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Are Humans Animals


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Animal" is not a status category. It's a biological category; an arrangement of chemicals.

Taking umbrage because the category includes creatures you consider beneath you in status doesn't change the definition of animal.


Veteran Member
I have posted this in the non-theist section so while i am more than happy for theists to join in on the conversation please do not bring any deity into the discussion.

Are humans animals?

I say yes. We have the same needs as say a stoat (my personal favourite animal). We need to eat, sleep and excrete. Other animals grieve for the dead, they feel fear, they have social structures just like us. We are by no means the only self aware species on this planet.

Sure we are the dominant species on this planet but that doesnt make us separate from the animals just 'smarter'. I put smarter 's because we are the only animals that are destroying the planet/upsetting the natural balance, not exceptionally intelligent if you ask me. Since we have become an industrial society i believe we have lost our connection to the natural world and therefore a lot of the senses we use to take for granted.

If you believe we are not animals, what is it that you think separates us from them.


It is the ethics , morals and following an achievable spiritual purpose that make us human a distinctive animal from others, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
"Animal" is not a status category. It's a biological category; an arrangement of chemicals.

Taking umbrage because the category includes creatures you consider beneath you in status doesn't change the definition of animal.

Well said!


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It is the ethics , morals and following an achievable spiritual purpose that make us human a distinctive animal from others, in my opinion.
Chimpanzee and Bonobo cultures, for one have structured culture, and seem to display behaviors that we would call moral or ethical, such as resolving conflicts, sharing, taking care of others, etc.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I was watching a documentary on baboons.

After all the dominate males died from tainted meat from a rubbish dump, the whole troop became more friendly, helpful and less aggressive.

When a new male came in and started acting all aggressive, the troop shunned it until it eventually started acting appropriately.

So there are two morals to this story:

I. Animals can have morals and ethics, even if it is only in a primitive sense.

II. If you want a peaceful society kill all the *** holes.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Sadly, we don't share the same views on orgies. :(
I have thought for some time it would be nice if we shared the bonobo's approach to sexuality as a means to resolve conflict and group cohesion.

Thales of Ga.

Skeptic Griggsy
We are great apes, the third chimpanzee after the chimps and the bonobos.
We already act as animals as we are such to the consternation of creationists! Indeed, we can have more sex- ooh!- than other great apes as we are composed that way.
Creationists lie for the sake of morality, feeling that we would act like animals. That ignores our intellectual capacity. That ignores that our moral sense is seen in other great apes and other species.
We have no souls! We don't have to worship any gods!
Theism- reduced animism- bases itself on people's desire to have divine intent for their happiness, but that is such a delusion!
We are responsible for our happiness and purposes! We are not some potter's pottery to which he gives purpose-what an insult to humanity!
We have a better moral stance than those of the ages of faith with their faith in souls and God.
Yes, we are animals, not His property!


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
"Animal" is not a status category. It's a biological category; an arrangement of chemicals.

Taking umbrage because the category includes creatures you consider beneath you in status doesn't change the definition of animal.

Yeah...I sometimes take umbrage at some of who share the title of 'human' with me, but it doesn't make it any less correct.


RF's pet cat
Biologically? Yes, from my understanding, we are.

On a mental, emotional or spiritual level? That's so different! :eek:


LHP: Fallen Angel
Yes indeed we are Animals, and as Anton LaVey concluded, we are perhaps one of the most destructive animals. However I think it is important to realise that we are more intelligent than any other in the animal kingdom. I state now some theology however I am not as you can see from "Luciferian" under my username, a Christian so speak from a LHP perspective. I continue. In the book of genesis we have the symbolism of the snake bringing mankind knowledge and I think this symbolises our evolution over thousands of years to a more advanced race. I think nature is balanced, we have both good and bad qualities but one can rise about false gods, blind faiths and social conditioning to become their own divine god through knowledge and enlightenment, while being a self contained individual. That is my belief but none the less we are animals, not a creation of god separate to animals.


An Págánach
Yes, we are animals. I believe that our advanced intellects give us the responsibility to care for our planet, and the less advanced animals. They are our family.