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Ponder This

Well-Known Member
According to Wikipedia...
is the philosophical position and rationalistic theology that generally rejects revelation as a source of divine knowledge, and asserts that empirical reason and observation of the natural world are exclusively logical, reliable, and sufficient to determine the existence of a Supreme Being as the creator of the universe. More simply stated, Deism is the belief in the existence of God (often, but not necessarily, a God who does not intervene in the universe after creating it), solely based on rational thought without any reliance on revealed religions or religious authority. Deism emphasizes the concept of natural theology—that is, God's existence is revealed through nature.
What is deism?
About thirty years ago I across the term Deism and never heard the term mentioned by anyone. I won't bother giving the definition for it because others already have. Anyway, I found out that Thomas Paine was a deist. I read his book called "The Age of Reason". At the time, I was questioning god and religion. By further studying deism, it led me to other topics such as Agnosticism and Atheism. I am happily an atheist now.


Weedian Magnus
My understanding is that the definition is usually something like this: "God created the universe but did not intervene in it after".
Then I am not quite a deist. I believe god is a living body composed by everything including nothing and he intervenes the way out bodies do, for instance, if an infection has occurred more white blood cells etc
About thirty years ago I across the term Deism and never heard the term mentioned by anyone. I won't bother giving the definition for it because others already have. Anyway, I found out that Thomas Paine was a deist. I read his book called "The Age of Reason". At the time, I was questioning god and religion. By further studying deism, it led me to other topics such as Agnosticism and Atheism. I am happily an atheist now.
Funny, this is the same journey I had.
Anyway, I found out that Thomas Paine was a deist. I read his book called "The Age of Reason"

Deism then was a bit different to the modern view and is sometimes termed 'providential deism'. It evolved out of a liberal Protestant ethic (as illustrated by things like the Jefferson Bible) among people who stopped believing in miraculous, but wanted to retain some ultimate sense of purpose and meaning in the world.

God created the world and doesn't intervene, but he created the world with specific characteristics to enable human flourishing (Providence). So the world was rule governed and understandable by reason, and if humans applied this reason to the pursuit of goals then human society would flourish (for example, the 'invisible hand' of Adam Smith was Providence).

It was an optimistic theology, and was basically the direct precursor of modern Secular Humanism (which just removed the creator god, but retained the optimism via melioristic progress)

Modern deists, to me at least, seem not to have the providential view of creation (but I could be wrong on this).


Weedian Magnus
Oh wait I am a deist. I just beleieve this Monad (not god, it's improper to say as only monotheism, a religion based on Akhenatens apparent lie, gives distinguishes the Monad/Animating Force/Underlying Principle as a mere god) shows things like providence in its usual goings on. Yeah, I could prove the Void to you with science, philosophy and religion
I do still find the concept of Deism quite interesting though. I do think there is a bit of merit in belief in seeing "patterns and design," to things in nature and the universe. So in this sense, the God or higher power of Deism is somewhat believable.


Well-Known Member
My approach toward Deism, was unique. I worked on the premise that God and religion was somehow connected to the brain's operating system for human consciousness. There is an effect in Psychology, called projection. Projection is where what is inside, can appear to be outside; like from a movie projector overlay, so we can process this information easier. It spooks people to assume something inside is going renegade; fear of insanity. It is easier and safer to unknowingly project and see the speck in the other person's eye, than in your own. You can still learn that way.

My assumption was that the world's religions were a projection of what was inside, and therefore by learning about the classic symbolism of the world's religions, I could map out the brain operating system and infer how that changed with time. To test this and gain data, I needed to become both the scientist and the experiment; induce and observed things from within, while comparing this to the classic symbolism.

This approach toward Deism was inspired by work of the late Psychologist, Carl Jung, and his theory of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. I took his work to the next logical step, which was to explore the brain's operating system from within. Jung was a Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist, who learned about the collective unconscious by helping patients whose unconscious content was very active; psychosis. In my case, the goal was to play both roles; development witchdoctor with one eye blind and patient, since there is nothing like first hand data. However, with my approach being unique, there was no clear path. I had to improvise and learn in the field. However, I did have my own brain as my lab and my power of reason as a scientist.

We have two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. The inner self is like the CPU of the brains natural DNA based operating system; main frame and our human nature. The ego or conscious mind is more like a terminal computer that has access to the main frame and/or can run its own programs. The ego is more a learned product of culture. The inner self is more innate. The goal was to use my ego to ping, prod and push the inner self, and see what brews in the middle. The assumption was, I would not directly see the inner self, until the future, but it would become semi-conscious by triggering its archetype firmware expression; many masks of the inner self. Much of this output was connected to recording dreams, day dreams, visions and synchronicity and analyzing the symbolism.

Synchronicity or meaningful coincidences, which came later, were often connected to the inner self making me aware of the something outside me, that symbolized the answer I sought. For example, I may suddenly notice a yellow bird that flies to the left. This would symbolic of an intuitive thought; yellow and bird, flying toward the right brain; spatial feeling tones. The inner self did not make the bird fly, but rather used what was already happening in realty; bring to my attention, so it could use this to send me a message. However, there were also times when nature also came to me at the right time. One synchrony was the day after I had a profound nightmare, a scarab beetles landed over the entrance on my apartment and stayed there until I was myself again; 3 days. He was a symbol of protection.

What I found is as I got deeper, it started to get scary; fear of insanity. Often my reasoning as the scientist; doctor, was not enough. My animal body could get spooked with fear, that I could observe, but which I could not reason away; primal fear. I learned from a dream, that I needed more than my sword of reason. I also needed a\the shield of faith. The power of prayer; command lines, could be used to defend me, so I could go deeper without fear.

The inner self was also helping me get past the natural brain barrier, to the other side; beyond the shadow (of the valley of death). I found religion and faith again through necessity. Once I got started, I could not go back. I had to go forward; each day was a new point of no return, somewhere between science and religion. I now understand how the ancient people were tripping out, much more than in modern times; active states of their operating system and system updates. I was fortunate to have similar experiences. There is nothing like first hand data. The most profound involved the symbolism of bible prophesies becoming projected not so much as audio and visual but a a deep intuitive anticipation of something over whelming about to happen. I turned out to be an uninstall process and an update of the operating system.
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Weedian Magnus
My approach toward Deism, was unique. I worked on the premise that God and religion was somehow connected to the brain's operating system for human consciousness. There is an effect in Psychology, called projection. Projection is where what is inside, can appear to be outside; like from a movie projector overlay, so we can process this information easier. It spooks people to assume something inside is going renegade; fear of insanity. It is easier and safer to unknowingly project and see the speck in the other person's eye, than in your own. You can still learn that way.

My assumption was that the world's religions were a projection of what was inside, and therefore by learning about the classic symbolism of the world's religions, I could map out the brain operating system and infer how that changed with time. To test this and gain data, I needed to become both the scientist and the experiment; induce and observed things from within, while comparing this to the classic symbolism.

This approach toward Deism was inspired by work of the late Psychologist, Carl Jung, and his theory of the archetypes of the collective unconscious. I took his work to the next logical step, which was to explore the brain's operating system from within. Jung was a Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist, who learned about the collective unconscious by helping patients whose unconscious content was very active; psychosis. In my case, the goal was to play both roles; development witchdoctor with one eye blind and patient, since there is nothing like first hand data. However, with my approach being unique, there was no clear path. I had to improvise and learn in the field. However, I did have my own brain as my lab and my power of reason as a scientist.

We have two centers of consciousness; inner self and ego. The inner self is like the CPU of the brains natural DNA based operating system; main frame and our human nature. The ego or conscious mind is more like a terminal computer that has access to the main frame and/or can run its own programs. The ego is more a learned product of culture. The inner self is more innate. The goal was to use my ego to ping, prod and push the inner self, and see what brews in the middle. The assumption was, I would not directly see the inner self, until the future, but it would become semi-conscious by triggering its archetype firmware expression; many masks of the inner self. Much of this output was connected to recording dreams, day dreams, visions and synchronicity and analyzing the symbolism.

Synchronicity or meaningful coincidences, which came later, were often connected to the inner self making me aware of the something outside me, that symbolized the answer I sought. For example, I may suddenly notice a yellow bird that flies to the left. This would symbolic of an intuitive thought; yellow and bird, flying toward the right brain; spatial feeling tones. The inner self did not make the bird fly, but rather used what was already happening in realty; bring to my attention, so it could use this to send me a message. However, there were also times when nature also came to me at the right time. One synchrony was the day after I had a profound nightmare, a scarab beetles landed over the entrance on my apartment and stayed there until I was myself again; 3 days. He was a symbol of protection.

What I found is as I got deeper, it started to get scary; fear of insanity. Often my reasoning as the scientist; doctor, was not enough. My animal body could get spooked with fear, that I could observe, but which I could not reason away; primal fear. I learned from a dream, that I needed more than my sword of reason. I also needed a\the shield of faith. The power of prayer; command lines, could be used to defend me, so I could go deeper without fear.

The inner self was also helping me get past the natural brain barrier, to the other side; beyond the shadow (of the valley of death). I found religion and faith again through necessity. Once I got started, I could not go back. I had to go forward; each day was a new point of no return, somewhere between science and religion. I now understand how the ancient people were tripping out, much more than in modern times; active states of their operating system and system updates. I was fortunate to have similar experiences. There is nothing like first hand data. The most profound involved the symbolism of bible prophesies becoming projected not so much as audio and visual but a a deep intuitive anticipation of something over whelming about to happen. I turned out to be an uninstall process and an update of the operating system.
Nope it's about nothing. Nothing-everything. like Space-Time. That which makes us is a reflection of us. We show their traits. It leads all the way to the big bang.


Well-Known Member
Nope it's about nothing. Nothing-everything. like Space-Time. That which makes us is a reflection of us. We show their traits. It leads all the way to the big bang.
We live in space-time where space and time act together, like two people tethered in a three legged race. The tether of the three legged race of space-time creates limitations called the laws of nature and physics. Consciousness; imagination, on the other hand, appears to be able to process data in ways that can defy space-time. The concept of God, for example, is beyond space-time and science proof within space-time. Yet consciousness can and does postulate this.

The concept of God is better defined, if the tethers of the three legged race of space-time, are removed. This would allow both space and time to each act as independent variables, instead of being slowed down, while tethered as space-time. This extra freedom allows both variables to do much more than when both are limited by the tether of the three legged race of space-time.

For example, if I could move in space, apart from time, I could be omnipresent. This is a classic attribute of God. The God concept follows logically from processing information, in a way where space and time are not fully connected as space-time. God takes this assumption to the extreme of what would logically follow, in such a universe where space and time are not connected as space-time. If you could move in time, apart from space, you could be omniscience or all knowing. You could do backward or forward in time, and learn the past and future, all without appearing to move.

Science fiction, for example, will often describe future technology, that is not yet in our space-time reality, as far as published earth science in space-time. This future tech may be conceptually possible, but may be way in our future. The story adds some extra time, beyond just present space-time. This glimpse to the future makes the story more interesting, even if it defies the tethered limitations of space-time in our now. Innovation often starts as a glimpse of the future.

Interestingly, separated space and separated time, can also be used to describe and model the quantum world. Entangled particles can coordinate in time, independent of space. They could be described as having extra time potential, beyond just space-time. Space-time limits information transfer to the speed of light, while the entangled particles would need their information transfer, to happened even faster than the speed of light. Time has more possibilities when it is not tethered as space-time. Entangled particles can be modeled as space-time plus time*. Below is a picture of the history of creating entangled particles, further and further distances, apart. The longest is the current world record.

What happens, if consciousness was to tweak the quantum state in the brain, by processing neural data, using the imaginary methods of independent space and time; miracles.



Weedian Magnus
We live in space-time where space and time act together, like two people tethered in a three legged race. The tether of the three legged race of space-time creates limitations called the laws of nature and physics. Consciousness; imagination, on the other hand, appears to be able to process data in ways that can defy space-time. The concept of God, for example, is beyond space-time and science proof within space-time. Yet consciousness can and does postulate this.

The concept of God is better defined, if the tethers of the three legged race of space-time, are removed. This would allow both space and time to each act as independent variables, instead of being slowed down, while tethered as space-time. This extra freedom allows both variables to do much more than when both are limited by the tether of the three legged race of space-time.

For example, if I could move in space, apart from time, I could be omnipresent. This is a classic attribute of God. The God concept follows logically from processing information, in a way where space and time are not fully connected as space-time. God takes this assumption to the extreme of what would logically follow, in such a universe where space and time are not connected as space-time. If you could move in time, apart from space, you could be omniscience or all knowing. You could do backward or forward in time, and learn the past and future, all without appearing to move.

Science fiction, for example, will often describe future technology, that is not yet in our space-time reality, as far as published earth science in space-time. This future tech may be conceptually possible, but may be way in our future. The story adds some extra time, beyond just present space-time. This glimpse to the future makes the story more interesting, even if it defies the tethered limitations of space-time in our now. Innovation often starts as a glimpse of the future.

Interestingly, separated space and separated time, can also be used to describe and model the quantum world. Entangled particles can coordinate in time, independent of space. They could be described as having extra time potential, beyond just space-time. Space-time limits information transfer to the speed of light, while the entangled particles would need their information transfer, to happened even faster than the speed of light. Time has more possibilities when it is not tethered as space-time. Entangled particles can be modeled as space-time plus time*. Below is a picture of the history of creating entangled particles, further and further distances, apart. The longest is the current world record.

What happens, if consciousness was to tweak the quantum state in the brain, by processing neural data, using the imaginary methods of independent space and time; miracles.

You see there are assumptions in your first paragraph that I have found to be false so I'm going to ignore that if that is the foundations of what you said


The Creator "God" in Deism set all the scientific and natural laws into place and gave humans the ability to discover and use them. Humankind was also provided with our minds and consciouses giving us the capacity to use these laws in helping or harming the creation.
I considered myself a deist in the past but I don't throw the term around anymore. What I like about deism is that it's hard for an atheist to argue against. No Bible, Qur'an, Tanakh etc. to throw around and use for the atheist's argument. Only Philosophy.

If you believe that a God "set up the clock," got the ball moving for the formation of life and left it for humanity to dictate its own affairs and course it wants to take then you are a deist.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What is deism?
Every thing and force and any thing else is part of the whole, or deity of you like, but a whole which has no knowledge of us. You are part of the whole (Diety) but it knows you not.

It's a bit like:... there is a cell in your left kidney, a part of you, but you don't know it.

Since theism is all about aware deities, then deism has nothing to do with theism. Give the dictionaries a little time; they'll get it right eventually.


Veteran Member
Then I am not quite a deist. I believe god is a living body composed by everything including nothing and he intervenes the way out bodies do, for instance, if an infection has occurred more white blood cells etc
God is composed of everything including nothing? Are you saying that nothing is something? Please clarify if you find the time.