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Parse Legends and Traditions

Jaskaran Singh

It is much more than just contact and trade. They were the same people, different tribes or perhaps the same before Zoroaster's intervention, the Indo-Iranian Aryans. Even the priests were the same, Athravans (Atharvan for Indians) and Angirasas.
Not completely true; AtharvaNa and A~NgIrasa are more like brAhmaNa gotram-s rather than priestly "types" in and of themselves.
"S.G.Talageri in his book Rigveda: A Historical Analysis says about the Rsis Angiras, Atharnanas, Bhrigus & Spitamas as "Hence, it is not the BhRgus or AtharvaNas as a whole who are the protagonist priests of the Avesta, it is only the Spitama branch of the Athravans. Hence, also, the name of the "good spirit", opposed to the "bad spirit" Angra Mainyu (a name clearly derived from the name of the ANgirases), is Spenta Mainyu (a name clearly derived from the name of the Spitamas)." " Angra Mainyu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :D

There's no such thing as Spitama (or however that's spelled) in Hinduism, that's probably just something unique to Zoroastrianism; although, perhaps it may be related to ashvatthAmA?
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As they should, Benst. The last thing the Indian
government needs now is to have such a helpful,
prosperous, highly contributive community become
"extinct" under its not-so-careful watch.

But to be fair, I believe there are societal, community-
related problems affecting the Parsees as well that
Shahz can elaborate on, if kindly willing.​

The Parsis will go extinct I think in a century. India has a lot bigger problems to deal with than the dwindling Parsi faith. There is a lot of corruption and backwards thinking with many Parsis in India, and they haven't adapted to the 21st century. There are also many highly educated liberal parsis who don't wish to hold on to their identities and just take things as they come, many renoucing their faith or the ideals which founded it. Most of the conservatives called for no intermarriage, most of the liberals didn't care.

In my opinion there should have been intermarriage and bringing outsiders into the fold, but in India religious tensions always exist and we try to stay neutral. In fact many parsis have south asian blood in them due to the fact that there was intermixing with gujaratis since we were in Gujarat for centuries, but it was unseen behind the walls of villages. This has also been forgotten as any 'mixed' kids are seen as non Parsi which is totally ridiculous. I have mixed cousins who my 'pure' cousins say aren't really parsi. I find such concepts sickening and wish to distance myself from any sort of this lunacy.

Most religions flourish due to a large population base (hinduism) or due to prostelytizing (Islam/Christianity). Other religions had a somewhat larger base than we did (Jews) so they survive on endogamy. They're also a lot more ethnically diverse than we are. I also believe we should allow converts into the faith, but again tihs might cause more tensions in Iran and India.

If the Zoroastrian faith will survive it will be with the Kurds and Persians of the middle east and even that is very debateable idea. There will be a very small population of Parsis for the next century in India after which it probably will be gone. This is a sad fact I have come to accept and to be honest the ruling Parsi leaders did it to us.
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Be your own guru
You are our long-lost cousins. I think Hinduism would gladly accept you (with your religious beliefs, no changes in that), just as Indo-Aryans were accepted with honor, if there is intermarriage between Hindus and Parsis. You are like the 'agnihotris' of Hinduism. Perhaps Jaskaran would have an opinion on that. I regret the drifting away of my Aryan brothers.
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You are our long-lost cousins. I think Hinduism would gladly accept you (with your religious beliefs, no changes in that), just as Indo-Aryans were accepted with honor, if there is intermarriage between Hindus and Parsis. You are like the 'agnihotris' of Hinduism. Perhaps Jaskaran would have an opinion on that. I regret the drifting away of my Aryan brothers.

We have alot in common with Hinduism but we believe in only one God. We have a lot in common with Christianity and Islam as well, but are our own distinct religion. I think Zoroastrianism is the bridge between the abrahamic and the dharmic faiths.

Concepts such as a kind loving God, paradise, praying 5 times a day, a messiah etc all originiated in Zoroastrianism and passed on to the abrahamic faiths.