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Why Do We Suffer?


Well-Known Member
What is the cause of suffering, and it's purpose (if we assume there is one)?
Please share your concept, whether personal or mainstream in theology.


Well-Known Member
I attribute it mainly to the fall of man, as sin entered the world, and the penalty or outcome of sin is death thus decay, sickness, and all that goes along with the fall. It is just a fact, like we have physical laws, we have spiritual laws, and one of those is that the wages of sin is death, thus suffering. Not that one who say, gets cancer did anything to deserve it, they just were born into this now imperfect (due to sin) world. Suffering having a purpose, not generally, but it can have results in making us stronger sometimes, and more empathetic to others who are going through something. That is just a short thot on it anyway.


Debonaire Rationale
Suffering (Dukkha) is, for the most part, caused by attachments. Such attachments include, but aren't limited to: material posessessions, status, our own mortality, etc. Only by liberating your consciousness from the necessity you've placed on these attachments can you truly end such "suffering."


Yes and that's why I never send e-mails with attachments. To reduce suffering. (Sorry, sorry, bad joke I know) :sorry1:


Sweet n Spicy
Seraphiel said:
Yes and that's why I never send e-mails with attachments. To reduce suffering. (Sorry, sorry, bad joke I know) :sorry1:

Hey, it made me laugh. Corny jokes crack me up...probably because I'm corny. I know how it is, you get a corny joke into your head and you just HAVE to release it into the universe.

Anyway, to answer the question, I believe suffering is a result of bad karma which was accummulated from previous births. It doesn't mean that we are predestined to suffer. By doing good now, we can offset past bad karma and generate good karma for the future. Hindus believe in karma and reincarnation because we don't believe in a permanent hell. We believe that all souls come from God and we will all return to him eventually when the cycle of birth and death is broken, when all karma is resolved and we are spiritual enough.

Oh and sometimes we experience difficulties because God is trying to make us learn something. Sometimes, he's like a teacher to us and he needs to test our faith. I suppose just as how friends and lovers should stick together during good times ands bad, God wants to know if we will still trust in him when things get rough.


Seraphiel said:
Yes and that's why I never send e-mails with attachments. To reduce suffering. (Sorry, sorry, bad joke I know) :sorry1:

hahaha! no, i like that. that's good. :)

in my practice whetever i find myself suffering, God willing i take the time to chill and pray. to bring my mind closer to His Word and use the opportunity to reflect and stay mindful.

my faiths asks of me that i turn not from the suffering of others- that i pray for them and lend my hand when ever i can. in this way, their suffering is not ignored either, and hopefully i can bring them out from their troubles a little.

theologically, i do not have an answer for why we suffer. i guess because there is trouble in the world, and because we often respond to the trouble through feeling pain. i do know what my faiths asks me to do in response however, and i try to do my best there.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hema said:
Anyway, to answer the question, I believe suffering is a result of bad karma which was accummulated from previous births. It doesn't mean that we are predestined to suffer. By doing good now, we can offset past bad karma and generate good karma for the future. Hindus believe in karma and reincarnation because we don't believe in a permanent hell. We believe that all souls come from God and we will all return to him eventually when the cycle of birth and death is broken, when all karma is resolved and we are spiritual enough.

Oh and sometimes we experience difficulties because God is trying to make us learn something. Sometimes, he's like a teacher to us and he needs to test our faith. I suppose just as how friends and lovers should stick together during good times ands bad, God wants to know if we will still trust in him when things get rough.

Of course, I agree with you Hema, because I share your beliefs of reincarnation.
As an asside, I guess that the 'sufferring' also has an effect on the people around - giving them the option to either help, or turn away from. I often wonder just what 'waves' are caused from singular isolated incidents.


Sweet n Spicy
michel said:
Of course, I agree with you Hema, because I share your beliefs of reincarnation.
As an asside, I guess that the 'sufferring' also has an effect on the people around - giving them the option to either help, or turn away from. I often wonder just what 'waves' are caused from singular isolated incidents.

When we help others who are suffering, we create good karma for ourselves. I'm not sure what you meant by "singular isolated incidents", can you give an example?


Bad things happen to good people because only good people can take bad situations and turn them into something great.

I think the more you suffer, the more you're able to truly feel happiness and other positive emotions. It expands your existence, and makes you - emotionally, intellectually - a bigger person than those without comparable experiences.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hema said:
When we help others who are suffering, we create good karma for ourselves. I'm not sure what you meant by "singular isolated incidents", can you give an example?

Yes, I think you have described it yourself - we have the opportunity to help others (just because they happen to be suffering and we are there at the time, and have the opportunity to help).


Sweet n Spicy
Djamila said:
Bad things happen to good people because only good people can take bad situations and turn them into something great.

I think this is why women suffer more than men. I'm not saying that men are bad, I just mean that...I've often wondered why women suffer so many things like PMS, cramps, childbirth, menopause etc. then I realized that it's because our bodies go through so many changes because God has blessed to be mothers. I guess it like how my dad says "There's always a good for every bad."


Will to love
gracie said:
hahaha! no, i like that. that's good. :)

in my practice whetever i find myself suffering, God willing i take the time to chill and pray. to bring my mind closer to His Word and use the opportunity to reflect and stay mindful.

my faiths asks of me that i turn not from the suffering of others- that i pray for them and lend my hand when ever i can. in this way, their suffering is not ignored either, and hopefully i can bring them out from their troubles a little.

theologically, i do not have an answer for why we suffer. i guess because there is trouble in the world, and because we often respond to the trouble through feeling pain. i do know what my faiths asks me to do in response however, and i try to do my best there.

That's a wonderful answer gracie. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
One question I have if we never suffered at all who would we be? I can't answer what one thing causes suffering their are many. One if you keep wandering down the wrong path something is bound to happen. I truely believe if you hurt someone alot it will turn around to bite you in the arse. The same goes if you go out of your way to help people you will be rewarded in turn. It could be Karma, It could be God, Or it could be your own conscious. Meaning you know you did wrong you feel guilty it can consume you and your life can go down hill for a time. The same being said with doing good it lifts you and elevates you and brings you to have confidence and you achieve more. I know if I would have nevered suffered or struggled I would have missed alot on learning a whole lot in life.

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
Noone said life is easy, we can sit in a hole and cry ourselves to sleep or we live on, no matter what we do, the grass will still grow, the wind will still blow, and the stars will shine, with or without us get on with living or dying, it's your choice. We really aren't that damned important in the grand scheme of things.
What does it all mean? enjoy it while it lasts


Forum Relic
Premium Member
You wouldn't know good without bad. You wouldn't know pleasure without pain.

I believe that suffering is a learning tool to help us appreciate the the gift that was given to us.....life.

We tend to get caught up with things that we think are important in this fast paced world we live in. When something traumatic happens to us, it puts things in perspective and puts us back on track. It helps us mature and appreciate the things that are really important.
As canned as it sounds, I believe that suffering offers us the greatest opportunity for self definition and growth. Looking back personally, it's easy to see how times of internal and external struggle molded me into a more mature person. While it's easy to continue moving in a direction that has brought success in the past, suffering allows us to better appreciate the experiences of others and broaden our perspectives... part of community building which is essential to the human experience.

Basically, without suffering, people are flat and boring. Suffering gives us depth and color, ultimately making the greater portrait interesting and worth looking at.

Storm Moon

† Spiritual Warrior †
I think suffering sometimes makes us see a part of ourselves that isn't there (or is there but we don't want it to be) and to better understand them. Then once we overcome suffering we can begin anew.


Active Member
We suffer because suffering is what makes us who we are. Suffering gives us many things. besides pain. For one suffering defines our character, it makes us learn how to deal with stress. Another thing suffering does is it makes us wiser. If something gives us pain, wisdom tells us don't do it again.
Suffering also lets us appreciate what we have and it lets us know that we are alive. As long as you feel pain, your alive !