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God is "in" our hearts?


Well-Known Member
Could the qualities of omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience be possible without intelligent lifeforms to conceive it?

Does God, in the religious sense, achieve these qualities by existing "in" our hearts in times of need? But how do we define "need". Is "need" merely the feeling that arises as a defence mechanism against the horror of unreality and "anti-creation"?

Their seems to be an emotional tendency towards God where science is absent. But if God possesses the above qualities (the three O's), science cannot bereft God despite our claims.

The argument from transhumanism suggests that intelligence is inevitable and that it can evolve to the point that it eventually embodies the three O's.

-Nicholas, (notice the vast improvement in the quality of my writing).


Well-Known Member
Light is simply a magnetic wave/field. It has zero mass and can be thought of as pure energy. Light bends because it has a property that causes it to bend.

(On whether or not we are ever the same...)

We are never the same person.

Change is the only constant, no matter how small.

There is a direct relationship between one's perception of reality, and one's physical energy.

Greater energy results in greater perception. emc2

Science, mathematics, and truth are tools that aid perception, but always fail without energy.

Words are also tools that aid perception, but fail without energy.

Energy is the beginning and end of matter.

We are matter.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Light bends because it has a property that causes it to bend.

I’m not certain of how significant that detail is to the rest of your idea, but I think I was taught that light “bends” because -or when- it hits/goes through a different element; not really because light itself has a property that would “cause it” to bend on its own.

Do I recall this incorrectly, perhaps?


River Sea

Active Member
Light is simply a magnetic wave/field. It has zero mass and can be thought of as pure energy. Light bends because it has a property that causes it to bend.

My understanding is Earth is a concave cell, and light does bend. The light is bent by the glass.

When I saw the light in people radiate outward, it wasn't the same as the light from the sun.

I've discovered that light nourishes my spirit. This isn't the same as the sun.

I'm learning, so I can be wrong; however, I also learn from being wrong. Another subject one can make a thread about is: is it okay to be wrong? Do we learn when we're wrong? Is this a process of learning?

What are your thoughts about this video

Unifying Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity & Dielectricity as ONE THING ONLY


Well-Known Member
We are all Spiritual beings in our true natures. As Spiritual beings trapped within a physical body, we are bound by the physical laws of this universe. This universe and it's time-based , causal nature is perfect for learning.

We all already know God whether we know we know or not. In short, there is a connection whether one cares to admit it or not. A wise old lady told me that when one has really bad trouble, everyone prays to God for help. After all, deep down, we know God can fix anything. This wise old lady said do not worry about atheists. When things are really bad, they are praying for someone to help as well.

We are in the physical, however who we are shows for one who is really looking. People think in eternal terms. They expect so many things to last forever yet a physical body clearly has an end date. Love and relationships should last, but they don't. How many hurt when someone or a favorite pet dies? Everyone because it goes against our eternal thinking.

What are those gifts that are remembered forever? It's those Spiritual gifts that warm the soul. Sometimes even a kind word can stick to one's ribs for a lifetime.

Are we all starting to see who God and we all are?

Perceptions!! You are so right!! All the secrets of the universe and God stare us in the face. God hides nothing. Perhaps the sensory input of this physical world distracts us from so very much.

The first thing that God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. Look around. Isn't that a problem we all have in common? It is something we should all work on. How much more knowledge does one acquire seeing what actually is, instead of what one wants to be?

This rests in all our hands. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? The knowledge was there all the time waiting to be Discovered. What else is overlooked that could change all our lives for the better? Perhaps it's time to Open our eyes!! PERCEPTIONS!!

Don't forget to look for those Spiritual things that bind us all together. How would Unconditional Love change the world? Unconditional Love is one of the many lessons we all have in common. Each is learning whether they realize it or not. Of course, as Spiritual Beings, there really is no time limit on learning and growing.

That's what I see. It's very clear!!

River Sea

Active Member
Don't forget to look for those Spiritual things that bind us all together. How would Unconditional Love change the world? Unconditional Love is one of the many lessons we all have in common. Each is learning whether they realize it or not. Of course, as Spiritual Beings, there really is no time limit on learning and growing.

Yes, I'll get fed in my spirit heart by the fire of the light within me, which I could call unconditional love. I'll allow an inner guru to teach me in the midst of my thoughts and emotions. a personal relationship

Yes, you were mentioning spiritual things that bind us all together.

I agree with you that there's no time limit on learning and growing.
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