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  1. Melchizedek99

    Why do some Atheists say Christianity is harmful?

    Obviously not all Atheists claim this, most atheists dont really care about ones faith. However there are some atheists who claim Christianity is harmful as a religion. They tend to be more on the antitheist side. My question is why? And how? How is christianity in any way form or shape...
  2. Viker

    Viker here. What are my views/beliefs?

    Seems like some are doing this so I thought, "why the heck not?". So, fire away! This could get interesting.
  3. Exaltist Ethan

    Poll: Openness to Change

    Everybody and every thing changes. In fact, in Earthseed, God is change. However, some people are more willing to change their spiritual and religious beliefs than others. For some people, the religion they were raised in is the religion they stick to their entire lives. For others, religion is...
  4. Exaltist Ethan

    Not Christianity, But Something Similar...

    I have a belief that borderline makes me Christian. Let me explain. I believe that Christ was born of Mary and Joseph, that Mary wasn't a virgin when she conceived Jesus, and that the miracles that Jesus supposedly performed during his lifetime either didn't happen or were greatly exaggerated...
  5. Exaltist Ethan

    Explaining Exaltism

    The idea for this thread came from this post I wrote myself on a different thread. I would like to use this thread for one very specific reason: to explain my religious beliefs, which I call Exaltism. This post that I wrote did some of this explanation, but since my beliefs change, grow, and...
  6. Exaltist Ethan

    How Close is Your Personal Belief System to the Religion You're In?

    Pretty straightforward question. I'll answer for myself. Earthseed has three basic beliefs: (1) God is change. (2) Shape God. (3) The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars. My beliefs are essentially the same but more elaborate. I believe that God is what nature is becoming...
  7. Exaltist Ethan

    Poll: Which Parts of Religion Do You Focus On the Most?

    I had a book called Religion for Dummies written by a rabbi and in the book he splits religion into three equal parts. Beliefs, ethics and rituals. All three seem to be vital to sustaining an identity of a religion or a religious group. But I'm wondering what people here tend to focus on. I...
  8. Exaltist Ethan

    Poll: Your Opinion

    I have to say, my opinions on religious matters has not changed at all, BUT, now that I have a place to understand and define my ideas better, I've grown spiritually because of it. This place kind of feels like a religious sandbox where I'm able to test new thoughts and ideas and slowly create...
  9. Exaltist Ethan

    The Difference Between Buddhism and Atheism

    I've seen a lot of posts by people who at first glance seem to be completely anti-religion and anti-theist, or at least agnostic atheist, only to find out from their religious bio that they self-identify as Buddhist instead. I know there is some underlying spirituality in Buddhism, such as...
  10. Exaltist Ethan

    What Should I Call My Beliefs?

    I very much so know what my beliefs are, and some terminology to describe them. However, I want a precise and accurate way of describing myself so when people search for it on Google they understand exactly where I fall on these issues. Syntheism literally means to create God. However, I don't...
  11. ppp

    What would it mean to your religious beliefs if evolution were true?

    When I was a Christian, I was a theistic evolutionist; meaning that I believed in God, and that the processes of the natural world had been set in place to accomplish his ends. In other words, there was no conflict between my faith and any of the currently accepted scientific theories. As a...
  12. randix

    Why do people have religious beliefs?

    It seems to me that most people's religious beliefs are those they assimilated as children, or were indoctrinated with by their parents, peers, community and culture. Many others seem to adopt or adhere to religious beliefs as a result of fear, including fear of death, of the unknown, and fear...
  13. Neuropteron

    Is your conviction unshakable ?

    According to prof. Leon Festinger, If a very strong opinion is met with contradictory evidence, it creates an uncomfortable internal inconsistency. He called this “cognitive dissonance” and reasoned that the only way to overcome this discomfort is to somehow make the belief and the evidence...
  14. SalixIncendium

    Have Your Beliefs Evolved Over Time?

    Do you still believe what you were raised as a child to believe? If so, what captivated you about your beliefs and led you to stay the course? If not, what were you told to believe (if anything) and what led you astray? Did you go directly from what you were told to believe to what you...
  15. KatLearns

    Please Tell Me About You!

    Hello, everybody, I am a college student in the northeastern United States and I am currently enrolled in a religious studies course with an assignment where I am to interview someone who is not from my religious background (Catholicism/Christianity). Beyond this assignment I am also really...
  16. A Vestigial Mote

    Within the Arena of Human Accountability: God vs. Gods

    I was speaking with my brother on a number of topics and he more or less accidentally blurted something out in a fit of thought that got me thinking. In the case of belief in multiple gods that each attend to an area of reality - for example a wind god, sun god, sea god, etc., the humans...
  17. Tmac

    A Belief

    It is written somewhere that we are born with inaleinable rights, life, liberity and the pusuit of happiness. Of course, where you are born makes it either harder or easier to be aware of these rights and to exercise them. Now as long as you have those that have and those that don't (ying/yang)...
  18. SalixIncendium

    America's Changing Religious Landscape

    I found this article quite fascinating. America's Changing Religious Identity Christianity has sharply declined, especially among white Americans (dropping 38% since 1976), while Christianity among non-white Americans appears to be static. The religiously unaffiliated population appears to be...
  19. SalixIncendium


    Throughout the ages, people have used symbols to represent their belief, principles, and ideologies. Many of these symbols can be found to be used for different (and in some cases even conflicting) beliefs, principles, or ideologies. What symbols does your religion or form of spirituality use...
  20. Cerridwen33

    Fairies and other creatures of nature.

    Hi! I am a fan of Celtic mythology and I believe that fairies (as believed by the Celts), do exist. I've read plenty of books and I know that they are mischievous, if not completely evil. Even so, I choose to believe. I am not delussional. I have heard stories from a friend I really trust, that...