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  • Thanks for the frube on Could you identify these flowers?

    We have daisies growing in the courtyard and sunflowers are one of the main crops of this area
    Thank you for the frube on Charlie Manson, Charlie's Angels, Christian politics for world peace!

    There ya go, you learned a bit more french ;-)
    Today, when I was on the highway downtown, a hawk flew over my car(so low I worried I might hit it) with a smaller black bird in its talons.

    Kind of jarred me a bit, but not in a negative way. Thought you might want to hear about it!
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    For some reason I'm not sure I saw this message till today. You being from Hawk Eye state and all. ;-). The smaller blackbird actually has significance to the meaning of a name I looked up recently. Inanna is depicted as a naked woman with Talons sometimes as well. The Devil sometimes is depicted with Talons as well. I knew a prophet who said the Devil grabbed him, he could feel his Talons.
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