, that might be your first sign that you are sort of getting away from what you know to be right and do already.

In any case, always do what comes to you naturally and intuitively and you will find much more than you ever imagined. You will learn what you need to know, not what someone else thinks you need to know. :D


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Honestly I just need advice. My question is: How do you become extremely disciplined? How do you forgive yourself? How do you access/release rage? I want to become disciplined for my power meditations. Thats literally all. But anyone who gives advice thats works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you

Here's some advice that you may find useful. :)

1. Be patient. These things won't change over night as you are going to have to "train" your self and your brain to think and behave differently.

2. Discipline is about motivation. If you really want to do something you'll go out and do it. If you have doubts or are getting frustrated it means some part of you is fighting back. take a piece of paper and list the reasons why you don't want to do it, even if they are trivial. Then go through the list and just see which ones are true or not, or if there is a healthy compromise. Keeping a journal for your thoughts is not a bad idea either to help you get started.

3. Never be afraid to doubt yourself. Doubting yourself is part of growing up with a set of beliefs. The key is Learning to distinguish between constructive doubts and those that are driven by feelings of anxiety, inferiority, self-loathing, etc that are often harmful.

4. Self-love is built on self-knowledge. The more time you spend with yourself the better you get to know yourself. As an atheist, I'd say the importance of meditation is not the ritual but the effect. Taking long walks in the countryside, or just spending an hour listening to music with no distractions can have a similar effect but it gives you something to do and relieves boredom and frustration at the same time.

5. Cut down on "screen time". A more radical suggestion but basically our electronic devices condition us and program us to think a certain way. This can often reduce our concentration as we are constantly distracted and have people, images and stuff to sell products and "buy" our attention and use our time to consume stuff we don't really want or that doesn't really fulfil us. I gave up TV four years ago: it was one of the best decisions I ever made (but it took me about a year to work up to it).


Be your own guru
But anyone who gives advice that works or something I will protect you forever. I will literally always be there for you and protect you spiritually. Even if you don't care and are an Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, etc I will make sure you're okay and be there for you. Thank you
Ah, such power over others but not on your own self!