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Senator Tim Scott refuses to answer whether he will accept 2024 election results


Veteran Member
Yes he has made many quotes, why only take the quotes that make your case. He said he would free all of them as well. Most are unjustly jailed.

"We'll be looking very, very seriously at full pardons," Trump told an interviewer in 2022. "I mean full pardons with an apology to many."

Most are unjustly jailed?? What makes you think so? Trump saying so? Where did he specifically mention just the "unjustly jailed" ones versus the "justly jailed" ones?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member

"We'll be looking very, very seriously at full pardons," Trump told an interviewer in 2022. "I mean full pardons with an apology to many."

Most are unjustly jailed?? What makes you think so? Trump saying so? Where did he specifically mention just the "unjustly jailed" ones versus the "justly jailed" ones?
And can we also ask @Clizby Wampuscat whether they were unjustly jailed because so many U.S. courts are corrupt? And what evidence there is of that?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So what, it was claimed no one waited to concede the election. Gore waited. Not that he was not justified in doing so.
"So what..."??? The election had not been decided through the vote count, so why is this so difficult for you to understand?

We Never Know

No Slack
So what, it was claimed no one waited to concede the election. Gore waited. Not that he was not justified in doing so.
Gore conceded after the supreme court stepped in.

"Democrats wanted recounts in Democratic strongholds as it was predicted that votes had been miscounted in these counties. Republicans sued on the grounds the narrow recount unfairly ignored voters in other counties. A month-long series of legal battles led to the highly controversial 5–4 Supreme Court decision Bush v. Gore, which accepted the Republican argument, ended the recount, and left Bush the winner by 500 votes.[17][18][19] Following the announcement of the Supreme Court's decision, Gore stated that "Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it."


We Never Know

No Slack
On the day of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, the first National Guard members arrived to assist at about 5:40 p.m. By then, most of the violence had subsided.

In the critical minutes before rioters had breached the Capitol building around 2 p.m., the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police force and the mayor of Washington, D.C., put out urgent requests for guard backup. But it took more than an hour to get formal approval for their deployment, and then nearly three more hours for the first guard reinforcements to arrive.

The D.C. National Guard reports to the president.

In a recorded video the following day, President Donald Trump claimed that he “immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” But Trump’s claim that he acted quickly is contradicted by news reports citing unnamed sources who say the president initially resisted efforts to bring in the National Guard at the outset of the Capitol riot.
Your posts supports his. His argument is about approval timeline. Your is about arrival timeline.

"it took more than an hour to get formal approval for their deployment, and then nearly three more hours for the first guard reinforcements to arrive"

Trump approved teh national guard about an hour after it was requested by the chief of capital police.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Why are some people more concerned about his answer and not that the integrity of our elections are not beyond a doubt?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Why are some people more concerned about his answer and not that the integrity of our elections are not beyond a doubt?
Because throwing doubt is simple, and is the default position of so many people on both sides of the political fence these days.
I have become doubtful about doubt.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
All political parties have observers at the polling places during voting and tabulation.
Yep, I know.
I don't really get why the answer to 'how many elections have been fraudulently turned over in the US over the last hundred years' isn't just 'none, far as we can tell'. Seems simple enough to me. Some people would be well served to live in communities where democracy is broken, so they can see the difference. To my mind, US democracy is not as healthy as it was. That doesn't make every election fraudulent, nor does it mean the peaceful transfer of power is suddenly a less fundamentally important pillar.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Correct me if I am wrong (I'm sure you will!) but I believe that none of the people who died during or after the brouhaha of Jan 6 died as a direct result of the people who were supposedly rioting.


Veteran Member
She conceded and so did Trump.
Trump had little choice but to admit the loss. He was such a coward that he didn't even attend Biden's inauguration. He just high-tailed it for Florida, with boxes of stolen documents.
Clinton in 2020 and 2019 said the election was not on the level, Trump is an illegitimate president and the election was stolen. She gets a pass but Trump doesn't? Ok.
I've seen her interviewed many times since 2016 and she is clear that Russian interferance played a role in Trump's win, along with other actions by other people, like Comey announcing a reopening of a Clinton investigation 11 days before the election. Since then there have been investigations about the extent of Russian interferance and it is reported as being significant. They can't determine if it actually lost the election for Clinton, but Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million, and only won the electoral college by 71,000 in four states.

Of course that investigation was just going through Anthony Wiener's laptop which had some emails from Clinton. Nothing was found, but the damage was done.
Nothing, just refuting the claim that every loser conceded without delay.
There is time and mechanisms to certify vote counts, and both Gore and Trump took advantage of these. Gore lost due to the process being disrupted by court filings and lawsuits. He ran out of time, and the SCOTUS ruled to stop the counting. Bush won by default. Gore accepted it.

Trump keeps lying about election fraud. And the only significant fraud is what he and his cohorts have done. And he wants to be president again? How stupid are American voters? We will find out.
Isn't this what happened in 2020? Yet Hillary still claims 2016 was "stolen".
She doesn't claim that, Trump and his cult claim this.

It's funny that your corrupt choice is the one that claims the election was "stolen" yet you are critical of it and blaming Clinton. To my mind this suggests you are aware of the fraud of Trump and are conflicted. Much like Bill Barr. It comes down to character, and if a person wants to chain themselves to a candidate that is corrupt and a national security threat.
If you think the dems or republicans act with ethics you are very naive.
With politics there is always a set of lines that are crossed. They all lie to varying degrees. But we have to be savvy enough to not put all lies into the same category, as if saying both murderers and a speeding ticket indicate a person is a criminal. Trump's level of lying is so egregious that it suggests a mental health issue, and/or habitual criminal intent. Look at how democrats and republicans supported Speaker Johnson to avoid the chaos and destruction of MTG and her 43 MAGAs. Even congress is getting sick and tired of this sabotage of governing, and all the lies that enables it. That is an expression of ethics in congress, that the majority are working for the big picture, not MAGA pettiness.


Veteran Member
Yes he has made many quotes, why only take the quotes that make your case.
Because they make her case. The same in court.

Can you think of anything Trump has said that softens his intent to pardon criminals only because they supported his own crimes against the USA?
He said he would free all of them as well. Most are unjustly jailed.
What makes you think they were unjustly convicted, by juries?


Veteran Member
Correct me if I am wrong (I'm sure you will!) but I believe that none of the people who died during or after the brouhaha of Jan 6 died as a direct result of the people who were supposedly rioting.
The woman killed in the Capitol was there because she was convinced there was election fraud and had to disrupt congress. She was shot trying to climb in through a broken door to the Senate chamber. She could see the police inside with their guns drawn and them ordering people to not enter.

The police offices who died suffered injuries from the riot. That they did not die the day of the riot is irrelevant. Many police officers suffered injuries so bad that they retired, some 130 of them. One lost an eye.

And you have doubts that this was a riot? Have you not seen video of that event?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The woman killed in the Capitol was there because she was convinced there was election fraud and had to disrupt congress. She was shot trying to climb in through a broken door to the Senate chamber. She could see the police inside with their guns drawn and them ordering people to not enter.

The police offices who died suffered injuries from the riot. That they did not die the day of the riot is irrelevant. Many police officers suffered injuries so bad that they retired, some 130 of them. One lost an eye.

And you have doubts that this was a riot? Have you not seen video of that event?
Yep, I've seen the videos.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The threat to the integrity of our elections is coming from MAGAs, all led by Trump.

Talk about projection. Another fine example of anti-Trump extremists accusing him of the things they themselves do.