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Abortion doctors are more pro life than God.


Veteran Member
A lot of abortion doctors would not terminate a pregnancy if they had a crystal ball to see if it was going to be a healthy contribution to society or life of torture, an orphan (I grow up in Impoverished, lived in Buffalo New York ghetto, still live in the areas where unwanted pregnancies , and even adopted children with very healthy loving parents have shouted about the anger and envy, the pain of realizing they were unwanted by biological parents...not to say there are not happy orphans like Genghis Khan, the greatest conquer in history)

A life of torture, dying in sin and agony, feeling like God isn't there, is chronically shaming+ cursing rejecting you, is not life...and some abortion advocates might be considering that...I mean, it is the practice of the Bible God.

Im giving God an ultimatum, stop tossing people into lakes of fire and tempting people with forbidden fruit, stop creating monsters and letting devils deceive us, stop multiplication of labor pains to torture women between the legs to the point it is often fatal, and maybe agree to going to serial killer anonymous meetings and sharing some of your possessions with the violently murdered women burn incense to, and keep taped to my wall, ...and I will forgive, praise you more than you deserve, talk about how perfect you are, cast a blind eye to your relapses...

And I believe the world will actually find you loveable, and the devil (Lucifer means light bearer, morning star...a title for Jesus. He was God's favorite Angel because they had the most in common) might do the same (he told me :smilingimp:)

I prefer worshipping living dead girls that got violently murdered, and they shall supplant angry, proud , wrathful serial killers, because justice is perfect, God is love, love is kind, love is not puffed up , love does not envy, love bears all things, love endures all things, love is patient, God is slow to anger "?

So, killing more children than any dictator is attributed to God, and God was going to kill over 99% of the Jews / Israelites, descendants of Jacob, his favorite children, in the wilderness, but Moses fought him until "God repented of the evil he planned to do to his people"

Israel means " contender with God". He had loyalty only to a woman telling him to break God's commandments and steal from the Pope. An incarnation of Yahweh got in a fight with him and Jacob won with permanently messed up hip.

Yahweh said "you have fought with God and won". It was his love for divine femininity. My hope is in Jacob and the living Dead Kennedys. The female half of divinity came from Rebecca, channeler of the Queen of Heaven spirit...

How do you think he got the greatest blessing in scripture by his love and obedience to a woman , fought with God and won... Rebecca said "let the curse and punishment be on me not on you". His claim to fame, success, receiving the reward for Esau's labors via theft, was the work, the ideas, the prayers, the strings pulled by Rebecca and the spirits inspiring her.

All Jacob did wasove and trust her giving him advice to break the ten commandments and steal from the Pope (Pope means Pappa, the most anointed representative, spiritual authority of the Earth with the powers of binding and loosing. Isaac was all of the above, as well as the male superior over Rebecca. The Religion of the original Israel was total and complete rebellion, under obedience to the right woman above loyalty to God, and getting more grace than obedience to the latter

That has all the marks of Divine femininity trumping Divine hypocrisy, no?;)).

The person with the highest kill count of the unborn, labor pains, annihilation of cities, and pregnant mothers as well, is pro life. Are you trying to give me heartburn.?


Well-Known Member
Yahweh said "you have fought with God and won"....
Bible says it was a man who fought with him. Bible doesn't say it was Yahweh who said "you have fought with God and won".

And Jacob was left alone. And a Man wrestled with him until the ascending of the dawn.
Gen 32:24


Veteran Member
Bible says it was a man who fought with him. Bible doesn't say it was Yahweh who said "you have fought with God and won".

And Jacob was left alone. And a Man wrestled with him until the ascending of the dawn.
Gen 32:24
God can be a man and an angel at "us". Genesis says "let us create many in our image". Notice the word us. More than one Creator spirit.;)

Jesus said of men "Amen you are Gods, I and the father are one. Those who have seen me, have seen the father"

Scripture is supposed to be the word of God. Scripture says of Jacob "you have fought with God and won. Your name is now changed to Israel , meaning "contender with God. One who fights with God".

Israel is one of the most important names in scripture, first applied to Jacob after scripture says "you have fought with God and won".

So, either scripture is not the word of God, or scripture is false + misleading, or I am right about this.

God can come in many forms. The woman standing on the moon, clothed with the sun, crowned with stars, battles a dragon, is called "the mother of those who follow God and his word/ law...at war with the dragon".

She too may have been a form of the Creator, who made woman in his image... Yahweh means "I am ". It is an inco incomplete title.

If the devil introduced himself "I am Lucifer, light bearer, morning star"

Yahweh Lucifer is what he is saying, and not an incorrect phrase or title.

Yahweh cones in many forms, commands opposite behaviors, promotes and blesses completely opposite, different moral codes+ behaviors

It's because he has many sides, many spirits, ma y personifications , and scripture says he even changes his mind, repentance of his evil plans towards Israel, does the opposite of what he prophecies will happen at a set time and date ( such as Nineveh)

So, the scriptures were never supposed to be the only source of theology, they are impossible to understand as a consensus that still is further than the church was over 1500 years ago.

The first Christians were not Bible Christians, the Bible does not say that the New Testament is scripture, the early Christians did not have a new testament

The Catholic Church decided that the New testament is scripture in the 4th century. Many eye witness accounts including the gospel of Tomas never made it into the Canon

Belief that the current new testament Canon is the inerrant word of God is a belief of the Catholic Church, found no where in the Bible, and not a belief accepted by Christians for over 300 years, until Constantine defeated Diocletian, and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire .


Well-Known Member
God can be a man and an angel at "us". Genesis says "let us create many in our image". Notice the word us.
I understand these scripture so that God is not a human.

Also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent; for he is not a man, that he should repent.
1 Sam. 15:29

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:24
Jesus said of men "Amen you are Gods, I and the father are one. Those who have seen me, have seen the father"
… we know that no idol is anything in the world, and that there is no other God but one. For though there are things that are called "gods," whether in the heavens or on earth; as there are many "gods" and many "lords;" yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we live through him.
1 Cor. 8:4-6
So, either scripture is not the word of God, or scripture is false + misleading, or I am right about this.
Scripture can have characters that don't speak the truth, like for example Satan.
Yahweh cones in many for
I don't think that is true, because it is said Yahweh doesn't change:
For I, Yahweh, don't change…
Mal. 3:6
The first Christians were not Bible Christians, the Bible does not say that the New Testament is scripture, the early Christians did not have a new testament
The early Christians were the New Testament.


Veteran Member
I understand these scripture so that God is not a human.

Also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent; for he is not a man, that he should repent.
1 Sam. 15:29

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
John 4:24

… we know that no idol is anything in the world, and that there is no other God but one. For though there are things that are called "gods," whether in the heavens or on earth; as there are many "gods" and many "lords;" yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we live through him.
1 Cor. 8:4-6

Scripture can have characters that don't speak the truth, like for example Satan.

I don't think that is true, because it is said Yahweh doesn't change:
For I, Yahweh, don't change…
Mal. 3:6

The early Christians were the New Testament.
I don't think you are serious. Joking. Playing games?

Im done. Google "there is no association between darkness and the light" scripture verse.

Then google
"God repented of the evil he planned on doing to Israel..

Or "I form the darkness...I create evil, I the Lord do these things. "

You quote "God never changes " and scripture repeatedly has God commanding the opposite , saying opposite things are true "

If it makes you a better person follow yours

Just don't think you should attack another person's devotion to what helps them, because of what some bible that contradicts itself says...

The Bible does not say that the Bible is true or that the Bible is scripture.

If you are not a bigot , I encourage your love for scriptures

But I see the Abrahamic God l's word creating much bigotry, demonizing good , virtuous practices, division, confusing , destruction of the faithful...creating fear and violence

It is in compassion that I fight , try in what ways (however insignificant my efforts may be) such madness I have seen coming from an ancient text that contradicts conscience

The very nature, behavior, words, attitude of God, contradicts the ultimate summary of who God is in a sentence.

God is love, love is kind, live is not puffed up, love does not envy, love bears all things, endures all things

So, love doesn't tempt with forbidden fruit, allow devils and monsters to torture and kill children, allow false prophets , heresy, + evil regimes to dominate so much of the world, so much of the churches (body of Christ)

Love does not commit genocide, drowned, burn, Pluto to the sword pregnant women and children, love does not toss terrified people into lakes of fire and hide God from them all their lives so "they know not what they do"

Scripture is saying God is multiple of the extreme opposites of people, personalities, nature's, and behaviors

I have nothing against the God who is love. I have something against most of the Bible, when it is against the God who is love, hurting people.
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Well-Known Member
Then google
"God repented of the evil he planned on doing to Israel..
It is interesting that for example Green's literal translation says it like this:

And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way. And God was compassionate over the evil that He had declared to do to them, and He did not do it.
Jonah 3:10
Or "I form the darkness...I create evil, I the Lord do these things. "
Darkness is like emptiness, nothing really. It is formed when God allows people to be without him, as many people want.
You quote "God never changes " and scripture repeatedly has God commanding the opposite , saying opposite things are true "
Changing solution doesn't mean change in God.
But I see the Abrahamic God l's word creating much bigotry, demonizing good , virtuous practices, division, confusing , destruction of the faithful...creating fear and violence
I don't think God demonizes good.
God is love, love is kind, live is not puffed up, love does not envy, love bears all things, endures all things
What do you think, would a good God end evil?
So, love doesn't tempt with forbidden fruit,
Let no one being tempted say, I am tempted from God. For God is not tempted by evils, and He tempts no one. But each one is tempted by his own lusts, having been drawn out and having been seduced by them .
James 1:13-14
allow devils and monsters to torture and kill children, allow false prophets , heresy, + evil regimes to dominate so much of the world, so much of the churches
People wanted to know evil, that is why we can now experience it. But, I think it would be good to remember that this "life" is like the Matrix, not the true life. Anything that happens in this world is just a short lesson that can'r destroy soul, which is the important thing.

Don't be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. "Aren't two sparrows sold for an assarion [An assarion is a small coin worth one tenth of a drachma or a sixteenth of a denarius (approximately the wages of one half hour of agricultural labor).]? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father's will, but the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.
Matt. 10:28-31
Love does not commit genocide, drowned, burn
So, you think love would allow evil to continue forever and make life eternal suffering for all?
love does not toss terrified people into lakes of fire and hide God from them all their lives so "they know not what they do"
But what if that is exactly what the people want? Many people hate God and want to be without Him. If that is the same as hell, is God not good for allowing them to have exactly what they want?


Premium Member
I believe abortion doctors are pro-murder and God is not.
The same God that Flooded the entire world (Killing not only humans but animals and plants), that destroyed Sodam and Gomorrah (Men, women and children), Turned Lot's wife into salt just for looking back, all the Egyptians first born son's and in the New Testament the Holy Spirits Kills two liars Acts 5:1-11 and Revelations where Christ will kill off all the sinners and the devil.


Well-Known Member
The same God that Flooded the entire world (Killing not only humans but animals and plants), that destroyed Sodam and Gomorrah (Men, women and children), Turned Lot's wife into salt just for looking back, ...
I think Lot's wife was killed, because she stopped and looked back, which made it possible that the catastrophic event caught her. It is like, if I would tell you, don't put your hand in fire, it will burn, and then you would do exactly that and blame me for that you burned your hand. Ridiculous and evil to blame God for similar matter.

But, it is true that all death in this world is, because God allows it. I don't think it is a problem, if God allows death, because:
1) He has given life, and therefore has the right to decide how long life He gives.
2) This life is anyway just a temporary lesson. True life is with God and everyone has the chance to get back to life with God. In Biblical point of view, death of a body is not the end.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think Lot's wife was killed, because she stopped and looked back, which made it possible that the catastrophic event caught her. It is like, if I would tell you, don't put your hand in fire, it will burn, and then you would do exactly that and blame me for that you burned your hand. Ridiculous and evil to blame God for similar matter.

But, it is true that all death in this world is, because God allows it. I don't think it is a problem, if God allows death, because:
1) He has given life, and therefore has the right to decide how long life He gives.

Nope, you are now supporting an evil God. Do parents have the right to decide how long their children live? Once you give something it is no longer yours to make any decisions about.
2) This life is anyway just a temporary lesson. True life is with God and everyone has the chance to get back to life with God. In Biblical point of view, death of a body is not the end.
Why would "true life" have to be with God?


Well-Known Member
Do parents have the right to decide how long their children live?
No, because they don't give life, they only reproduce.
Once you give something it is no longer yours to make any decisions about.
Ok, and if God gives for example 72 years, He is not taking it a way, just not giving more. And if a person is evil, I don't see why God should give eternal life for the person.
Why would "true life" have to be with God?
I don't say it has to be so, I believe that is just how it is.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No, because they don't give life, they only reproduce.

Which is "giving life".
Ok, and if God gives for example 72 years, He is not taking it a way, just not giving more. And if a person is evil, I don't see why God should give eternal life for the person.

No, your own Bible admits that being evil is not what keeps a person out of heaven. Remember, by your Bible's rules even Hitler, who was a life long Christian though a weird one, could have gone to heaven if he had taken Jesus into his heart and apologized for his "sins" to God at the end of his life.
I don't say it has to be so, I believe that is just how it is.
Well that is just silly. All sorts of people live just fine without your God. Why would they need him for an afterlife? The Bible is not exactly clear as shown by the thousands and thousands of different sects about what happens after death. But since God sends people to hell it is clear that it is an active decision on God's part. No need to do so if they need God for life.


Premium Member
I think Lot's wife was killed, because she stopped and looked back, which made it possible that the catastrophic event caught her. It is like, if I would tell you, don't put your hand in fire, it will burn, and then you would do exactly that and blame me for that you burned your hand. Ridiculous and evil to blame God for similar matter.

But, it is true that all death in this world is, because God allows it. I don't think it is a problem, if God allows death, because:
1) He has given life, and therefore has the right to decide how long life He gives.
2) This life is anyway just a temporary lesson. True life is with God and everyone has the chance to get back to life with God. In Biblical point of view, death of a body is not the end.
And God allows abortion if God didn't it wouldn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Which is "giving life".
It is not. Your cells are not living because of you. And when people procreate, it means two living cells are connected. In no phase of that people give life, they only give the chance for the already living cells to meet.
No, your own Bible admits that being evil is not what keeps a person out of heaven.
Where is that said in the Bible?
Remember, by your Bible's rules even Hitler, who was a life long Christian though a weird one, could have gone to heaven if he had taken Jesus into his heart and apologized for his "sins" to God at the end of his life.
Bible promises eternal life only for righteous people.

These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Matt. 25:46
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

If Hitler became righteous just before he died, then he has the life I doubt he did that.
The Bible is not exactly clear as shown by the thousands and thousands of different sects about what happens after death.
I think Bible is very clear, some just don't like what it says and therefore develop own doctrines.