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Create the jury of your peers


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you were being tried and had to select a jury of your peers from the members of RF, who would you want on your jury and who would you never accept on your jury?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
If you were being tried and had to select a jury of your peers from the members of RF, who would you want on your jury and who would you never accept on your jury?

I thought, and thought, and thought. Probably no one. Bench trial would be nice, I guess depending on the state.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
A few useful peers (in no particular order)....
@Wu Wei
If you're a trustworthy peer I didn't name,
count yourself lucky to escape jury duty.

Posters I'd never allow to judge me....
You know who you are.

Hmmm, i was preparing a list and decided it may go to their heads (I don't want to inflate egos any more than necessary), so i ditched it. And you have just shown that i made the correct decision... Thank you, thank you so very much, i am so happy, so proud so egocentric that you have chosen little old me to find you guilty consider the evidence.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Hmmm, i was preparing a list and decided it may go to their heads (I don't want to inflate egos any more than necessary), so i ditched it. And you have just shown that i made the correct decision... Thank you, thank you so very much, i am so happy, so proud so egocentric that you have chosen little old me to find you guilty consider the evidence.
I'm figuring most of the jury would be eaten by one member.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I'm figuring most of the jury would be eaten by one member.

Just had a thought, you don't have my friend Anita the man-eater on that list so you must mean...

Or at leased hugged to death.
Last edited:


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
If you were being tried and had to select a jury of your peers from the members of RF, who would you want on your jury and who would you never accept on your jury?
In some cases it depends on what I'm charged with and whether I actually have done the deed. Some will be more sympathetic than others about certain offenses. This could wildly change my listing.

If I am guilty but am going to court to plead innocent for it (don't worry I won't tell you I'm guilty, so you're good) I pick for my jury:
Shaul, Thief...basically anyone who might think the sentence is too harsh for the crime, plus a couple of very sharp dressers to make the lineup look complete such as Christine and Digital Artist. The jury has to believe I'm on the level, so its got to think of itself as well rounded. I may also put Orbit in there so that I've got a professor on the team.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'll charge £10k to swear that you are not guilty.

I wouldn't really, just saying that for the money.

That had me cracking up for a full minute or more! Wittiest remark of the season, Christine. Thank you for that!

I'm stealing it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
From what I've seen @Rival is someone just about anyone would want on their jury -- if and only if they were innocent. Why? Because, so far as I've been able to find, she is superbly fair-minded when it comes to judging people regardless of her personal feelings --- pro or con -- towards them. It doesn't matter whether she likes you or not, she strives for fairness in judging you and/or your ideas.

@SalixIncendium is right up there with her. Even when he's pissed at someone or some position, he strives for rigorous intellectual honesty. Plus, Salix will give you his honest opinion no matter what the consequences to himself might be. Heck, the damn fool would have confessed to being a heretic standing right before the Spanish Inquisition, then challenged them to do something about it.

Right up there with Rival and Salix, in my opinion, are @Jayhawker Soule, @Mr Spinkles, @Audie, @Polymath257, @SomeRandom, @adrian009, @fantome profane, and @ChristineM. If I only knew them a little better, I might easily add @danieldemol, @Dan From Smithville, @Heyo, and a small handful of others.

I'm excluding from my list @Left Coast and @Vouthon because, though they strive as hard -- or even harder -- than anyone else to be fair and impartial judges of people and ideas, both men occasionally allow their extraordinarily kind natures and faith in the basic goodness of other people to get the better of their judgement. I hope you two guys are not offended, by the way.

I'm not saying any of the people I have named are perfect. No one is. But I have huge respect for the effort with which they strive for fair mindedness and intellectual honesty. HUGE respect. I'm also not saying my list is comprehensive. I'm sure I've forgetfully left people out who deserve to be on it.

Yet, for the record, my mother -- who passed away three years ago at age 99 -- would have equaled or outclassed everyone on my list for impartiality, fair-mindedness, and intellectual honesty. And yes, she would have been the first to have told y'all not to listen to me about her because, as her son, I might be inclined to be biased in her favor. That was -- so far as I know -- her biggest weakness. She always assumed that blood relatives were intrinsically too biased to judge objectively.

My 2 cents, for whatever that might be worth to you.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
If you were being tried and had to select a jury of your peers from the members of RF, who would you want on your jury and who would you never accept on your jury?

I think staff have an unfair advantage in this exercise, because we see each other acting as a kind of jury for our peers all the time. And in my biased opinion we have a damn good team who does a very fair job and would all make solid jurors.

So, I'll restrict my picks to non-staff.

@Unveiled Artist

I exclude @Revoltingest from the list only because I'd much prefer him to be my lawyer.