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Go Ahead and Hit the Kid. You Have My Permission

Should schools be able to paddle kids who misbehave?

  • Yup

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Nope

    Votes: 31 86.1%

  • Total voters

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
"Responding to a Texas school district’s reinstatement of corporal punishment, a satanic church has erected a billboard there that reads “Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.”

Trustees in the Three Rivers Independent School District recently voted 6-0 to allow administrators to paddle kids who misbehave — as long as their parents first sign a waiver, according to reports.

The Satanic Temple called the practice — one of several punishments often included in artistic depictions of hell — “sadistic” and “barbaric.”

“We find it sad and irresponsible that the Three Rivers Independent School District would be backward enough to re-introduce this barbaric and counterproductive practice into their schools,” church spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement.

Reps from the Three Rivers Independent School District, which encompasses two campuses situated halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment on schools or not? And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?

Only nuns with rulers are allowed.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
As a child when the 'cane' was normal, i found the prospect of getting caned was sufficient to keep me within the rules ...
Indeed, canes are very dangerous tools. Even those of us in the S/m community have to be trained correctly in the use of a cane.


Well-Known Member
"Responding to a Texas school district’s reinstatement of corporal punishment, a satanic church has erected a billboard there that reads “Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.”

Trustees in the Three Rivers Independent School District recently voted 6-0 to allow administrators to paddle kids who misbehave — as long as their parents first sign a waiver, according to reports.

The Satanic Temple called the practice — one of several punishments often included in artistic depictions of hell — “sadistic” and “barbaric.”

“We find it sad and irresponsible that the Three Rivers Independent School District would be backward enough to re-introduce this barbaric and counterproductive practice into their schools,” church spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement.

Reps from the Three Rivers Independent School District, which encompasses two campuses situated halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment in schools or not? And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?


Schools are supposed to be Teaching our children. What are they teaching children when they attempt to alter another's actions by inflicting physical pain??? Is this really what we want to teach the children? I think educated people can come up with much better ways along with much better lessons to teach.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment on schools or not?
There should be no corporal punishments, anywhere. It's counter productive, and it best it teaches a child nothing, really, at its worst it teaches children that violent and defiant behaviors are suitable for problem solving. And, of course, if you hit an adult for punishment in similar circumstances, it would be illegal, with the spanker facing possible assault/battery charges. Last I knew, children no where nearly as capable as adults at defending themselves, but they tend to learn things better than adults. Why teach them violence?
And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?
If you do a side-by-side comparison of the Satanic Bible and Holy Bible, there is no question. Satanism is far more civilized, ethical, and moral than Christianity. Unlike the Bible, the 9th Rule of Earth explicitly prohibits harming children.


Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
They are equal in the sense that they are always counter productive.
I teaches that being violent and using physical force is a better way to control people than using reason and persuasion.

You're preaching to the choir. I oppose corporal punishment. I was merely responding to your question in regards social attitudes towards spanking in the united states.


Master of the Art of Couch Potato Cuddles
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment in schools or not? And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?


The Satanic Temple (just to be clear it’s the TST activist group and not the CoS, aka the Church of Satan, LaVeyan group, although I think both would oppose of this legal change*) are very liberal in view while many Christians in the Temple’s areas of activism are still very conservative. The Temple is probably (rightly) concerned about how this power can be abused, and how much of the motivation behind putting it in action was religious. One of the Temple’s tenets, as the article has quoted, is that one’s body belongs only to that person. This extends to children, who are baby people. It’s not to say children can’t be punished (they often are by social conditioning and natural consequences), but the fear-factor of feeling pain lessens actual respect for authorities and the shame/guilt forced upon smaller children makes the situation relatively traumatic for them.

Personally I’m with the Temple on this because I don’t think such punishments are effective for public or private child-rearing.

* Note about CoS; Anton LaVey stated that all children and non-human animals are the purest manifestations of Satanic Will, and to violate a child’s purity by any harm would be un-Satanic (same with non-human animals except when you’re aggressively attacked by one or plan to kill them for food). One of the Satanic Laws of the Earth by LaVey also state “Do not harm little children”. Most LaVeyans are dogmatic but they often agree to the writings in the Satanic Bible before they adhere to such dogma.

Little Lunch

As a child when the 'cane' was normal, i found the prospect of getting caned was sufficient to keep me within the rules ...

Getting the cane at my school was a badge of honour.
Six on each hand was the limit, nicknamed 'six of the best', and was the ultimate prize.
I once wrote on a dollar note some obscenities and then spent it for lunch at the school tuckshop.
The lunch lady reported me and the principal gave me the option of 'six of the best' or a note to be sent home to my parents.
I picked the former and as a result was landed with the latter.
Pain for me was preferable to disappointing my parents.


Oldest Heretic
I was caned by the head master three days running at age 12 for speaking to local girls over the school boundary fence. At the end of term he sent a letter about it to my mother. Who burst out laughinng.
She could not understand it either.

Mind you I took far more care who saw me talking to them in future. I had been reported by the music teacher who was having an affair with the history teacher... though they married the next term.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
A light smack on the back of the head and telling the kid to pay attention would be fine, if that was as far as it went.
Is that as far as it will go? I think not.

And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?

Whether or not that is their exact intention, I cannot say.
But they certainly seem to send the message that they are less barbaric, to which I give my agreement.


ALL in all
Premium Member
"Responding to a Texas school district’s reinstatement of corporal punishment, a satanic church has erected a billboard there that reads “Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.”

Trustees in the Three Rivers Independent School District recently voted 6-0 to allow administrators to paddle kids who misbehave — as long as their parents first sign a waiver, according to reports.

The Satanic Temple called the practice — one of several punishments often included in artistic depictions of hell — “sadistic” and “barbaric.”

“We find it sad and irresponsible that the Three Rivers Independent School District would be backward enough to re-introduce this barbaric and counterproductive practice into their schools,” church spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement.

Reps from the Three Rivers Independent School District, which encompasses two campuses situated halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment in schools or not? And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?


jesus didn't espouse an eye for an eye.

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ (1) 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

  1. Matthew 5:38 Exodus 21:24; Lev. 24:20; Deut. 19:21


ALL in all
Premium Member
Internal ethics comes in degrees. There are some people who lack empathy and have no conscience.
then you take away their power, their control.

people in prison aren't angry because they got caught. they're angry because they no longer have the ability to self-aggrandize.


Well-Known Member
"Responding to a Texas school district’s reinstatement of corporal punishment, a satanic church has erected a billboard there that reads “Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.”

Trustees in the Three Rivers Independent School District recently voted 6-0 to allow administrators to paddle kids who misbehave — as long as their parents first sign a waiver, according to reports.

The Satanic Temple called the practice — one of several punishments often included in artistic depictions of hell — “sadistic” and “barbaric.”

“We find it sad and irresponsible that the Three Rivers Independent School District would be backward enough to re-introduce this barbaric and counterproductive practice into their schools,” church spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement.

Reps from the Three Rivers Independent School District, which encompasses two campuses situated halfway between San Antonio and Corpus Christi, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Sooo . . . . corporal punishment in schools or not? And does the Satanic Church seem to sending the message that Satanism is more civil than Christianity?

For physical punishment with a however.

For physical punish to be permitted, all teachers should be put through a course teaching them when to do what, how to discipline and how much to discipline for varied offenses. Some offenses should simply send the kid home and ban him or her from attending until the parents correct the problem. And, I am not talking about some of the stupid, stupid - dress codes I have seen in the news.

If teachers are permitted to administer punishment without having been through some course in which they are taught what, how much, etc. the whole pickle goes to hell in a hand-basket, and sometimes without the basket. :rolleyes:

In cases where the students are too big for a single teacher, it might be good if the schools had guards that were taught how to handle big mean students who refuse to behave. But, everything needs to be done strictly according to the book and with pain when necessary.

Violence works.

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
Ultimately, I think the problems with behavior are almost all rooted in kids being bored at school. The ideal situation is that all teachers are engaged and engaging, bring some amount of fun or excitement to the curriculum all while garnering the kids' respect, that the teachers leave their personal lives at home and never let the frustrations of dealing with the kids compound on their other stresses resulting in the attitude they put forth at school being adversely affected. This is not to discount the role of the parents, by any means, and a teacher's efforts can certainly be thwarted by a kid who adamantly refuses to cooperate. But, ultimately, we expect kids to go to a "job" for 6+ hours a day, put in 1-3 more hours of "homework", and the only thing they get in return is an education that, on average, they aren't thrilled about. On top of this, when they break expectations, they get punished.

Imagine if you worked at a job, for which you received no pay. Your boss insisted that the experience you got on the job was payment enough. On top of this, you get to feel disappointment from every angle when you fail to perform, and, if everyone agreed with this Texan implementation, also had the opportunity to be physically assailed. Sounds like a situation that literally CALLS FOR open rebellion, if you ask me.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For physical punish to be permitted, all teachers should be put through a course teaching them when to do what, how to discipline and how much to discipline for varied offenses. Some offenses should simply send the kid home and ban him or her from attending until the parents correct the problem. And, I am not talking about some of the stupid, stupid - dress codes I have seen in the news.
There shouldn't be physical punishment at all. There is no evidence that it achieves the desired results (but rather more often has undesirable outcomes and effects on a child), and it makes absolutely no sense to uphold it as a legal entitlement to strike a child when the very same action would be labeled as assault if one adult were to do it to another. Children need that legal protection more than adults do.


Veteran Member
If children learned respect then maybe corporal punishment would not be needed. Of course one has to earn respect.