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Can someone explain the Trinity please...

Only with the JW's does the 'truth' get truth-ier. What were the words of Jesus- "like a foolish man who built his house on sand." Your 'truth' is built on sand, ever changing, the blind leading the blind.
You are entitled to your opinion.:D


Active Member
[ QUOTE="Bible Student, post: 4334989, member: 54450"]I wasn't laughing at you.I was like wow when I saw the wave of info.It's all bunched up.[/QUOTE]
Oh lol my bad. But I do hope you try to digest some of what's written even though I did manage to bunch things up a bit


Active Member
Jesus clearly states that he is commanded by the Father.So here we have a chain of command.This means authority over another.God the Almighty is obviously in charge.Jesus is His Son.Notice again no mention of the holy spirit.God the Almighty is commanded by NO ONE.Jesus is commanded.Therefore,he is not God the Almighty or literally part of Him.There is only one God,and Jesus is not He.
NWT Psalm 107

Those who travel on the sea in ships,Who ply their trade over the vast waters,+
24 They have seen the works of JehovahAnd his wonderful works in the deep;+
25 How by his word a windstorm arises,+Lifting up the waves of the sea.
26 They rise up to the sky;They plunge down to the depths.Their courage* melts away because of the impending calamity.
27 They reel and stagger like a drunken man,And all their skill proves useless.+
28 Then they cry out to Jehovah in their distress,+And he rescues them from their plight.
29 He calms the windstorm;The waves of the sea grow quiet.+
30 They rejoice when these grow still,And he leads them to their desired harbor.
31 Let people give thanks to Jehovah for his loyal loveAnd for his wonderful works in behalf of the sons of men.

NWT Mark 4

35 And on that day, when evening had fallen, he said to them: “Let us cross to the other shore.”+ 36 So after they had dismissed the crowd, they took him in the boat, just as he was, and there were other boats with him.+ 37 Now a great violent windstorm broke out, and the waves kept crashing into the boat, so that the boat was close to being swamped.+ 38 But he was in the stern, sleeping on the pillow.* So they woke him up and said to him: “Teacher, do you not care that we are about to perish?” 39 With that he got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Hush! Be quiet!”+ And the wind abated, and a great calm set in. 40 So he said to them: “Why are you so afraid?* Do you not yet have any faith?” 41 But they felt an unusual fear, and they said to one another: “Who really is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him.”

Who is Jesus? Maybe it's time for another NWT revision.
NWT Psalm 107

Those who travel on the sea in ships,Who ply their trade over the vast waters,+
24 They have seen the works of JehovahAnd his wonderful works in the deep;+
25 How by his word a windstorm arises,+Lifting up the waves of the sea.
26 They rise up to the sky;They plunge down to the depths.Their courage* melts away because of the impending calamity.
27 They reel and stagger like a drunken man,And all their skill proves useless.+
28 Then they cry out to Jehovah in their distress,+And he rescues them from their plight.
29 He calms the windstorm;The waves of the sea grow quiet.+
30 They rejoice when these grow still,And he leads them to their desired harbor.
31 Let people give thanks to Jehovah for his loyal loveAnd for his wonderful works in behalf of the sons of men.

NWT Mark 4

35 And on that day, when evening had fallen, he said to them: “Let us cross to the other shore.”+ 36 So after they had dismissed the crowd, they took him in the boat, just as he was, and there were other boats with him.+ 37 Now a great violent windstorm broke out, and the waves kept crashing into the boat, so that the boat was close to being swamped.+ 38 But he was in the stern, sleeping on the pillow.* So they woke him up and said to him: “Teacher, do you not care that we are about to perish?” 39 With that he got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Hush! Be quiet!”+ And the wind abated, and a great calm set in. 40 So he said to them: “Why are you so afraid?* Do you not yet have any faith?” 41 But they felt an unusual fear, and they said to one another: “Who really is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him.”

Who is Jesus? Maybe it's time for another NWT revision.

Oh,he is the Son of God, His creator.Jesus prays to God the Almighty and ask him permission. We already know God does not ask permission from anyone.Humans pray to God for petitions and thanksgiving.

Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

So here we have Jesus falling with his face to the ground all scared asking God the Almighty for permission to remove the task at hand.Jesus makes it clear this is the will of God and not His own.

John 20:17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Here we clearly see Jesus calling God the Almighty his God.

Those passages you show to try to prove Jesus is God is easily disproven.Jesus Christ has all authority.He can do anything.This authority was given to him by God the Almighty.This means someone higher than he gave it to him.

Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

So from this thorough study we can clearly see that Jesus is not God.He is the Son of God.Jesus prays and ask permission.Jesus states it is God's will,not his.Jesus states he has a God.Jesus states all authority was GIVEN to him.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.Jehovah is God the Almighty.

Na.....no revision is needed.:)

Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages


Well-Known Member
Oh,he is the Son of God, His creator.Jesus prays to God the Almighty and ask him permission. We already know God does not ask permission from anyone.Humans pray to God for petitions and thanksgiving.

Matthew 26:39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

So here we have Jesus falling with his face to the ground all scared asking God the Almighty for permission to remove the task at hand.Jesus makes it clear this is the will of God and not His own.

John 20:17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Here we clearly see Jesus calling God the Almighty his God.

Those passages you show to try to prove Jesus is God is easily disproven.Jesus Christ has all authority.He can do anything.This authority was given to him by God the Almighty.This means someone higher than he gave it to him.

Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

So from this thorough study we can clearly see that Jesus is not God.He is the Son of God.Jesus prays and ask permission.Jesus states it is God's will,not his.Jesus states he has a God.Jesus states all authority was GIVEN to him.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God.Jehovah is God the Almighty.

Na.....no revision is needed.:)

Bible Hub: Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages

Well said.....


Active Member
According to your view.That last part is funny.It just shows a lack of study on your part.It is clear as day to those who can see. "juvenile theology" Lol......................:p
What about the 225,302 members of your organization all voting for public Christian worship of Jehovah and Christ Jesus and none against it in your charter of incorporation? I guess they didn't study too hard, huh? 225,302 little dummies? Not one knowing the JW 'truth' about Jesus not being God? Highly unlikely. As I said, a house built on sand. So who has/had the juvenile theology, the 225,302 or you?


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What about the 225,302 members of your organization all voting for public Christian worship of Jehovah and Christ Jesus and none against it in your charter of incorporation? I guess they didn't study too hard, huh? 225,302 little dummies? Not one knowing the JW 'truth' about Jesus not being God? Highly unlikely. As I said, a house built on sand. So who has/had the juvenile theology, the 225,302 or you?
I have no organization.I am not a JW.
Oh, I forgot. You only 'play' one on the internet.

Play one? Are you mental or something? The way you speak to people is a trip.Wow! Just because I am not a JW you get all mad.Lol... I'm sorry you assumed I was a JW. I Think were done here.


Jesus in me
[QUOTE="Forever_Catholic, post: 4327456, member: 56677"

Ok, let's start by saying this.... Your bringing your beliefs into the bible. I"ll show you.

I believe he did no such thing.

Actually, it doesnt. The "Word" is not Jesus. It is the Word of God. God's Word was in the beginning. It doesnt talk about Jesus unto verse 14. The word "Word" is LOGOS. Logos means, someone's thoughts, reasons or plans. Then in 14, the logos or God's Word, became flesh. But it doent matter what I say, it's still going to be wrong, because you believe the Jesus is God. And that totally degrades our Creator.

It doesnt say, 'who came from the Father", it says, "the glory as of the only begotten of the Father". But anywho, I agree with verse 14. God's Word, His plans and reason and thought and His Word,, became flesh. I think your reading it as Jesus was already in Heaven from the beginning. He wasnt. He was born.

Again, in the org. language, it doesnt say that. It says, "For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree."

Yes, I agree with that one!! Jesus is saying that he is in sync with his Father. He is doing his Father' s will. He is doing what his FAther wants him to do. He is NOT saying that he is God.

I believe being in sync with God does not prove that Jesus is not God but in fact supports the concept.

Yes, absolutely!!! Jesus is manifesting his Father. God was "in" His son. Working "through" His son. Jesus manifested his father's charator perfectly! He is NOT saying he is God. You say that because you believe that Jesus is God.

I believe it is impossible to manifest the character of God unless one is God.

1 Col. This shows us that God is the God and Father of Jesus. They are not co-equal. 1 Cor 11, shows us that God is the head or leader of Jesus.
So many verses in scripture that tell us that Jesus is not God.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't prove that Jesus isn't God just that He is.

I believe if one can actually prove he is correct in his logic that I would accept it.

I believe that makes no sense.

I don't believe I have seen any but there are people who claim that there are such verses. I believe people nisinterpret those criptures.


Jesus in me
Only with the JW's does the 'truth' get truth-ier. What were the words of Jesus- "like a foolish man who built his house on sand." Your 'truth' is built on sand, ever changing, the blind leading the blind.

I believe I had one say that he was guided by the Holy Spirit but I couldn't discern that in his posts. The ones I know personally appear to be guided by orthodox JW literature and the spirit of argumentation.

I believe my experience in studying with the JW's was that they were not willing to look at scripture without the guidance of JW literature.


Jesus in me
Play one? Are you mental or something? The way you speak to people is a trip.Wow! Just because I am not a JW you get all mad.Lol... I'm sorry you assumed I was a JW. I Think were done here.

I believe when one spouts JW thoeolgy it seems like a logical deduction. Perhaps you can explain why you talk like one but aren't one and what are you then. I believe you can't possibly be a born again Christian unless you are playing the devils advoacte.
I believe when one spouts JW thoeolgy it seems like a logical deduction. Perhaps you can explain why you talk like one but aren't one and what are you then. I believe you can't possibly be a born again Christian unless you are playing the devils advoacte.
I would explain but I have had encounters with you in the past and they were not pleasant.


Well-Known Member
According to your view. That last part is funny. It just shows a lack of study on your part. It is clear as day to those who can see. "juvenile theology" Lol

Mark 4:11-12 (ESVST) , but for those outside everything is in parables, 12 so that "they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven."


Well-Known Member
Gen 1:26-27 (ESVST) 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Why do the scripture say, "Let "US" make man in "OUR" image, after "OUR" likeness, and then say, "God created man in "HIS OWN" image?)

*** w13 7/15 p. 22 par. 10 “Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?” ***
Note, however, that the word “slave” in Jesus’ illustration is singular, indicating that this is a composite slave. The decisions of the Governing Body are thus made collectively.

Please explain how, "IMPERFECT", "MORTAL", "FALLIBLE" men have an ability greater than the only "TRUE", "ALMIGHTY" God? JW's think it's foolish to believe that God can exist as three persons in one entity, but have no problem believing that 8 "MEN" can exist as "ONE" slave. This is truly believing that man is greater than God.

*** rs p. 218 par. 2 Jesus Christ ***

(Interestingly, the expression “archangel” is never found in the plural in the Scriptures, thus implying that there is only one.)

This is strange! How come the expression "Archangel" cannot indicate a composite angel? The singular form of the slave is composite, why can't the singular form of Archangel mean the same?

To all JW's, do you see how the GB twists scripture to fit it's teachings?