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  1. The Crimson Universe

    Why within? Why not without?

    Brahman is all-pervasive / omnipresent. If its present both inside and outside the bodies then why are we told by masters to seek the Self 'within' us? Why not seek the Brahman that is present in the air, water or outer space?
  2. DharmaCatLamp

    Brahman Moment

    Today as I was petting my dog and looking at the sun everything just kin of fell into place. I looked at her and realized she is Brahman as much as I am Brahman. For a little while I was in complete bliss. Everything just kind of seemed right in the world and everything came together. Nothing...
  3. DharmaCatLamp

    So this might seem a bit weird but...

    Well I had the urge to say something and I've learned in my few decades on this planet that sometimes you just do what you are urged to do. I just wanted you guys all to know that I am sending love all your ways. Even the folks I don't really agree with and the folks I don't know. I've only...
  4. M

    Comparing Buddhism, Daoism, Yoga and Brahmanism

    I’d very much like to know what those experienced practitioners think of this paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359231046_A_Brief_Overview_Comparing_the_Core_Theories_Cultivation_Practices_and_the_Interrelationships_of_Buddhism_Daoism_Brahmanism_and_Yoga Do you agree with this...
  5. The Crimson Universe

    Advaita: What gives sentiency to a thing?

    The universe, rivers, rocks, koshas etc. they're all manifestations of that One Consciousness/Brahman. These manifestations are being set in motion (or given an apparent sentiency) by Brahman. Some of the manifestations are dense while some are subtle. Some has the ability to move, breathe...
  6. The Crimson Universe

    What is Prakriti and its 3 gunas?

    What is your understanding of Prakriti and its 3 gunas (from an Advatic perspective)? What are they actually? Are they something separate from Brahman? I've read in Gita verse 27, that Brahman/Atman does no karma and only prakriti does. Then Advaita says, aham brahmasmi and sarvam khalvidam...
  7. ameyAtmA

    The Secret behind Neither Sat nor aSat

    Namaste First, Bhagavad Geeta BG 13.13 ज्ञेयं यत्तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि यज्ज्ञात्वामृतमश्रुते | अनादिमत्परं ब्रह्म न सत्तन्नासदुच्यते || 13|| I shall now reveal to you that which ought to be known, knowing which leads to immortality. It is beginningless (anAdi) Brahman (vastness) , which can be...
  8. The Crimson Universe

    Who acts and who doesn't.

    I don't remember if I've asked this question before. So here it is. Advaitins believe that Brahman and Maya are not two separate things but one and the same thing. Advaitins also believe that Maya moves and acts, while the background screen Brahman doesn't. If they're one and the same thing...
  9. ameyAtmA

    About MAyA

    Namaste I just saw a few threads about Bramh' and mAyA and thought of writing this. First, going by the root or stem of the word, mAyA and mamtA are 2 words that go hand in hand. Always start with the ordinary understanding of the word. In my native language, mAyA is a mother's love for...
  10. The Crimson Universe

    Non-Dual Hinduism : Good Ego vs Bad Ego

    We clearly know we are not the body but something else. Something spiritual. The non-dualist hindus believe the functions of mind/ego are witnessed by the Higher Self (Brahman) in a dream state ... and the inactive or idle condition of the mind/ego are also witnessed by the Higher Self...
  11. The Crimson Universe

    Dharmics Only: Is Brahman really all-knowing?

    A question has been floating in my mind for quite some time now. And there's no better place to ask than on RF :=) If we are nothing but Brahman, the saakshi (witness) and most importantly, an omniscient (all-knowing) being, then why can't we know what's taking place on the other side of the...
  12. The Crimson Universe

    Why use two separate terms to address the Self?

    If our true nature is One, Non-dual, Indivisible, Infinite, Eternal Reality, then why do some advaitins use two terms ('Atman' and also 'Brahman') to refer to this immortal Self? I mean it creates confusion in the student's mind. If I am Brahman (aham brahmasmi) then why not call our true...
  13. The Crimson Universe

    Is the Atman within us, is in any way, tortured or affected if we fast or do other bodily harms?

    In the 17th chapter of the Gita, the Lord says in verse 5 and 6 that those who perform severe austerities (which are not recommended in the scriptures) like continuously fasting for days or weeks, are only torturing their bodily organs and also ME (Vasudeva/Brahman/Paramatma/Atman) which is...
  14. The Crimson Universe

    Which existed first, saguna brahman or nirguna brahman?

    In Gita ch.14, v27, Krishna says that He is the 'pratisthaanam' (basis/foundation/abode) of Brahman. Now does that mean, Krishna existed first (as the ISKCONITES claim) and then from His toe (as explained in padma purana) the nirguna brahman emanated? ... or is it the other way round, i.e...
  15. SalixIncendium

    Hindu Only: Brahman

    As noted in the title, this thread is in Same Faith Debates and is for Hindus only. If you do not identify as Hindu, please refrain from posting here or participating in the poll. In another thread, it was suggested that Advaita Vedanta is the only school in Hinduism that accepts the concept...
  16. SalixIncendium

    Advaita Vedantins: What Does Brahman Do?

    It was suggested in another thread that Brahman "creates," "thinks," "writes a play," "animates," etc. Yes, all is Brahman, so technically, that is true. But in the context it was written, it appeared to indicate some sort of transcendent quality in which Brahman does this independently of the...
  17. atanu


    This thread is an offshoot of a discussion with @Left Coast in the thread ‘Proof of God’. Indian philosophy is about reality-truth, called Brahman, which some equate with the ultimate God. The executive roles of creator-maintainer-destroyer flow naturally from the Brahman, but these do not...
  18. SalixIncendium

    The Spirit of God

    This thread is inspired by the discussion in another, and the question posed is primarily geared toward those who have an anthropomorphic view of God (though anyone is free to chime in). It was postulated in another thread that, like humans, God has a spirit that is the equivalent of Nirguna...
  19. SalixIncendium

    The Actor (Advaita Vedanta/Nondualism Only)

    It is understood that the Atman is the witness, that which is aware. It does not make sense to me that the Atman can be the actor as well as the witness. In your opinion and/or interpretation of scripture, who is it that is the actor, the one that makes decisions? Is it the jiva? Jivatman...
  20. Red_Drag0n

    Advaita : Did Brahman split into multiple souls?

    Hey guys, i'm having some difficulty understanding a few things while going through the sixth chapter of Chandogya Upanishad, where Sage Aruni AKA Uddalaka was teaching his son Swetaketu about Brahman. Below i'm quoting the first few verses from chapter six, where Brahman willed to become many...