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Yom Ha'shoah 5784


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
Today is Yom Ha'shoah (Holocaust Day) in Israel.

In less than an hour, a siren of different sorts will ring out in Israel. I haven't gathered much thoughts on this, but for me, the words "never forget" have never rung more hollow.

I will share one cover of the song "The Last Seder in the Warsaw Ghetto". This is a song I believe I first heard when I was in Poland over a decade ago. It was composed by Reb Shlomo Carlebach.

Hashem Yakum Damam.


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
Also, if anyone's interested, I know of two virtual memorial projects set up in recent years:

This one generates a random name with a neshama candle background as an image which can be downloaded and posted on social media (e.g., Whatsapp status).

In this one you can search for particular people and generate a small sign with their name to print and wrap around a candle and/or similarly download and post on social media.