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Are you equipped with a weapon?

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I live in the United States of America. For those who don't know, every now and then (as in, sometimes several times a week), some loser will go to Walmart or some other public place and shoot it up. My town has had a couple "smaller" mass shootings, and America as a whole has taken a "fat L" in the department of public safety.

That brings me to my question... Are you armed? Do you carry around a means to defend yourself from these psychos?

I used to own a couple guns when I was 18-19, but I got rid of them. At the time, I was an angry fella and people were screwing with me. So, for their sake and my own, I got rid of my guns.

I went through a few years of anger management on and off as well as regular therapy and psychiatry. I am no longer that angry kid with a death wish.

I was grappling with the idea of getting a gun again, but, with the prevalence of mass shootings, I think I will get one. I trust myself with my life more than I trust strangers.

A gun is the best choice... Right? For self defense I mean. A sword would be awkward to carry around and, well, you'd have to close the distance. But a lot of shooters nowadays do it armored up. There will be cases where the store security guard or whatever dies because of that. So like, a sword I can just stab right through a vest.

Then there is the option to just run. In the employee orientation video at my work, there's a mass shootings preparedness part. It said to prioritize doing these things in order in the event of a mass shooting: 1. Run, 2. If you can't run, hide. 3. If you can't hide, fight back. So like, if I am armed, I might just skip to step three which could turn out good or bad. Being unarmed sorta forces me to run, which might be a good thing.

Pepper spray is an option too. I've been pepper sprayed before. It hurts sooooo much my gosh I never cried out for God's mercy more desperately than when I got sprayed.

I hate the idea of being a sitting duck every time I go out shopping.

I personally think everyone should be armed and well trained in self defense. I think we should be a society of lions, rather than sheep. People don't like the idea that we might need to all be armed and protected each time we go to Walmart, but it's the hard reality in my opinion. It'd be nice if we didn't have to protect ourselves, but psychos make it not so.

Anyways, are you armed? How do you go about it? What's your philosophy and tips when it comes to self defense?

If you are not armed, why not? Have you just resigned to running if there is a mass shooting? Or are you just having your fingers crossed that you won't be a victim of one?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Glock #22, 1st generation.
Glaser Blue ammunition (fragmenting).

I don't carry much these days.
My business profile has changed, lessening risks.
And I travel thru states that don't have reciprocity.
(I obey their laws.)
And I'm just too lazy.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Anyways, are you armed?

No, and where I live, I couldn't be even if I wanted. I wouldn't want to get a firearm either way, though.

How do you go about it? What's your philosophy and tips when it comes to self defense?

I would like to learn a martial art, but it would need to be suitable for someone who has injuries like mine, as they preclude certain exercises that many martial arts involve.

If you are not armed, why not?

It's illegal for the vast majority of people where I live, and I have zero interest in carrying a firearm.

Have you just resigned to running if there is a mass shooting? Or are you just having your fingers crossed that you won't be a victim of one?

I don't know how I would react during a mass shooting, as the circumstances could vary. I have never lived anywhere a mass shooting was even a remote possibility, though. Unless someone is involved in some sort of gang, militia, or long-running family feud in certain rural areas, a mass shooting is practically unheard of where I'm from.


Veteran Member
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Guns are heavy. There is no point carrying a lightweight 22 caliber unless its got spent uranium rounds in it, and those aren't easy to obtain. If I carry it will be heavy, and I'll have to wear suspenders to keep my slacks up. First I'll get a concealed carry permit. Probably I'll construct a false beer belly to carry my gun in, and there will be an extra hollow to store some pain pills in case I get shot. Also I might try to have enough room to also carry a snack or a whoopee cushion. Maybe a voice changer. Those are cool.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Does your disinterest in carrying a gun come from the fact that you feel secure in the fact that you won't be shot up in your day to day life?

That's part (but not all) of it, yes. If I lived on a large farm and knew a burglary or attack was more likely where I lived (e.g., in a country where either was probable), I might consider licensing a firearm, but I think I would even more strongly just consider moving away from that country or the part of it that was relatively unsafe.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Im a brit, hand guns are illegal to own or carry. Though sporting rifles are not, though getting a license to own a rifle is pretty strict and are kind of difficult to keep in your purse.

I live in France, although it is possible to carry a hand gun but obtaining a license is close to impossible.

I got into trouble some years ago with no way to protect myself. Determined it will not happen again i learned a little krav maga. Unless someone shoots from a distance i feel confident that any assailant had better like hospital food.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Okay...full disclosure, I don't really carry a boomerang.

I don't carry, but I do own a S&W .38 service revolver that I purchased back around the terrorist attacks in the early 2000s. It has spent the last 20 years locked in a security box because I lost the key. My ex's husband recently cut the box open for me, so it now sits unloaded in a cut box in the back of the closet. I have no intention of pulling it out other than to oil it from time to time.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
No. I'm not against gun ownership per say, I grew up with one that was strictly for putting down suffering animals on the farm. But we've never had guns for personal defense. That gun was disassembled, locked, and the lockbox stored in the barn.

I personally detest American gun companies, the NRA, and the cycle of fear and reactionary culture, xenophobia, hatred of the poor and blame on the mentally ill they propagate, and want no part of it.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
A gun is the best choice... Right? For self defense I mean. A sword would be awkward to carry around and, well, you'd have to close the distance. But a lot of shooters nowadays do it armored up. There will be cases where the store security guard or whatever dies because of that. So like, a sword I can just stab right through a vest.

I have a katana (for martial arts practice), but I don't know if it would ever even occur to me to go find it in the closet in a violent confrontation.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
No, I do not own a gun.

I like firing guns. If I had one, I'd be tempted to use it. I don't need that kind of worry and expense hanging around the house. I've got an owner's permit should conditions change, but am not anticipating such a purchase.

It does not make me feel any more secure to have a firearm, nor for others to have firearms.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Have never owned, or wanted, a gun of any kind.

I've always felt it to be a silly notion that wandering around with a gun somewhere upon your person makes you safer, since it's easy enough to get shot totally unawares, without evening knowing what direction the bullet came from, let alone enough time to get your gun out, take off the safety, locate the target, and hope your aim is better than your timing.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, are you armed? How do you go about it? What's your philosophy and tips when it comes to self defense?
This is when I go shopping groceries:

If you are not armed, why not?
From Denmark, no one carries firearms here, except some of the gangs etc. But they only shoot each other anyway, so see no reason. :)